How To Be the Perfect Girlfriend. Heather Macallister

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How To Be the Perfect Girlfriend - Heather Macallister

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swallowed, aware of a nearly irresistible urge to touch it. No, not touch…grab. Manhandle, as it were. It was a revelation. Was this the way men felt about women?

      “The paper isn’t jammed in the normal spot,” Simon said from inside the copier.

      Sara thought of Hayden’s deliberate jamming which she now not only understood, but applauded. “I really appreciate you taking the time to fix it.” Take all the time you want.

      Simon raised himself slightly to glance at her over his shoulder. Sara nearly whimpered when the movement shifted his hips, resulting in the perfect calendar shot. Man and machine.

      Actually, just the man was plenty.

      “My pleasure,” he said before turning back.

      The pleasure is all mine. Sara had picked up her employee evaluations and gripped them closely to her chest. She hadn’t thought she was the type to appreciate a man’s physical attributes à la carte like this. Usually, she accepted or rejected the whole package, not that Simon’s total package was anything to reject. It was just that there were some spectacular, uh, aspects to consider. So she considered them carefully, even while acknowledging that this package was not for her. Undoubtedly, some other woman unwrapped it at night.

      “Got it.” He straightened and tossed two scraps of paper into the wastebasket.

      “Thanks.” Sara would retrieve them later. Her department now shredded all document-related trash to ensure privacy.

      Simon washed his hands at the sink, then poured a mug of coffee. “Happy copying,” he said on his way out before she could say anything memorably brilliant.

      Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh. How could this man have been working just two floors away from her for the past year?

      Okay. Calm down. Realistically Simon Northrup was not her type. Or rather, she wasn’t his type. She didn’t have the…the something men who looked like that required in their women.

      Hayden had it. In fact Hayden had too much of it.

      Missy had a younger version of it.

      And Sara was going to do her best to get it.

      She retrieved the paper and hurriedly finished her copying. She was going to have to use this machine more often.

      When Sara made it downstairs to the lobby of the Perkins building, she saw Hayden and Missy sitting at one of the glass-topped tables in the atrium near the fountain. They already had salads and there was a third one for her. Missy was showing Hayden a magazine. From Hayden’s bored expression, Sara knew it was a bridal magazine. At least they hadn’t strangled each other yet.

      “I don’t see what the problem is,” Hayden was saying as Sara got within earshot.

      “The blue is the problem!” Missy reached into the tote bag she carried everywhere—the official Melissa and Peter Wedding Tote. It had once been a pristine white, but was now looking a little shopworn. Missy had been engaged for a year and a half while she planned the ultimate wedding.

      She held up a wad of fabric swatches. “I have to make a decision soon and not one of these matches the Jordan almonds!”

      “So have them custom dyed. I know a company that will dye them any color you want. They can even match your baby blue eyes.”

      “Don’t encourage her,” Sara murmured under her breath as she slid into a chair.

      Hayden had a dangerous sparkle in her eye. “In fact, they’ll even inscribe Melissa and Peter or the date on each individual almond.”

      Missy’s eyes widened. “They will?”

      “In gold or silver if you want.”

      “Oh…” Missy stared off into the distance, her expression approaching rapture, as she added personalized almonds to her wedding vision.

      They’d seen her zone out before and undoubtedly would again. Sara leveled a look at the unrepentant Hayden.

      Moments later, Missy returned from wedding Valhalla. “Okay.” She clicked her pen. “What’s the name of the company?”

      “Bridal Sweets,” Hayden told her. “I’ll have to look them up and get back to you.”

      “Hayden, you’re a doll. Thanks!” Missy beamed at her. Hayden smiled back.

      Sara was sure the world would stop spinning. “Okay, now that Missy’s almond problem is taken care of, I’d like you both to turn your attention to me.”

      “That won’t be any fun,” Hayden muttered.

      “Mr. Northrup fixed my paper jam,” Sara said to taunt her.

      “Mmm.” Hayden closed her eyes. “And did you enjoy it?”

      “Oh, yes. It took a while because the jam was way in the back.”

      They both exhaled.

      “What are you two talking about?” Missy asked.

      “Never mind, you’re engaged,” Sara said. “Which is why you’re here. You’re on the Super Corporate Wife track and from watching you these past few months, I can see that it isn’t something that just happens.” Sara figured a little buttering up couldn’t hurt. “You’ve got to go after it, and the man who can make that kind of life happen. It takes work. And you have worked. Most efficiently.”

      Missy dimpled, something Sara would never be able to do. “Why thank you, Sara. I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. I’m glad somebody appreciates everything I’ve done to achieve what I have,” she added with a glance at Hayden.

      “Whatever floats your boat, honey,” Hayden said and crossed her legs as a TDH—tall, dark and handsome—walked past.

      The movement caught the man’s attention and he checked out Hayden’s legs, then met her eyes, all while carrying on a conversation with the man next to him.

      “And that would be why you’re here, Hayden.”

      “You need my sophisticated style and wit?”

      “I want to know how you can attract anything with a Y-chromosome.”

      Hayden gave a smile that visually purred. “With the sophisticated style and wit I just mentioned.”

      After a glance at Hayden’s climbing hemline, Missy raised her eyebrows. “We call that something else where I come from.”

      “No doubt because you lack sophisticated style and wit,” Hayden drawled.

      “Hey!” Sara signaled a time-out. “Can we please focus on me? I need help with the man/woman thing. I’m not doing it right.”

      “I didn’t think you were doing it at all.”

      Sara gritted her teeth. “Well, that would be the problem, Hayden.” She inhaled, knowing she was going to have to tell them everything. “I’m not hooking up with the right kind of men and when I do, I’m Teflon woman—they don’t stick around.” She told them about Mr. Kiss-and-Run from Friday night.

      “Well, it’s no wonder—you were making out with him in a public place!” Missy lowered her voice. “A bar. He thought you were one of those kind of women and didn’t take you seriously.”

      “I’ve found that men take that sort of thing very seriously,” Hayden said.

      “So why did he pretend not to know her? My mama always said, men won’t buy the cow if they can get the milk for free.”

      Hayden rolled her eyes. “They’ll just get the milk from another cow.”

      “I didn’t give him any milk,” Sara pointed out.

      “Maybe that was the problem.”

      Missy glared at Hayden. “Well, maybe if all the cows got together and

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