The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation. George W. Carey
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It logically follows that all parts of one thing are susceptible to the operation of any part.
The human body is an epitome of the cosmos.
Each sign of the zodiac is represented by the twelve functions of the body and the position of the Sun at birth.
Therefore the cell-salt corresponding to the sign of the zodiac and function of the body is consumed more rapidly than other salts; and an extra amount is needed to supply the deficiency caused by the Sun’s influence at that particular time.
Space will permit only a brief statement of the awakening of humanity to great occult truths. However, the following from India will indicate the trend of new thought: “Doctor Carey’s remarkable researches in the domain of healing art have left no stone unturned. His discovery of the zodiacal cell-salts has added a new page in the genesis of healing art,” writes Swaminatha Bomiah, M.B., Ph.D.Sc., F.I.A.C., in an article in Self-Culture Magazine, published at No. 105 Armenian St., G. T., Madras, India.
Astrologers have for many years waited for the coming discovery of a planet to rule the head or brain of man, symbolized in the “Grand Man” of the heavens by the celestial sign of the zodiac, regnant from March 21 to April 21. This sign is known as Aries—the Ram or Lamb.
Angles of planets cause effects or influences. The priesthood of the middle ages, wishing to control the ignorant masses, personified the influence of planetary aspects, positions or angles, and transposed the letters so they spelled angel. Upon this one “slippery cog” the stupendous frauds of ecclesiasticism were built.
With the false teachings of the Church ingrained into the fiber of the brain of man, is it strange that for years before the advent of a new planet, with its added angle (influence), the brain cells of earth’s inhabitants should be disturbed, as the effects of the coming storms disturb the fluids and mechanism of the weather forecaster’s laboratory?
The coming of Christ and the end of the world has been preached from every street corner for several years, and thousands, yea, millions, are pledging themselves to try to live as Christ lived or according to their concept of His life.
No great movement of the people ever occurs without a scientific cause.
The optic thalamus, meaning “light of the chamber,” is the inner or third eye, situated in the center of the head. It connects the pineal gland and the pituitary body. The optic nerve starts from this “eye single.” “If thine eye be single, thy whole body will be full of light.” The optic thalamus is the Aries planet and when fully developed through physical regeneration (see God-Man; The Word Made Flesh), it lifts the initiate from the kingdom of earth, animal desire below the solar plexus, to the pineal gland that connects the cerebellum, the temple of the Spiritual Ego, with the optic thalamus, the third eye.
By this regenerative process millions of dormant cells of the brain are resurrected and set in operation, and then man no longer “sees through a glass darkly,” but with the eye of spiritual understanding.
I venture to predict that the planet corresponding to the optic thalamus will soon be located in the heavens.
“The new order cometh.”
In ancient lore Aries was known as the “Lamb of God,” or Gad, which represents the head or brain. The brain controls and directs the body and mind of man. The brain itself, however, is a receiver operated upon by celestial influences or angles (angels) and must operate according to the directing force or intelligence of its source of power.
Man has been deficient in understanding because his brain receiver did not vibrate to certain subtle influences. The dynamic cells in the gray matter of the nerves were not finely attuned and did not respond—hence sin, or falling short of understanding.
From the teachings of the chemistry of life we find that the basis of the brain or nerve fluid is a certain mineral salt known as potassium phosphate, or Kali phos.
A deficiency in this brain constituent means “sin,” or a falling short of judgment or proper comprehension. With the advent of the Aries Lord, God, or planet, cell-salts are rapidly coming to the fore as the basis of all healing. Kali phosphate is the greatest healing agent known to man, because it is the chemical base of material expression and understanding.
The cell-salts of the human organism are now being prepared for use, while poisonous drugs are being discarded everywhere. Kali phosphate is the especial birth salt for those born between March 21 and April 21.
These people are brain workers, earnest, executive and determined—thus do they rapidly use up the brain vitalizers.
Aries gems are amethyst and diamond.
The astral colors are white and rose pink.
In Bible alchemy Aries represents Gad, the seventh son of Jacob, and means “armed and prepared”—thus it is said when in trouble or danger, “keep your head.”
In the symbolism of the New Testament, Aries corresponds to the disciple Thomas. Aries people are natural doubters until they figure a thing out for themselves.
The ancients were not “primitive men.” There never was a first man, nor a primitive man. Man is an eternal verity—the truth. Truth never had a beginning.
The Winged Bull of Nineveh is a symbol of the great truth that substance is materialized air, and that all so-called solid substances may be resolved into air.
Taurus is an earth sign, but earth (soul) is precipitated aerial elements. This chemical fact was known to the scientists of the Taurian age (over 4000 years ago); therefore they carved the emblem of their zodiacal sign with wings.
Those born between the dates April 21 and May 21 can descend very deep into materiality or soar “High as that Heaven where Taurus wheels,” as written by Edwin Markham, who is a Taurus native.
What can be finer than the following from this noted Taurian, he who has sprouted the wings of spiritual concept:
“It is a vision waiting and aware,
And you must bring it down, oh, men of worth,
Bring down the New Republic hung in air
And make for it foundations on the Earth.”
Air is the “raw material” for blood, and when it is drawn in, or breathed in, rather, by the “Infinite Alchemist,” to the blood vessels, it unites with the philosopher’s stone, mineral salts, and in the human laboratory creates blood.
So, then, blood is the elixir of life, the “Ichor of the Gods.”
The sulphate of sodium, known to druggists as Nat. sulph., chemically corresponds to the physical and mental characteristics of those born in the Taurus month.
Taurus is represented by the cerebellum, or lower brain, and neck.
A deficiency in Natrium sulphate in the blood is always manifested by pains in the back of the head, sometimes extending down the spine, and then affecting the liver.
The first cell-salt to become deficient in symptoms of disease in the Taurus native is Natrium sulphate.
The chief office of Natrium sulphate is to eliminate an excess of water from the body.
In hot weather the atmosphere becomes heavily laden with water and is thus breathed into the blood through the lungs.
One molecule