Diagonal encyclopedia. Bible of the Time. Rem Wоrd

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Diagonal encyclopedia. Bible of the Time - Rem Wоrd

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      «Yorktown» is laid to rest at a depth of 5 kilometers. The figure is based on the data of the 1998 deep-sea expedition.


      Naval battles – lessons of history

      Dear friends! We all know, of course, that history lessons cannot be skipped. But there are those who believe that they already know everything perfectly in their head. Without using proven, and generally speaking, at least any sources. We must be able to educate them in a reasoned manner. To win the next war (unfortunately, peace is impossible without them), we must remember everything about our past victories and defeats. We analyze in detail one of the first naval battles of the Russian-Japanese war of 1905. Again – the cruiser «Varyag», the hero of the song of the same name, which later became the march of Russian, Soviet, and again Russian, Naval Forces. The photo above is an armored cruiser Varyag. Displacement 6600 tons, length 129 meters, width 16. Deck armor 38—76 mm. Speed 24, 5 knots (35 km. H) Cruising range 10,000 km. Crew: 550 sailors and non-commissioned officers, 20 officers. Main armament: twelve 152 mm., Twelve 75 mm. guns, six mine-torpedo tubes. Colorized, initially black-and-white photograph – «Varyag» in Chemulpo Bay, 1904. The color of the pipes is believable, and according to the «traditions of the Russian fleet» misunderstood by the admirals of the Russian Empire (RI), it does not at all contribute to the stealth of warships

      By and large, on the eve of the war, Korea is a protectorate of Russia. Several years ago, the Russian Empire demanded that Japan return to China the lands of the Celestial Empire that it had conquered during the war of 1895. The samurai obeyed, but harbored a grudge. While the army and navy of the Land of the Rising Sun were modernized, and their personnel exhausted themselves on exercises, the tsarist officers considered the maneuvers unworthy of their greatness «a game of war». So, in the Chemulpo bay there are two RI warships. … It is known about Japan’s ultimatum to the Russian government. The main point is to leave Korea (after all, Koryo, the ancestral home of the samurai) alone. A state of uncertainty. Communication only via Japanese-controlled telegraph. At four days, on February 8, 1904, the gunboat «Koreets» leaves the bay to send a report to Port Arthur. Japanese destroyers (to say the least) attack the ship with two torpedoes, but miss. The «Koreets» fired several shots out of 37 mm. guns and returns to the port. It seems that this is already a war. In the evening of the same February 8, Japanese warships and transport ships disembark at the edges of the bay. «Korean» and «Varyag» do not try to prevent that. There are three reasons. First., despite all these unambiguous torpedoes, declarations of war and orders from the high command of the Republic of Ingushetia to conduct hostilities. Second, it can be taken into account that, in principle, according to some international law, the Japanese still have the right to land certain people ashore. Third, aimed at" Varyag «guns and torpedo tubes of Japanese cruisers. The commander of the cruiser, Captain Rudnev is playing for time, conferring with the officers of the British warship standing here on the roadstead, composing a note of protest. using the dark time of the day to rivet the chains, quickly un-anchor and dissolve into the night. Speed «Varyag» – 24.5 knots (or 45 kilometers per hour), exceeds the same characteristics of the best of the «Japanese» by 2—3 knots. The night passes and the unkind morning of February 9 comes. Now, finally, Captain Rudnev is waiting for the official declaration of war, and at the same time for an ultimatum from the Japanese admiral Uriu. The proposal is as follows. Leave the bay at 12 noon. Otherwise, the Japanese squadron will attack the Russian ships right at Chemulpo. Photo – «Varyag» and «Korean» go into battle. Morning February 9, 1904

      Japanese cruiser Asama, the main opponent of the Varyag. Displacement 9700 tons, armor belt 88—178 mm., Speed 21.5 knots, armament four 203 mm., Fourteen 152 mm. guns, five torpedo tubes. Crew 726 people

      The Japanese have six cruisers (two – armored, four armored) and three destroyers. Do they really want to attack the Russian ships in the bay? In addition to many transport ships from different countries, the port of Chemulpo is home to British, French, Italian cruisers, as well as one American gunboat. Come here, the Japanese, start scattering shells, before the whole world they will look like bloodthirsty aggressors. What will the «Mistress of the Seas» and her powerful overseas ally say to that?… Rear Admiral Sotokichi Uriu simply cannot believe his eyes when the Varyag and Korean at 11 in the afternoon, obediently, like a drake and a duck, leave the bay. Not long before that, Rudnev did not even deign to invite the captain of the Koreyets to the officers’ meeting. The gunboat commander, desperately trying to understand the elder’s intentions, joins in behind the cruiser. The speed of his ship is barely 12 knots. It is hardly possible to act effectively in such a pair. Photo – «Varyag» and «Korean» immediately after leaving the battle

      …You can imagine how it should have been… Here are the captains of the «Varyag» and «Koreyets» surrounded by naval officers. «Vsevolod Fedorovich (Rudnev), we will meet the enemy here, at the base of the fairway. They will go into the bay one at a time, and will be subjected to the crossfire of our guns and torpedoes "-" Yes, Grigory Pavlovich (Belyaev), we will do so. Well, if the battle is not in our favor, I will give such and such a conditional signal. Have you recorded? By then it will definitely be evening or night. In any case, if you see that I give full speed ahead, go on a free course for a breakthrough, preferably away from me. This is how we disperse their powers. In case of destruction of the propulsion system, I officially authorize surrender… Of course, with the preliminary flooding of your ship. "Option. Both ships pull rubber until nightfall. The Japanese themselves need this… Then they go to the breakthrough in various directions, at first as quietly as possible, upon detection – scattering torpedo-shells around. Then there are many additional questions, scenarios of the future battle are being played… None of this happenedPhoto – «Varyag» and «Korean» withdraw from the battle

      How was it really? «Varyag» goes along the fairway, and stumbles upon concentrated fire from two Japanese cruisers. The nasal rangefinder is destroyed almost immediately. However, even with this device, in ideal conditions for shooting, the gunmen of the «Varyag» in training firing a year earlier did not achieve a single hit by shells of the main caliber in the target shield. In total, out of 145 shells, only 3 hit the target. The officers of the Russian fleet care very little about this. At the same time, the artillerymen of the Japanese Imperial Navy, according to some sources, shoot off two barrels until they are completely worn out and, in any case, are considered heroes of their country. In addition, «Varyag» fires with armor-piercing shells, and the Japanese – high-explosive fragmentation. The explosive content in the former is minimal. And the most offensive thing is that when firing from long distances, falling into water or a weakly armored hull, they simply do not burst. Zeroing in such conditions is impossible. Smoke from Japanese shells, even exploding in the water at a considerable distance from Russian ships, obscures observation devices and sights. Shrapnel, a blast wave destroy various mechanisms, disable or demoralize the crew. … The Varyag’s propulsion system is in order. A breakthrough is still possible. But nevertheless, much to the surprise of the Japanese, the ship lays on the opposite course. It is followed by «Korean». … Photo – «Varyag» is out of action after being hit by eight or ten 152 mm. shells. The fire in the aft compartment will soon be extinguished


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