The Power of Plagues. Irwin W. Sherman

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The Power of Plagues - Irwin W. Sherman

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      17  15 Six Plagues of Africa Slavery and European Exploration Endemic Diseases of Africa Plagues Out of Africa

      18  16 Emerging and Re-emerging Plagues Blame It on the Rodents On the Wings of Birds Anthrax Robert Koch Louis Pasteur Madness and the Infectious Protein Ebola Zika Disease Lyme Disease The Conquest of Plagues

      19  Appendix Cells and Viruses

      20  Notes

      21  Bibliography

      22  Index

      23  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Timeline of the discovery, introduction and year of resistance of ant...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Woman with Dead Child. Kathe Kollwitz etching. 1903. National Gallery...Figure 1.2 The Plague of Ashod by Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665). The painting prob...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Hollywood’s view of Australopithecus as seen in the movie 2001: A Spa...Figure 2.2 Australopithecus reconstruction of Mr. and Mrs. Lucy. Courtesy of Ken...Figure 2.3a Oldowan tools used by Homo habilis, Courtesy Didier Descouens, CC-BY...Figure 2.3b Diorama in the Nairobi National Museum of Homo habilis,Figure 2.3c Acheulean tools used by Homo erectus, Courtesy Didier DescouensFigure 2.3d Diorama of H. ergaster the “African equivalent” to fossils of H. ere...Figure 2.4a Neanderthal man in profile; Neanderthal woman cleaning a reindeer sk...Figure 2.4b A 1953 B- grade movie poster representing a monster-like Neanderthal...Figure 2.4c Neanderthal Family, Reconstruction. Ian Tattersall, American Museum ...Figure 2.5 A. Growth of the human population for the last 500,000 years. If the ...

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Plague in an Ancient City (detail) circa 1652-1654 by Michiel Sweerts...Figure 3.2 The blood fluke Schistosoma, causative agent of the Pharoah’s Plague....Figure 3.3 Two young boys infected with blood flukesFigure 3.4 St. Sebastian in a painting by Andrea Mategna (1490) in Ca d’ Oro, Ve...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 The Plague by Felix Jenewein (1900) shows a mother carrying a coffin ...Figure 4.2 Triumph of Death by Pieter Brueghel (1562), Courtesy Wellcome Library...Figure 4.3 St. Roch, the patron saint of those suffering from plague. The origin...Figure 4.4 Dr. Pestis, the plague doctor in costume, Courtesy Wikipedia.comFigure 4.5 A barber-surgeon lancing a bubo. WoodcutFigure 4.6 A. Bubo of bubonic plague (courtesy of CDC, 1993) and B. the causativ...Figure 4.7 Flea as seen with the scanning electron microscope. Courtesy CDC/Jani...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 A sketch by the author of Lorraine aged 11, who has AIDS, comforted b...Figure 5.2A A scanning electron microscope image of HIV budding from the surface...Figure 5.3 A diagrammatic view of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) when sl...Figure 5.4 The life cycle of the retrovirus. The virus attaches to the cell, and...Figure 5.5 Clinical characteristics of an HIV infection. At 1, virus production ...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Napoleon’s troops in Vilna after the Russian Campaign in 1812. Engrav...Figure 6.2 Typhus rash. Courtesy 6.3 Pediculus humanus humanus (body louse). Courtesy CDC/ Dr. Dennis Jura...Figure 6.4 An unhatched nit containing a developing head louse. Courtesy CDC/Dr....Figure 6.5 Rickettsia prowazekii as seen with transmission electron microscope, ...Figure 6.6 The Louse Hunt by Gerhard ter Bosch (1617-1681) Mauritshuis, The Hagu...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 A Thai mother attends her sick child suffering from cerebral malaria....Figure 7.2 Laveran’s drawing of what he saw under the light microscope when exam...Figure 7.3 Ronald Ross’ pen and ink drawing of a mosquito stomach with oocysts (...Figure 7.4 (A) Method of staining blood film (Courtesy CDC/Dr. Mae Melvin, 1977)...Figure 7.5 The world distribution of malaria (prior to the WHO eradication campa...Figure 7.6 The worldwide distribution of malaria in the 1930s prior to the WHO e...Figure 7.7 The inheritance of sickle cell hemoglobin. The mating of two individu...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Death’s Dispensary. From the Illustrated London News 1860.Figure 8.2 Pasteur’s swan neck flask. Courtesy Wellcome Library, London, CC-BY-4...Figure 8.3 Rice water stools. Courtesy Wikimedia Commons/F1jmm, CC-BY-SA 3.0.Figure 8.4 Villagers from Pimpri fetch water from a polluted river which is not ...Figure 8.5 Vibrio cholerae stained and viewed with the light microscope. Courtes...Figure 8.6 The one-eyed copepod, Cyclops (blickwinkel/Alamy Stock

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