Spring at Lavender Bay. Sarah Bennett

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Spring at Lavender Bay - Sarah Bennett

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Sam hadn’t been satisfied with pulling pints and making hotpots, though. Rushing home from school, he’d eschewed cartoons for the multitude of celebrity chefs gracing the airwaves with their grand creations. Pops had uttered a few choice words, but his folks had been nothing but supportive and encouraged him to dream as big as he dared. They’d all assumed there’d be years ahead of them before any decisions would have to be made about the future of the pub.

      He’d planned everything meticulously, working hard to get the grades he needed for his catering course of choice. Winning the placement at the Cordon Bleu in Paris had beyond his wildest dreams, and having gained his Grand Diplôme, he’d landed a gig at a top-flight London restaurant. Several years of insane hours in that high-pressure atmosphere had been enough to alter his initial plans and he’d put the feelers out until he’d found the perfect fit. Tim Bray had transformed an average hotel restaurant in a small market town on the East Coast into one of the most sought-after bookings in the country. Sam had spent the last three years working for Tim, soaking up everything he’d taught him like a sponge whilst harbouring dreams of a place of his own one day.

      Then his dad had taken ill. A nasty chest infection over the summer had deteriorated into bronchitis and eventually to a diagnosis of chronic pulmonary disease. The doctor had pointed the finger firmly at Paul’s upbringing in a busy, smoke-filled pub. With his condition worsening, Sam’s mum had been running herself into the ground trying to care for him and keep the pub going, leaving Sam little choice.

      Deciding to put the best face on things, he’d convinced himself that running a seaside pub would at least give him the management experience he needed if he was ever going to have a place of his own. The bay had gradually worked its magic on him, and his plans had once again taken a turn from their original path.

      For now, he was stuck in limbo as his dad refused to accept the limitations of his disease and talked constantly of getting back in charge. Sam couldn’t see it happening, but his mum had begged him to patient, to give Paul time to adjust to the new reality of things. She knew Sam couldn’t stay forever, had promised they’d find a long-term solution for the pub soon. He had worked too hard on his training to be willing to settle for making pub grub for the rest of his days. Just a few more months, six at most, and then he could get his life back on track.

      A burst of laughter came from Pops’ table and Sam glanced over to spot Libby leaning against his grandad’s shoulder, laughing at some no doubt unsuitable comment from him. With her peacock hair and a heart the size of a lion’s, it was easy for people to gloss over what Libby had endured in her short life. Unlike the rest of them, she’d never had a chance to explore life beyond the bay and he found himself wondering what regrets she might harbour beneath her bold façade.

      Catching him staring at her, Libby jammed her hands on her hips. ‘What?’

      With a grin at the challenge in her tone, he crossed the bar to ruffle his hand through the bright strands of her hair, a gesture she claimed to hate, but always let him get away with. The spiky mop stood up in all directions after his ministrations. ‘You look like a bloody parrot.’

      ‘Cheeky sod.’ She poked her tongue out. ‘Did you come over here for something other than to bother me?’

      ‘Have you seen Beth?’

      Libby shook her head. ‘She went to make a call.’ Standing on tiptoe, she glanced over his shoulder as though expecting to see her. ‘Isn’t she back yet? Let me go and find her.’

      Placing a hand on her arm to restrain her, Sam shook his head. ‘I’ll do it. Can you do me a favour and see if you can get Pops moving? I’ll be back in a minute to walk him back.’

      A familiar speculation glittered in her eyes. ‘I’ll look after Pops. You see to Beth.’

      ‘Libby …’ It was his turn to offer a warning. Really, she just needed to give it a rest.

      With an unrepentant grin, she turned towards the table and gave Pops a nudge. ‘Come on, it’s your lucky night, I’m walking you home.’

      Grumbling, Pops got to his feet. ‘I don’t need a bloody babysitter, girl.’

      ‘Oh, hush. We can raid the ice cream fridge at Dad’s on the way back.’ Libby reached behind Pops to help him with his coat.

      Trust Libby to have an ace up her sleeve. Pop’s eyes lit with anticipation. ‘Any Magnums?’

      She hooked her arm through his and Sam stepped forward to open the door for them. ‘Almond, or Double Caramel?’ Sending Sam a wink, Libby waited for Pops to negotiate the large step down onto the promenade.

      Leaning out, Sam watched them totter up the street, their conversation drifting back to him on a cold breeze.

      ‘You know the way to a man’s heart, girl. How come some young fella hasn’t snapped you up?’

      ‘No one wants me, Pops. I’m too much trouble.’

      ‘Bah, if I was fifty years younger, I’d snap you up. Lads today, don’t know they’re born.’ With a shake of his head, Sam ducked back inside; Pops could charm the birds from the trees.

      His mission to find Beth proved unnecessary. In the few moments he’d been outside, she’d reappeared in the bar and been collared by Walter Symonds, a local solicitor. He wasn’t a frequent customer at The Siren, but Sam knew his parents used him for business matters, and for the power of attorney agreement they’d set up when Pops moved into Baycrest, the retirement home at the top of the promenade. There’d been an almighty row about it, mostly caused by his grandad’s pride, but having encountered the realities of another resident with dementia, he’d soon changed his mind.

      Whatever Walter had to say to Beth had left her nonplussed, going by the pensive expression she cast at his retreating back. Sam stepped to one side as the solicitor approached the door. ‘Please pass my compliments to your mother, Samuel. Annie’s done the community proud today.’

      ‘I will, thank you. Have a good evening.’ Sam crossed quickly to Beth’s side. ‘What did he want? He hasn’t upset you, has he?’

      Beth raised a hand to rub one side of her face. ‘Mr Symonds? He’s asked me to call and see him tomorrow. I told him I don’t have the final costs together for the arrangements, but he said it’s not about that.’ She shrugged. ‘He was a bit cryptic, to be honest. At least he’s agreed to open the office early, I need to head back to London first thing. I’ve promised I’ll be in the office by lunchtime.’

      So soon? She looked dead on her feet. She hadn’t stopped since arriving back in the bay. Surely a day or two more wouldn’t do any harm? ‘You’re on annual leave, for God’s sake! What’s so bloody important that you have to drop everything and rush back?’ His concern added a harder edge to his voice than he’d intended, and he regretted the outburst the second he saw her stricken expression. ‘I’m sorry, the last thing you need is me adding to the stress of your day.’ He touched the back of her hand. ‘I’ll leave you in peace, give us a shout if there’s anything you need.’

      Her fingers closed around his for a second before her hand fell away. ‘I’m … I’m so tired.’ The words were barely a whisper, more an aside to herself than anything directed at him. She inched up the next couple of steps. ‘I’ve got a busy day tomorrow, so I’m going to turn in. Thanks for your help today.’ Turning on her heel, she hurried up the rest of the flight.

      Someone needed to take care of her. With Eleanor gone, they’d all have to pitch in to make sure Beth understood she didn’t have to cope with everything by herself.

       Chapter 3

      ‘I’m sorry, can you say that again?’ The walls of Mr Symonds’ office seemed to close in around her, and Beth tightened her grip on the bag in her lap.

      The solicitor peered at her over the rims of his glasses. ‘Miss

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