The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation. George W. Carey

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The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation - George W. Carey

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ancient science of biochemistry.”

      The book referred to above is now in its twenty-third edition. Years ago, when Dr. Carey wrote this treatise, he was financially unable to publish it, and sold the copyright to the Luyties Pharmacal Company, of St. Louis. Old Dr. Luyties, the founder of the firm, as well as Dr. Boericke, had interviewed Dr. William Schuessler, the originator of biochemistry, in Oldenburg, Germany. They learned his method of preparing the cell salts or mineral constituents of the blood, and presented it in this country. Since Dr. Carey’s death in 1924, the last edition of his book was re-edited by a Dr. Arthur Perry, and it has lost its old familiar aspect. The writer of this article is now preparing a new and up-to-date edition combining with the science of astrology. This will enable anyone to work out his or her own individual chemical plan from the birth data.

      It was Dr. Carey, who, in one of those strange and rare moments which come to those who seek, ascribed to each sign of the zodiac its corresponding chemical element or salt (salt is an old term for “earth”), and wrote The Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac, the most unique work of the century and the most valuable.

      It has been regrettable that so many have copied this work, plagiarists who have never mentioned his name as the distinguished author. Recently a Chicago magazine carried an advertisement, much of which was copied, word for word, from one of his circulars, no credit given and no quotation marks used.

      Because the work was never copyrighted by Dr. Carey is no excuse for not giving the author credit for it. It is for the purpose of emphasizing this, and securing for him permanent recognition, that this fourteenth edition is combined with some new writings of my own, and copyrighted.

      And as it is the fourteenth in the series, it means a new product, the mystical fruit of a new age, the Aquarian, concerning which Dr. Carey often wrote and spoke. It is a new product, because for the first time it is definitely stated to be the Key to Physical Regeneration and Spiritual Illumination.

      The fourteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is N, spelled Nun in that language. Its literal interpretation is fish, (fruit or progeny.) In the Biblical story, Joshua was the son of Nun, and Joshua is the origin of the Latinized form, Jesus. Therefore Jesus also means fish. It is common knowledge that the fish has been the esoteric symbol for two thousand years, at least, for the Son of Man. This will be dealt with at great length under Virgo, the sixth lesson or chapter.

      This edition, then, is symbolic of all that the letter N means,—the new man, for it gives information relative to the necessary material required to produce, or create that new man. Dr. Carey also gave to the world the formula for bio-plasma, which is a combination of the twelve inorganic salts of the blood, combined in the proportion which he considered necessary to create healthy, or chemically perfect blood.

      Those who are familiar with his book, The Biochemic System of Medicine, feel that he improved greatly the application of Schuessler’s system. More and more information is being constantly obtained, so that still further contributions will be made to this invaluable science. As the Scriptures state—“All things work together for good,” and until we learn what they are and apply them, we can not hope to arrive at the perfect state.

      Some years after becoming interested in biochemistry, Dr. Carey edited a small magazine dealing with this subject, and containing also humorous articles and poems from his pen. His Chemistry of the Cosmos found many appreciative readers, as it contained unusual poems as well as articles of a scientific nature. One which was especially valued was entitled It, and dealt with the one universal esse from which all things originate and to which they eventually return.

      His explanation of slang phrases is very interesting as well as instructive, for he brings out the fact that they are based on truth and that the Cosmic Mind or planetary vibration, impinging (the same as radio waves) on the human brain at a certain time causes mental electricity to etch in a certain manner on the wax-like brain cells. Hence thoughts are produced relative to particular subjects.

      In just this way public or mass interest is aroused along definite lines. Great truths are thus expressed in a manner attractive to the great majority of minds, stepped down, we may say, into a vernacular which is “catchy,” while the idea back of it all is comprehended only by a few.

      Not only was Dr. Carey deeply interested in life’s chemical mysteries, but his searching mind longed to solve the greatest of all, that of physical regeneration and spiritual illumination, and the plan or process necessary for its attainment. Hiram Butler’s theory appealed to him and he began his researches along that line, finding at last that God, Word, seed, fish, Jesus and progeny are words synonymous in meaning, and when understood from their etymological derivation, will unlock the door of the Inner Mystery. He discovered that esse, the substance of being, the elixir of life—in other words the brain or life substance—is the protoplasmic seed material which is found to be the possession of every human being. The Herculean task or great work which everyone must perform, eventually, is the purification and perfection of this material, for it then becomes the Christ or Holy Oil.

      The astounding revelation of what this means came to Dr. Carey when he had passed his seventieth year, and he went forth bravely to give it to the world. He found, at a late day, what he had been searching for all his life, the greatest secret of all. It is not hidden from anyone, but each hides it from himself because of mental inability to grasp it.

      And thus he set his feet, at last, upon the rung of the ladder which leads back home to God or good. To find that rung and set one’s feet thereon is the day of all days for every human being. Then one must begin the climb. Literally, it means that one is endeavoring to BECOME a Christian, to make a new being of one’s self. To become a Christian does not refer to a belief that a certain man was killed by a mob in order that our sins might be forgiven. In fact that is utter nonsense, for it would make null and void the law of cause and effect, and contradict point blank the declaration that we must “Work out our own salvation.” It truly must be worked out, for it is a definite process, physiological and mental, and hence moral.

      The climb to the heights is not the work of one lifetime, but of many, for the simple reason that it is too great a task to accomplish in a few short years. “Know the truth and the truth shall set you free,” the Bible states. Yes, free from pain, sickness, sorrow and death, for truly death is “the last enemy to be overcome.” Death, aside from accident, is the result of dis-ease, inharmony in the chemical elements of the blood, hence cell starvation. Therefore we will overcome death when we know enough to live. One link of the chain of bondage (ignorance) falls off at a time, until we are free.

      Dr. Carey’s initial attempt to give out information relative to the subject of occult physiology and the process of redemption and salvation was a book entitled The Tree of Life.

      It was this publication which gave me my first insight into the real nature of the Scriptures and occult works in general. I realized that they were a compilation of scientific facts about mankind, physiological, anatomical, chemical, and metaphysical. Later on, after beginning the study of esoteric astrology, I realized that this noble science synthesized them all. I found it a veritable treasure house of facts, and dug deeply and am still digging in this mine of wealth.

      In his seventy-second year Dr. Carey offered me a partnership, which was accepted and purchased. Like his, my interest was, is, and will be entirely along these lines.

      In 1923, the work of the Los Angeles office was taken over by me and he sailed for Australia, his plan being to spend some time there. However, the long and tiresome trip and arduous work in a new field was more than he should have attempted. He mapped out too much work, too many lectures. He felt he must not lose a moment, that the great message must be given without ceasing, humanity’s need was so great and the time so short. It was short for him, as he was nearing his eightieth year, and short also for those who had not yet turned to higher things. Earth is preparing once again for great changes, as the solar system nears the constellation of Aquarius. The 2160 years required for it to pass through its atmosphere is termed the Aquarian Age or the Age of the Son of Man. Humanity must begin to look upward, for it will be forced to by this very vibration. The mind must begin to expand and the animal-man at last make a decided effort to purify himself of his animal nature

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