Diagonal encyclopedia. Bible of the Time. Rem Wоrd

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Diagonal encyclopedia. Bible of the Time - Rem Wоrd

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air in a fierce battle

      Japanese pilot directs his damaged bomber towards an American ship

      The recruit who survived in a flurry of fire unfolds the anti-aircraft gun left without calculation and directs it to the plane

      As a result of hits, the bomber’s engine comes off, the plane is taken away from the ship. … All videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXchnjkOnWMEveryone survives. Both the pilot and the sailor are saved. They meet with their families. To the accompaniment of wonderful poems by Konstantin Simonov «Wait for me»

      Do this, contemporary Russian directors, since it is difficult for you to emotionally comprehend the past. Take the book by Artem Drabkin of the series «I fought in the T-34», «I fought in the Il-2», «Fighters», and others, according to the memoirs of war veterans. Play these stories one to one on the screen. No directorial gag. And, enough already to cut the state budget…

      Everything is as it is. One to one. If you do not understand something, consult with the people

      He was here… The largest corrupt official in the Soviet Union

      Friends, in order not to lose interest in the reader, I take a step aside. Life itself is an eternal search for newness. And so that our own time does not turn into an endless Groundhog Day, we should carefully study History. This is the Bible of the Time. The patterns of the idealized bright past that have developed in society are unacceptable. … Maybe the title of the chapter is not entirely correct. But how else then? Oligarch… No? A corrupt person is someone who is hiding from the people and control authorities. Help determine the status of someone who takes whatever he wants in a malnourished country and gets praised for it. We give an overview of Stalin’s dacha-palaces, built during the reign of Joseph Dzhugashvili, or passed into his sole possession from the kings and counts. Please, before uttering the phrase «he could not bequeath it», think a little. Photo – 1. The nearest dacha in Kuntsevo. Built in 1934 (not so well fed for the people of the USSR), overhauled, expanded in 1938. Own power station, apiary, park of two dozen hectares, vineyard, greenhouse and so on.

      2. One of the favorite places for recreation of Dzhugashvili and his family is the dacha of the former industrialist Zubalov. Timeline is a three-meter stone fence. The house was destroyed when the Nazi troops approached. Just like many other buildings suitable for living throughout the USSR in the shadow of the occupation, starting from peasant huts.

      3. «Dalnyaya Dacha» – otherwise «Semenovskoe». The former estate of Catherine II’s favorite, Count Orlov-Davydov. Urban district of the city of Stupino (Far Moscow region). In 1937, the museum of manor life had to move somewhere, and in its place, after a thorough reconstruction, another dacha of I. Dzhugashvili appeared.

      4. Lipki Manor. Surrounded in four rows of barbed wire, the complex of buildings was erected on the site of a former manor house. Urban district of Mytishchi (closer to Dolgoprudny MO). The complex is now abandoned. Contemporary photography.

      5. Stalin’s favorite, albeit relatively modest, dacha in Abkhazia was commissioned in 1947. The valley of the Lashepse river… That is, the construction was carried out when millions of citizens of the post-war USSR were huddled in barracks and starved to death. There is a floating veranda connected to the shore by a bridge, a boiler room with 6 electric boilers, a 650 cc refrigerator. m., asphalt roads, area lighting, and the like. On the territory of 9, 3 hectares, a forest has been cut down, valuable species of trees have been planted, 4,600 pcs., 1200 and 40,000 bushes of various names.

      6. Abkhazia attracts Stalin a lot. And therefore, in 1948 in the city of New Athos, another palace appeared for the rest of the leader of all times. A staff of 800 servants, seawater to the bathroom through a special water supply system, precious woods, three bedrooms, and so on. In general, in addition, in Abkhazia for Dzhugashvili, according to various sources, three more summer cottages have been built… but this is already tiresome.

      7. Massandra Palace, Crimea, Yalta. This was once a place of rest for the All-Russian Emperor Alexander III. In 1945, the premises, which since the time of the Revolution were intended for the health improvement of peasant miners, were redesigned as a government dacha. In fact, Stalin alone is the sovereign master here. Regardless of whether he is on vacation or not, the servant prepares food according to a set schedule. The same procedure is established at many other similar government facilities. Three more luxurious complexes of buildings, the former possessions of aristocrats, and then for some time – rest homes of proletarians in Crimea, have been reserved for nomenklatura dachas. These are the (royal) Livadia, Vorontsov and Yusupov palaces.

      …Of course, not only ex-aristocrats, but also the proletariat, together with the peasantry, present gifts to the leader of the peoples. How do you like this hut? Yalta city district. Malaya Sosnovka. Not far from Massandra and the village of Sovetskoye.

      9. Sochi. New Matsesta. The complex of buildings was erected for Stalin in 1933 … The leader did not forget about the nomenclature either. For which, in this area alone, 18 facilities were built somewhat more modestly, for a total of 25 million rubles. The salary of a skilled worker at this time is 400 rubles. month (the collective farmer is about 150 rubles, based on the cost of products issued for workdays).«In the summer, my parents, according to some established tradition, went to rest in Sochi. In 1930 or 1931, they took me for the first time. Then they stayed in a small dacha not far from Matsesta, where my father took baths for rheumatism – only after my mother’s death they began to build several more summer cottages especially for my father. My mother did not have time to taste the later luxury from unlimited state funds – all this came after her death, when the house became state-owned, paramilitary, and operatives from the MGB began to run the household.Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin’s daughter, «Twenty Letters to a Friend»

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