Antisepsis, Disinfection, and Sterilization. Gerald E. McDonnell

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Antisepsis, Disinfection, and Sterilization - Gerald E. McDonnell

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protein can be used as an initial indicator of inactivation and cell culture assays are currently under development, in vivo infectivity models are highly recommended to confirm activity against these unusual agents.

      In the consideration of biocides and biocidal processes, there is an important distinction between disinfection and sterilization. Disinfection is the reduction by an antimicrobial of the number of viable microorganisms to a level previously specified as appropriate for intended further handling or use; however, “safe to handle” does not necessarily mean that all microorganisms are killed or removed, and different levels of disinfection can be defined, including pasteurization, sanitization, and high-, intermediate-, or low-level disinfection (see chapters 2 and 3). In contrast, sterilization is defined as a validated process used to render a surface or product free from viable organisms, or “sterile.” These include physical (e.g., heat and radiation [see chapter 5]) and chemical (e.g., ethylene oxide gas [see chapter 6]) processes. Disinfection efficacy can be demonstrated by using various surface and suspension tests (see section 1.4.2), many of which are specified to meet local requirements for product registration (e.g., in the United States with Food and Drug Administration- or Environmental Protection Agency-registered disinfectants). Sterilization processes require investigations that are more detailed. They include an analysis of the sterilizing agent itself and the definition of the use of the agent in a standardized sterilization process for specific applications.

      Characterization of any sterilizing agent should include the following:

       Definition of the sterilization agent (e.g., generation, stability, physical chemistry, and safety)

       Detailed antimicrobial studies (see below)

       Identification of the variables that can affect the antimicrobial activity of the agent, including temperature, humidity, time, distribution, penetration, and (for some applications) the presence of soil


      This analysis allows the determination of the probability of a microorganism surviving the sterilization process, when the microbial reduction has been shown to be predictable (linear). Because it is difficult to confirm that sterility has been achieved with a given process, the concept of the sterility assurance level (SAL) is used. The SAL can be defined as the probability of survival of a viable microorganism after a sterilization process (generally expressed as 10−n). For example, it is common in health care applications to use an SAL of 10−6, implying a chance of less than one in a million that an item may be contaminated when a starting population of 106 test organisms is present on the test surface.

      1.4.4 Choosing a Process or Product

      At least three factors should be considered in the choice of a biocidal process or product for a given application: antimicrobial efficacy, safety, and compatibility. For antimicrobial efficacy, the requirements and choice of biocide for a preservation application (generally bacteriostatic and fungistatic activity) vary from that of a sterilization process which should render a product sterile and free from microbial contamination. The spectrum of antimicrobial activities for various physical and chemical biocides are considered further in chapters 2 to 6. The choice of biocidal treatment will often depend on the risk associated with the level and type of contamination on the surface or in a given product. An example is the Spaulding classification for reusable medical devices, which defines them as critical, semicritical, or noncritical based on the risk of infection with the presence of contamination. Critical devices demonstrate the greatest risk because they are introduced directly into the human body, with contact with the bloodstream or other normally sterile areas of the body; due to the risks associated with contamination, it is recommended that critical devices be sterilized. Semi critical devices present a lower risk, as they may contact intact mucous membranes or nonintact skin during use, and therefore a minimum requirement for high-level disinfection is recommended. High-level disinfectants are considered effective against all microbial pathogens, with the exception of large numbers of bacterial spores. Finally, noncritical devices present the lowest risk of transmission of infection, i.e., they contact intact skin only, and at a minimum should be reprocessed with intermediate- or low-level disinfectants. A similar risk assessment can be used in the choice of any antiseptic, disinfectant, or sterilization process for a given application.

      Safety aspects include hazards in the use of the product, residues that remain on or in a treated product following application, environmental concerns, and reactivity on mixing with other agents.

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