Men of Power. Кэрол Мортимер

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Men of Power - Кэрол Мортимер

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      “That’s what I came to say! But pleading my case to you is a lost cause isn’t it? Mother was afraid Pietra’s uncle would come for him and try to take him away from us. I thought she was being hysterical, but it turns out she was right! You’re as awful as the rest of the Di Rocche clan.”

      His body stiffened, but she was too far gone to care.

      “You’re all in this together. The Italian big-boy network using all your money and position to close ranks on Shawn’s son and turn him into a Di Rocche.”

      “Have you finished?” came the voice of ice.

      Her hands formed fists. “No, I haven’t even started. All this time you were in Central America you never had any use for Pietra, and you don’t care a fig about Nicky. No doubt you’ll have him dropped off at your uncle’s where some built-in maid will change his diapers and give him bottles.

      “In the walls of that prison he’ll be taught to conform like the rest of the Di Rocche men, leaving you free to feed your addiction in Guatemala.

      “You know what? You’re the worst of them because Pietra trusted you—” Her voice rang out, but she didn’t care.

      “Your sister thought the world of you, even after you deserted her and left for Central America. She told me you only came to see her once before the baby was born. That’s how much interest you had in their lives. And now you show up to do your uncle’s dirty work. I think it’s abominable.”

      “Are you quite through?” His eyes glittered dangerously.

      “What’s the matter? Can’t you take the truth?” she said, baiting him. “If I’ve shocked you, I meant to, and I’ll never apologize for the way I feel about Nicky.”

      She started for the door, then paused. “In case you’re wondering, my parents have no idea I drove over here to see you. I don’t intend for them to know I came. They’re so devastated right now, if they knew how hard-hearted you really are it would destroy them.”

      Massimo let Shawn’s grief-stricken sister charge out the door without trying to stop her. She’d obviously been in Pietra’s confidence and knew enough to push one too many of Massimo’s buttons.

      This was a development he would never have envisioned. She was much more fragile than anyone knew. Not only wasn’t she planning a wedding to her boyfriend, she was the one devastated by the terms of the will.

      He needed to weigh everything carefully before he acted. A certain conversation with Pietra ran through his mind in vivid detail.

       We’ve talked it over, brother dear. If, God forbid, anything should happen to us before Niccolo reaches eighteen, we would like you to be in charge of him. Will you agree?

       Margaret’s a good person. She means well, but Shawn’s worried she’d be too possessive of him.

       To ask Shawn’s father would destroy his mother, never mind that he and his wife have their hands full with her autistic grandson.

       That leaves Julie, the perfect choice, but she’s on the brink of getting engaged. One day soon she’ll be married and have children of her own. Shawn doesn’t want her burdened. More importantly, he fears that Margaret would interfere with Julie’s household and cause trouble. It could ruin her marriage.

       I’m afraid you’re the only one we can turn to in full confidence. You’re the only person who could control Nicky’s grandmother and still be fair to Shawn’s family.

       Since you’re the only person Uncle Aldo can’t control, we have no fear of his influence over our son.

       In the meantime, it’s a comfort to know you’ll embrace our sweet Niccolo. With you guiding him, he’ll lead a wonderful life. I realize it’s asking a lot, but if anyone understands what it’s like to live with someone besides your parents, you and I do.

       Just remember this is only a precautionary measure. Nicky hasn’t been born yet, and nothing’s going to happen to Shawn and me. We’ve found love. We ‘re going to live a long, happy life and have a big family.

       But just in case …

      On a groan, he reached for his cell phone. He’d promised to call his uncle. There was no question Pietra’s death had affected the older man. He had to be suffering some remorse that there’d been no reconciliation. But such an event wouldn’t have happened unless his uncle had made the first move.

      Pietra had been too hurt by the dynamics inside their uncle’s household. Now it was too late.

      The doctor had advised him not to come to the funeral. It would put too much stress on his heart if he was hoping to recover. Massimo inhaled deeply.

      How did anyone recover from this nightmare? He hadn’t even seen the baby yet.

      But Julie had,

       No woman will ever love him the way I do.

       He needs constant love and security.

       He’s missing his parents terribly.

       Introducing him to another stranger this soon will only frustrate him further.

      Despite her impassioned accusations, which had come home to roost, the torment in those smoky-blue eyes had reached down into Massimo’s soul where anger over so many things lived.


      “Figlio mio.” Aldo’s voice trembled. “Have you seen her?”

      He closed his eyes tightly, but nothing would shut out the image. “Yes. I’ve just come from the mortuary.”

      His uncle cleared his throat several times. “I’d hoped to be there and see her boy.”

      Massimo remained unconvinced on that score. “You’ll get your chance.”

      “Dr. Zampoli says it won’t be for a while.”

      “The good doctor doesn’t know everything.”

      “What do you mean?”

      A shudder wracked his body. “I’m coming back to Italy, Uncle.”

      “For how long?”

      “Long enough.”

      “Don’t feed me lies, Massimo.” The excitement in his voice was tangible. “I can take them from anyone but you.”

      “If you don’t believe me, ask Guido. He and Lia are getting the villa ready in Bellagio.”

      “What’s wrong with my house?”

      His lips compressed. It hadn’t taken two seconds for his uncle to start dictating. “I want Nicky to be raised in his grandparents’ home.”

      A long silence ensued before his uncle blurted, “You have custody of the boy?”

      His uncle’s shock brought a satisfied curl to Massimo’s mouth. “That’s right.”

      The older man wanted Massimo home running the business, but not under these circumstances. A baby in residence frustrated the plans he’d orchestrated for Massimo’s destiny years earlier.

      “I know the perfect woman to look after him.”

      Of course he did, and Massimo knew exactly who it was. Everyone knew. His uncle was as transparent as the cat who’d licked all the cream. But such a split-second recovery explained the envy on the part of his business rivals.

      “So do I, Uncle.” Pietra had called her sister-in-law the perfect choice. Massimo had just been presented with living proof that Julie Marchant loved the baby to the point she was willing to fight to the death for him.


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