Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community. Sergey Solovyov

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Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community - Sergey Solovyov

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were such sayings associated with the blue blood of aristocrats, apparently based on memories of IKHORA. So the Deities are most similar in the Representation of Indo-Europeans, and indeed the Chinese and Japanese, as Shining (emitting light) and with a WHITE skin color (almost like vampires in a movie).

      And among the Ugric, Volga tribes, the gods are called WHITE. The Mari worshiped many gods known as Yumo, while recognizing the supremacy of the Big White God (Osh Kugu-Yumo).

      BUT – without red eyes, and the lips should be blue, like the nails. This is well described in the book of Solovyov The Dead Princess and the Seven Dreamers)

      Opponents will say, where is the evidence!!! Actually, here is the image of Apollo wrestling with Hercules. The Greeks were dark-skinned, and by no means Negroes, but APOLLO WAS WHITE. Yes, he is depicted on the Vase. Do other peoples have memory? Remained, and even what! everyone’s favorite fairy tales “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, as well as “The Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs” and “Snow Maiden”. There is a legend about this custom in the tale of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and the Snow Maiden. Snow White and the Princess in the fairy tale do not die, but only fall asleep, and even after three days are not subject to decay. That is, there is a memory of the appearance of goddesses who did not die, and had an unnaturally WHITE complexion. And one more thing – these girls were UNNaturally loved by animals, they were not afraid.

      In fairy tales, girls are mentioned with unnaturally white faces, similar in color to ice, that is, really WHITE. Most likely, the matter is in IСHOR, the divine transparent blood (or, hence the legend about BLUE blood of the chosen ones), and then, of course, the skin color due to the capillaries will be whiter than snow (or slightly bluish).

      In English, cold also means cool, and cool means cool, shameless. But – direct translation – cold, cold.

      In Russian legends about Indrik:

      “And the beast Indrik appeared. And the beast Indrik became a father to all beasts, a beast to all beasts. The beast Indrik itself is blue, and his eyes are golden. And maybe even the beast Indrik turns into a mighty blue warrior. His eyes are golden, he glows with a blue radiance of inner light, he holds a stone club in his hands, and he is dressed in stone armor. And so it is huge, higher than the mountains it is underground. The beast Indrik is a giant warrior underground in the underworld in a stone chariot.

      Well, of course, people tried to be like gods, and therefore the custom of whitening of faces appeared.

      “Women in Muscovy have a graceful appearance and a specious beauty of the face, but their natural beauty is spoiled by useless rubbing. They smear their faces so that almost at the distance of a shot you can see the paints stuck on their faces,”

      The Church extremely disapproved of this practice, but could not do anything, and Archpriest Avvakum in vain complained:

      “Other women will disgrace their face, and put on packs of colors – otherwise scarlet, other white, other blue, which is like a vile beast licks”

      That is, the church was against this custom, and it is archaic to the extreme. This custom was reflected in the Tashtyks of Siberia, who used plaster or chalk to make up the dead, making them similar to Gods.

      The idea of people in Eurasia that the gods can be ONLY WHITE is reflected in the canonical art of Christianity.

      Yamal mummies

      During the excavation of the Zeleny Yar archaeological site in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, scientists discovered several mummified remains of ancient people. One of the mummies belonged to a beautiful young woman.

      Specialists from the Institute for the Problems of Northern Development, together with colleagues from the National University of Seoul, began to study the mummies found during excavations of the archaeological complex “Zeleny Yar”, located 40 kilometers east of Salekhard. It consists of three monuments: a bronze casting workshop of the 6th-7th centuries. AD, burial ground VIII – IX centuries. and a burial ground of the XIII century. The first excavations were carried out here in 1976; since then, scientists have uncovered 70 burials, including collective ones. Fragments of ceramics, remnants of fur clothing and shoes, as well as copper objects: a bracelet, a cauldron and plates from a cauldron were found in them. The burials date back to the VIII – IX and XIII centuries; either men or children were laid to rest in them, but not a single adult woman has yet been found. The first female burial was opened only in the 2017 field season. The woman lived in the 12th century. A copper mask covered her face, which ensured his safety. Scientists managed to restore the appearance of the deceased – during her lifetime she was quite beautiful, had thick hair, long eyelashes and strong teeth. Fragments of the body, wrapped in birch bark and fur, are worse preserved. To date, scientists have only managed to establish that her height was 155 centimeters, and she died at the age of about 35 years.

      The archaeological complex near the village of Zeleny Yar was discovered in 1997 during the work of the Russian-American expedition under the “Living Yamal” project. Excavations began there in 1999. It soon became clear that the complex consists of three parts: a bronze casting workshop of the 6th-7th centuries AD, a burial ground of the 8th-9th centuries and a burial ground of the 13th century. In 1999—2002, scientists uncovered 35 burials, 14 of which belonged to an early burial ground, and the rest – to a burial ground of the 13th century. The mummified remains of people were first discovered there: one adult man and four children aged one to two and six to seven years.

      The medieval necropolis near the village of Zeleny Yar was discovered in 1997. Consists of three monuments: a bronze casting workshop of the VI – VII centuries. AD, a burial ground of the 8th – 9th centuries. and a burial ground of the XIII century. In 1999—2002, 35 burials were uncovered. For the first time, the mummified remains of one adult man and four children aged 1—2 and 6—7 years were discovered.

      In July 2015, scientists found a birch bark cocoon, 1.3 meters long and about 30 cm wide, in which they found the mummy of a boy, presumably who died at the age of six to seven years. In a late burial ground, the remains of people buried in wooden sarcophagi, boats or wrapped in birch bark were found. All buried persons are dressed in fur clothes. In the space between the graves, they found bronze (copper) cauldrons with deliberately punctured bottoms, silver dishes and jewelry made of silver and bronze.

      The mountains of the modern Urals in ancient times were called by the name of Yama-Ima – the mountains of Imaum. So they are signed on most ancient geographical maps. In the Middle Urals, one of the highest mountains bears the name of Yama (in India, the creator of the World) – Mount Yaman-tau. In the Northern Urals and in Yamal, near the Oka Bay, there were sacred Russian places – the abode of Maya Zlatogorka. In ancient times, on Yamal, there was a monument depicting Maya Zlatogorka (lit. Zlata Baba) and her two children – Kupala and Kostroma. This monument is depicted on many maps. There are similar images of Aphrodite with two children. In pre-Christian times, that is, until the 15th century, the Axis of Peace passed through Yamal. She was portrayed by the famous traveler Willem Barentsz on his map of the North Pole in 1598.

      Migration of Indo-Europeans to the West, East and South

      Yamnaya culture

      The beginning of the formation of the culture of the Indo-Europeans is associated with the Yamnaya culture. In European historiography, it is the Yamniks who are considered the ancestors of all Europeans. In the passports of the Anglo-Saxons, the term “Caucasus” is written, meaning a Caucasian.

      The Yamnaya culture (more precisely, the Ancient Pit culture and historical community) is an archaeological culture of the late Copper Age – Early Bronze Age (3600—2300 BC). It occupied the territory from the Southern Urals in the east to the Dniester in the west, from the

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