Security Engineering. Ross Anderson

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Security Engineering - Ross  Anderson

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flow integrity mechanisms involve analysing the possible control-flow graph at compile time and enforcing this at runtime by validating indirect control-flow transfers; this appeared in 2005 and was incorporated in various products over the following decade [351]. However the analysis is not precise, and block-oriented programming attacks are among the tricks that have evolved to exploit the gaps [966].

      2 The second consists of better general-purpose tools. Static-analysis programs such as Coverity can find large numbers of potential software bugs and highlight ways in which code deviates from best practice; if used from the start of a project, they can make a big difference. (If added later, they can throw up thousands of alerts that are a pain to deal with.) The radical solution is to use a better language; my colleagues increasingly write systems code in Rust rather than in C or C++10.

      3 The third is better training. In 2002, Microsoft announced a security initiative that involved every programmer being trained in how to write secure code. (The book they produced for this, ‘Writing Secure Code’ [929], is still worth a read.) Other companies followed suit.

      4 The latest approach is DevSecOps, which I discuss in section 27.5.6. Agile development methodology is extended to allow very rapid deployment of patches and response to incidents; it may enable the effort put into design, coding and testing to be aimed at the most urgent problems.

      Architecture matters; having clean interfaces that evolve in a controlled way, under the eagle eye of someone experienced who has a long-term stake in the security of the product, can make a huge difference. Programs should only have as much privilege as they need: the principle of least privilege [1642]. Software should also be designed so that the default configuration, and in general, the easiest way of doing something, should be safe. Sound architecture is critical in achieving safe defaults and using least privilege. However, many systems are shipped with dangerous defaults and messy code, exposing all sorts of interfaces to attacks like SQL injection that just shouldn't happen. These involve failures of incentives, personal and corporate, as well as inadequate education and the poor usability of security tools.

      6.4.5 Environmental creep

      Many security failures result when environmental change undermines a security model. Mechanisms that worked adequately in an initial environment often fail in a wider one.

      Access control mechanisms are no exception. Unix, for example, was originally designed as a ‘single user Multics’ (hence the name). It then became an operating system to be used by a number of skilled and trustworthy people in a laboratory who were sharing a single machine. In this environment the function of the security mechanisms is mostly to contain mistakes; to prevent one user's typing errors or program crashes from deleting or overwriting another user's files. The original security mechanisms were quite adequate for this purpose.

      But Unix security became a classic ‘success disaster’. Over the 50 years since Ken Thomson started work on it at Bell Labs in 1969, Unix was repeatedly extended without proper consideration being given to how the protection mechanisms also needed to be extended. The Berkeley versions assumed an extension from a single machine to a network of machines that were all on one LAN and all under one management. The Internet mechanisms (telnet, ftp, DNS, SMTP) were originally written for mainframes on a secure network. Mainframes were autonomous, the network was outside the security protocols, and there was no transfer of authorisation. So remote authentication, which the Berkeley model really needed, was simply not supported. The Sun extensions such as NFS added to the party, assuming a single firm with multiple trusted LANs. We've had to retrofit protocols like Kerberos, TLS and SSH as duct tape to hold the world together. The arrival of billions of phones, which communicate sometimes by wifi and sometimes by a mobile network, and which run apps from millions of authors (most of them selfish, some of them actively malicious), has left security engineers running ever faster to catch up.

      Mixing many different models of computation together has been a factor in the present chaos. Some of their initial assumptions still apply partially, but none of them apply globally any more. The Internet now has billions of phones, billions of IoT devices, maybe a billion PCs, and millions of organisations whose managers not only fail to cooperate but may be in conflict. There are companies that compete; political groups that despise each other, and nation states that are at war with each other. Users, instead of being trustworthy but occasionally incompetent, are now largely unskilled – but some are both capable and hostile. Code used to be simply buggy – but now there is a lot of malicious code out there. Attacks on communications used to be the purview of intelligence agencies – now they can be done by youngsters who've downloaded attack tools from the net and launched them without any real idea of how they work.

      Most of the issues in access control were identified by the 1960s or early 1970s and were worked out on experimental systems such as Multics [1687] and the CAP [2024]. Much of the research in access control systems since then has involved reworking the basic themes in new contexts, such as mobile phones.

      Recent threads of research include enclaves, and the CHERI mechanisms for adding finer-grained access control. Another question is: how will developers use such tools effectively?

      In the second edition I predicted that ‘a useful research topic for the next few years will be how to engineer access control mechanisms that are not just robust but also usable – by both programmers and end users.’ Recent work by Yasemin Acar and others has picked that up and developed it into one of the most rapidly-growing fields of security research [11]. Many if not most technical security failures are due at least in part to the poor usability of the protection mechanisms that developers are expected to use. I already mention in the chapter on cryptography how crypto APIs often induce people to use really unsafe defaults, such as encrypting long messages with ECB mode; access control is just as bad, as anyone coming cold to the access control mechanisms in a Windows system or either an Intel or Arm CPU will find.

      As a teaser, here's a new problem. Can we extend what we know about access control at the technical level – whether hardware, OS or app – to the organisational level? In the 20th century, there were a number of security policies proposed, from Bell-LaPadula to Clark-Wilson, which we discuss at greater length in Part 2. Is it time to revisit this for a world of deep outsourcing and virtual organisations, now that we have interesting technical analogues?

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