Antisepsis, Disinfection, and Sterilization. Gerald E. McDonnell

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Antisepsis, Disinfection, and Sterilization - Gerald E. McDonnell

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directed flow) Hydrogen peroxide vapor Temperature, biocide concentration, time, humidity, biocide penetration (vacuum or directed flow) Radiation Radiation dose, penetration, exposure time

      Antimicrobial activity is also greater as the concentration of biocide is increased but also varies depending on the biocide and its application. A notable example is alcohols, where less bacteriocidal activity is observed at concentrations greater than 90% alcohol in water, and the optimal range is actually within 60 to 80%; efficacy is dramatically less at lower concentrations. Further, despite the alcohol concentration, little to no efficacy has been reported against bacterial spores. The optimization of a biocide concentration is an important consideration in various disinfection and sterilization processes. Higher biocide concentrations can lead to unwanted effects, including material incompatibility and safety risks, in particular with gas-based applications. In the case of liquid applications, as discussed in section 1.4.6, the efficacy of a biocide can be dramatically enhanced or reduced by various formulation effects that should also be appreciated. These effects include pH (for biocide efficacy and stability), the quality of water, and the presence of excipients, like surfactants.

      The control of relative humidity is an important consideration for many gas-based chemical biocidal processes, including the use of ethylene oxide and formaldehyde. Other effects include the state of the biocide (in liquid or gaseous form) and its delivery (to ensure that all site are contacted). Many physical and chemical sterilization processes are conducted under vacuum (e.g., ethylene oxide and plasma-hydrogen peroxide vapor), in vacuum or pressure cycles (e.g., steam), or under specific directed-flow conditions (with liquids and gases) to optimize the penetration of the biocide to all contact sites within a given load.

      Cleaning is the removal of contamination from an item to the extent necessary for its further processing and its intended subsequent use. In many applications, it is important to ensure the removal of residues following the use of a reusable surface, for example, to prevent cross-contamination between pharmaceutical manufacturing batches, to reduce the level of bioburden on the surface, and particularly, to ensure that a subsequent biocidal process can be effective. Various surfaces require routine cleaning, including manufacturing vessels, equipment, or areas; food-handling surfaces; and reusable medical, veterinary, and dental devices. The presence of various organic (including lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates) and/or inorganic (including various heavy metals like calcium and iron) soils on these surfaces can often dramatically interfere with the activity of a biocide.

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      1.4.9 Water Quality

      Water is an important component of many antiseptic, disinfectant, and sterilization applications. Typical uses of water include:

       Biocidal-product formulation (as a solvent)

       Biocidal-product dilution on use (e.g., antiseptics and disinfectants)

       Cleaning alone or in combination with cleaning formulations prior to disinfection or sterilization

       Pharmaceutical-product preparation (e.g., dilution for injection)

       Rinsing to remove residuals following cleaning or disinfection

       As a disinfectant (moist heat) or sterilization agent (steam)

       Humidification as part of sterilization processes (e.g., with ethylene oxide or formaldehyde)

       Steam sterilization

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Ingredient Purpose
Solvent, including water A solvent is a substance (usually liquid) that is capable of dissolving other substances, water being the most common. Solvents are also used for solubilization of various soil components.
Emulsifiers, surfactants Emulsifiers are ingredients (including surfactants) that allow the formation of stable mixtures (emulsions) of water- and oil-soluble ingredients. Surfactants (“surface-acting agents”) can be used as emulsifiers, but also to reduce surface tension, improve the wettability of a surface, disperse contaminants, and inhibit foam formation.
Chelating agents or sequestrants