Having Your Baby Through Egg Donation. Evelina Weidman Sterling

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Having Your Baby Through Egg Donation - Evelina Weidman Sterling

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      Your Baby


      Egg Donation

      of related interest

      Experiences of Donor Conception

      Parents, Offspring and Donors through the Years

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      Foreword by Eric Blyth

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      Living with Infertility and Treatment

      Caroline Gallup

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      eISBN 978 1 84642 634 6

      Adopting after Infertility

      Messages from Practice, Research and Personal Experience

      Edited by Marilyn Crawshaw and Rachel Balen

      ISBN 978 1 84905 028 9

      eISBN 978 0 85700 390 4

      Third Party Assisted Conception Across Cultures

      Social, Legal and Ethical Perspectives

      Edited by Eric Blyth and Ruth Landau

      ISBN 978 1 84310 084 3

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      Faith and Fertility

      Attitudes Towards Reproductive Practices in Different Religions from Ancient to Modern Times

      Edited by Eric Blyth and Ruth Landau

      Foreword by Richard Harries

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      eISBN 978 1 84642 959 0


      Your Baby


      Egg Donation

      Second Edition

      Ellen Sarasohn Glazer

      and Evelina Weidman Sterling

      Jessica Kingsley Publishers

      London and Philadelphia

      First published in 2005 by Perspectives Press, Indianapolis, USA

      This second edition published in 2013

      by Jessica Kingsley Publishers

      116 Pentonville Road

      London N1 9JB, UK


      400 Market Street, Suite 400

      Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA


      Copyright © Ellen Sarasohn Glazer and Evelina Weidman Sterling 2005, 2013

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright owners except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Applications for the copyright owners’ written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publisher.

      Warning: The doing of an unauthorized act in relation to a copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution.

      Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

      Glazer, Ellen Sarasohn.

      Having your baby through egg donation / Ellen Sarasohn Glazer and Evelina Weidman Sterling. -- Second edition.

      pages cm

      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      ISBN 978-1-84905-901-5 (alk. paper)

      1. Human reproductive technology--Popular works. 2. Ovum--Transplantation. 3. Infertility--Psychological aspects. I. Sterling, Evelina Weidman, 1970- II. Title.

      RG133.5.G56 2013



      British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

      A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

      ISBN 978 1 84905 901 5

      eISBN 978 0 85700 652 3

      Printed and bound in Great Britain

      This book is dedicated to the loving memory of

      Dr. Susan Cooper, who taught me all I need to know

      about life, love, motherhood, and new ways of building families. Her life was a blessing.


      I dedicate this book to my children, Benjamin and Elena.




       1Some Introductions

       2An Overview of Egg Donation

       3Deciding Whether to Pursue Egg Donation

       4Choosing Your Donor

       5Mental Health Counseling and Legal Issues

       6Attempting Pregnancy: A Collaborative Effort

       7Pregnancy with Donated Eggs

       8Parenthood after Egg Donation

       9Ethics and Faith

       10The Globalization of Egg Donation

       11Egg Donation, Ever Changing



      We acknowledge the contributions of the many mothers and fathers through egg donation who have shared their personal stories with us and the professionals who have shared their experience and wisdom and are quoted informally throughout this book. The following people gave generously of their time and expertise: Judy Calica, MSW; Ruth Claiborne, JD; Susan L. Crockin, JD; Joann Paley Galst, PhD; Elaine Gordon, PhD; Carol Fulwiler Jones, MA; Wendy Kramer; Sharon LaMothe; Carol Lesser, NP; Joe B. Massey, MD; Patricia Mendell, LCSW; Olivia Montuschi; Kris Probasco, MSW; Christine Reynolds; Judy Shankman, RN; Ruth Shidlo, PhD; Sanford Benardo, Esq and Jean Kollantai of CLIMB; Carole Lieber Wilkins, MFT; Robin Newman; Ellie Goldman, LICSW; Susan Levin, LICSW; Adele Kauffman, PhD; and Carole Lieber Wilkins, MA. A special thanks goes to Diane Allen of the Infertility Network in Canada, whose tireless work has kept us up to date on matters relating to egg donation worldwide.

      I (Ellen) give a special thanks to my husband, Dan Manning, without whose patience, support and computer literacy this book would not exist. I am also grateful to my grandson, Ryan Levesque, who has taught me that the gift of parenthood is a gift that keeps on giving. And, as the dedication of

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