Welcome to the Genome. Michael Yudell

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Welcome to the Genome - Michael Yudell

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that results in the body’s inability to break down a substance called alkapton (today we know that alkaptonuria is caused by a mutation in the HGD gene on chromosome 3, which impairs the body’s ability to break down the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosin). By studying familial patterns of this disease, Garrod came to infer that the missing enzyme was a problem of inheritance; most of the children with the defect were born to parents who were first cousins. (20) This “shallow” gene pool made the emergence of this recessive trait more likely.

      Four decades later at Stanford University, biochemist Edward Tatum and geneticist George Beadle refined Garrod’s observations, suggesting in 1941 that one gene codes for one enzyme, a theory that was a cornerstone of molecular biology for more than five decades. They were awarded a Nobel Prize for their discovery in 1958. (21) Although DNA itself was coming to be known to be the stuff of heredity, enzymes and other proteins, it was turning out, were essential to the successful operation of the cell and therefore of the organism. If hereditary information was carried on DNA, then the different classes of proteins are, in large part, heredity’s workhorses, delivering instructions for many of life’s intricacies at the beck and call of the DNA molecule itself.

      Work at the cellular level, with its varied goals, was less directed, for example, than the search for the structure of DNA. Some scientists were busy taking the cell apart to determine how DNA replicated, others learning how proteins were synthesized, and still others inquiring about the nature and function of proteins. In fact, Arthur Kornberg carried out his Nobel Prize‐winning discovery of the protein in bacteria that controls DNA replication without Watson and Crick’s work in mind. Perhaps what Kornberg himself called his “many love affairs with enzymes” distracted him from the broader goings‐on in molecular biology. “The significance of the double helix did not intrude into my work until 1956,” Kornberg wrote, “after the enzyme that assembles the nucleotide building blocks into a DNA chain was already in hand.” (22)

      Kornberg’s discovery, once known as DNA polymerase or Kornberg’s enzyme and now known as DNA polymerase I, catalyzes the addition of nucleotides to a chain of DNA (other DNA polymerases were discovered later, and were in turn known as polymerases II, III, etc.). In other words, DNA polymerase is the mechanism by which DNA clones or copies itself. Working with the bacteria E. coli, a bacteria that is usually beneficial to the function of the human digestive tract, Kornberg showed that the enzyme DNA polymerase was able to synthesize a copy of one strand of DNA. With a single strand of DNA in a test tube, the presence of DNA polymerase served as the catalyst (or initiator) for DNA replication. These experiments revealed only that the synthesized DNA was true to Chargaff’s rules, having the correct ratio of As to Ts and Cs to Gs. (23) Kornberg’s results did not, however, reveal the sequential arrangement of nucleotides, nor was it known at this time whether this laboratory model was what actually happened in living organisms. (24)

      Sanger’s sequencing of insulin’s amino acids, the cracking of the genetic code, and Kornberg’s work on DNA polymerase were all technologies that would someday lead to the sequencing of a whole genome. But the ever‐increasing knowledge of the molecular basis of inheritance could not reach its full potential for both scientific and biomedical research without techniques to sequence genes quickly and accurately. So we now turn from deciphering the interiors of the cell to technologies that capitalized on these discoveries and enhanced our ability to see the most fundamental mechanisms of heredity. By the 1970s laboratories around the globe were focused on finding ways to better characterize, at the molecular level, genes and their component parts.

      Oxford University biologist Edward Southern revolutionized molecular biology in 1975 with a method that came to be known as the Southern blot. (26) Southern blots allowed geneticists to locate and look at DNA and genes within a genome by capitalizing on the following characteristics of DNA. First, DNA is a negatively charged molecule; thus when electricity is present, it can hitch a ride on a current—it migrates to the positive terminal in an electric field.

      Second, DNA molecules are small and can be separated by passing them through a porous gel made from either agarose (extracted from seaweed) or acrylamide (a synthetic polymer). The size of the DNA fragment, the strength of the current, and the concentration of acrylamide or agarose in the gel mixture dictate how fast molecules will pass through it. In fact, the concentration of an acrylamide gel can be adjusted to such a fine degree that DNA molecules of one base pair difference in length can be distinguished. Third, one fragment of DNA can be used to find another. This process, known as DNA hybridization, activates one strand of a double helix to search for the other strand, to reform hydrogen bonds and make a new double helix.

      Hybridization doesn’t have to be perfect; only 60–70% of the two strands of a helix must match for the two strands to stick together.

Image described by caption.

       Credit: Exhibitions Department, American Museum of Natural History

      During the 1970s scientists improved upon the Southern blot and other gel electrophoresis methods. Southern’s method required a tremendous amount of DNA and thus a tremendous amount of laboratory labor. It also lacked the precision to see the location of individual bases. To get around this shortcoming, scientists developed methods to amplify or clone (meaning simply to copy) DNA.

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