Men of Power. Кэрол Мортимер

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Men of Power - Кэрол Мортимер

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she was way off base to be entertaining thoughts about Pietra’s brother of all people. He was an educated, wealthy, experienced man of the world, ten years older than she. To think for one second he’d be interested in her was beyond imagining.

      Shocked by her wandering thoughts while another part of her was waiting for the real Massimo to exact his revenge, she stared down at Nicky. “He’s been surprisingly good so far.”

      “I’d say we haven’t done too badly.”

      His comment brought a sad smile to her lips because it suddenly dawned on her that no matter his ulterior reason for allowing her to come with him and Nicky, Massimo had more faith in her than her own brother.

      She darted him a quick glance. “That’s true, but we haven’t even landed yet.”

      “We’ve started our descent to Linate Airport. The light just flashed on.”

      So it had. They would be touching down in Milan before she knew it. Julie could scarcely comprehend she and Nicky were about to enter the world of the Di Rocches.

      After making certain he was secure in his harness, she fastened her own seat belt. Through veiled lashes she watched Massimo strap himself in. The play of muscle in his arms and chest drew her gaze. He had an incredible physique. Julie trembled to realize he was incredible.

      While she castigated herself for her growing weakness, the jet glided to a stop on the tarmac. The next few minutes became a blur as Massimo gathered up Nicky’s things. His cousins preceded them out the door of the jet. She followed, carrying a sleepy Nicky in her arms.

      In the next instant, two things happened. While a chauffeur from one of the waiting limos relieved Massimo of the baby’s paraphernalia, a voluptuous woman with long legs stepped out of the other crying Massimo’s name.

      Her red hair flowed halfway down the back of her designer suit. She swept past his cousins to throw her arms around his neck. The press of their mouths and bodies bespoke a prior intimacy.

      It all happened so fast it was too late for Julie to shut her eyes. She feared the sight of their embrace would always remain emblazoned on her consciousness.

      Dante glanced at Julie, who’d managed to reach the bottom step without stumbling. With her hair caught back in a ponytail, she could imagine the unfavorable impression she made in comparison, wearing jeans and a cotton top Nicky had snuggled against most of the flight.

      Mortified to think Dante might be able to tell that her heart felt like it had been sliced with a newly sharpened knife, she flashed him a breezy smile. “Thanks for your earlier suggestion. When Massimo laid the baby across his legs, Nicky settled right down.”

      He gave a slight bow of acknowledgment. “While my cousin’s otherwise occupied with Seraphina, let me assist you.”

      The implication being that Massimo might be a while. She’d already assumed as much.

      After opening the door, he fastened Nicky’s baby carrier inside on the base. Julie sank down next to the baby. Though she could claim exhaustion after such a long journey, it was something else entirely different that had brought on this weakness.

      “Thank you,” she murmured, trying desperately to forget what was going on behind the limo.

      He shrugged. “Pietra was family. Have fun on your vacation.”

      The door closed.

      Vacation? Was that what Massimo had told his cousins? That she was only going to be here for a short visit?

      Up to now the Di Rocche family had said and done all the proper things, yet their cold natures had made her feel expendable. Especially just now. To say “have fun” to her while she was still grieving sounded deliberate and cruel on his part. His gross lack of sensitivity hurt.

      If he and Lazio had always been like this, she could understand why Pietra had clung to Massimo growing up. His departure for Central America explained the reason she’d gravitated to Shawn’s warmth.

      While Julie sat there waiting for Massimo to get in the car, she had to accept the fact that Pietra hadn’t been the only woman adversely affected by his decision to work in another part of the world.

      And that thought led to other depressing thoughts about the women he’d left behind in Guatemala. There would definitely have been someone, maybe several beautiful, exotic types.

      Despite his bachelor status, a thirty-four-year-old man like Massimo hadn’t lived a celibate life. Nor would he care about Julie’s past relationships. So how absurd was it of her to have feelings, let alone be jealous of his? Except in her capacity to help care for Nicky, she meant nothing to him.

      If she wanted to keep her position, she’d better act the part of a nanny whose only job was to look after the baby. After her initial castigations about him and his family, he clearly wouldn’t tolerate her asking personal questions or making more judgments. In truth, she wasn’t entitled.

      With a new sense of determination to keep herself focused on her only reason for being here, she took advantage of the quiet time to change Nicky.

      “You’re such a sweetheart,” she said after laying him on the little pad folded in the baby bag. “Let’s see if that cream is still doing its job.”

      Massimo chose that moment to climb in the opposite door. He’d brought the scent of Seraphina’s perfume with him. “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

      Except for an apology, he made no explanation. She’d expected none.

      “We’re not in a hurry,” she said without looking at him. After applying the cream, she finished diapering Nicky.

      Massimo leaned forward. “His rash seems better.”

      “I think so, too. Aren’t we glad.” She kissed Nicky’s tummy. He rewarded her with the sweetest smile.

      Having become quite expert at changing him by now, she was able to snap up his little stretchy suit with no problem. The pretense of competency was something to cling to.

      “One more short flight in the helicopter and we’ll be home.”

      Massimo’s neutral tone told her nothing about his true feelings lurking beneath the surface. Remembering the woman whose arms he’d just left, they couldn’t be all bad.

      “Did you hear that, Nicky? We’re going for another ride.” In the family helicopter no less. She placed him back in the infant seat. The limo began to move, and by the time she’d put everything else away, they’d reached the helipad.

      Massimo took charge of Nicky. Soon she and the baby were ensconced behind him and the pilot. Once their things were stowed on board and introductions made, they took off. The sudden lift caused her stomach to lurch. After a few minutes, however, she grew used to the motion.

      Her first helicopter ride over Milan would have been enough to rave about, but the sights filling her vision as they neared Lake Como defied description. What might appear commonplace to them was like being transported to another planet for Julie.

      She fastened hungry eyes on the shoreline dotted with tiny ochre towns so picture perfect, she had to be dreaming. From the deepest blue water she’d ever seen rose forested slopes that ended in mountain peaks covered in snow.

      At Massimo’s instruction the pilot swept lower so she could pick out olive and palm trees, bougainvillea, even rhododendrons and azaleas growing in a profusion of riotous color. They’d flown into a subtropical paradise.

      Soon a picturesque town appeared, whose colorful houses and narrow streets were almost completely surrounded by water. Among the lush greenery she spied palatial villas with terraced gardens and cypress trees covering the foot of the terrain.

      As a gasp of sheer delight escaped her lips, she felt a pair of black eyes trained on her. “Bellagio’s renowned for being the most beautiful town in Europe.”

      She turned her head toward

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