The Power of Plagues. Irwin W. Sherman

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The Power of Plagues - Irwin W. Sherman

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Punch in 1852. Courtesy of the Wellco...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Child with smallpox. Courtesy CDC, Dr. Stan Foster, 1975.Figure 9.2 Smallpox 6 months after infection with residual facial scarring (pock...Figure 9.3 The smallpox virus as seen with the transmission electron microscope....Figure 9.4 Individual with smallpox pustules. From: C. W. Dixon. Smallpox, Londo...Figure 9.5 Cowpox on cow udder. Courtesy Wikipedia.Figure 9.6 Edward Jenner (1749-1823) performing the first vaccination against sm...Figure 9.7 Cartoon of Edward Jenner. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library, London, C...

      10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Immunization against measles. Courtesy CDC/Amanda Mills, 2011.Figure 10.2 The immune system consists of tissues containing lymphocytes and lym...Figure 10.3 (A) Neutrophil with blood platelet (arrow) Courtesy CDC Public Healt...Figure 10.4 Detail from the 1812 painting “El Garratillo” (The Strangler), attri...Figure 10.5 Digitally colored transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of H1N1 inf...Figure 10.6a Measles virus as seen with the transmission electron microscope. Co...Figure 10.6b Child with 4 day rash of measles. Courtesy CDC Public Health Image ...Figure 10.7a Mumps virus negatively stained and viewed by transmission electron ...Figure 10.7b Child with mumps. Courtesy CDC Public Health Image Library #130, 19...Figure 10.8a Transmission electron micrograph of chicken pox virus. Courtesy CDC...Figure 10.8b Child with chicken pox. Courtesy Wikipedia Commons, 1995.Figure 10.9a President Franklin Roosevelt confined to a wheelchair due to contra...Figure 10.9b Polio virus as seen with the transmission electron microscope. Cour...Figure 10.9c A 1957 March of Dimes poster for the polio vaccine campaign. Courte...

      11 Chapter 1111.1 The Doctor (Detail) by Sir L. Fildes (1843-1927). Commissioned by Henry Tat...Figure 11.2 Asclepios, the God of Medicine. Wrapped around his staff is a serpen...Figure 11.3 Thomas Eakins, American - Portrait of Dr. Samuel D. Gross (The Gross...Figure 11.4 Five surgeons participating in the amputation of a man’s leg while a...Figure 11.5 The first operation under ether by Robert C. Hinckley. Courtesy of t...

      12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 African Americans enrolled in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Many woul...Figure 12.2 Albrecht Durer’s 1496 illustration of the syphilitic man.Figure 12.3 A photomicrograph of the spirochete Treponema pallidum. Courtesy CDC...Figure 12.4 World War II posters warning of the perils of syphilis.

      13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Movie poster for the 1936 tragic romance Camille.Figure 13.2 Scrofula in a young man. The enlarged lymph glands in the neck resem...Figure 13.3 Tuberculosis of the spine (Potts disease) in a reconstruction of an ...Figure 13.4 The royal touching to cure scrofula. Queen Anne is touching young Sa...Figure 13.5a Stained tubercle bacilli in sputum as seen with the light microscop...Figure 13.5b Digitally colorized scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of rod...Figure 13.6 The death rate from tuberculosis in England and Wales. From T. McKeo...Figure 13.7 Reported Tuberculosis (TB) cases in the US 1982-2015

      14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Job stricken with a plague as depicted in a 17th century woodcut, “F...Figure 14.2a Disfigurement of the face. ©2012 Massachusetts Medical Society.Figure 14.2b Deformity of the hands. Courtesy of Wikimedia and licensed under cr...Figure 14.3 Leper announcing his arrival in the city with the ringing of a bell....

      15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Lady Africa and her ladies.Figure 15.2 Trypanosoma the causative agent of African sleeping sickness. Courte...Figure 15.3 Victims of African sleeping sickness. Courtesy Wellcome Library, Lon...Figure 15.4 Swelling of the lymph node in the neck known as Winterbottom’s sign....Figure 15.5 Young girl leading a blind man suffering with river blindness. It is...Figure 15.6 Microfilaria of Onchocerca. The microscopic worms are about 300 micr...Figure 15.7a Young boy with two nodules containing Onchocerca adults. Allen JE, ...Figure 15.7b Three male Onchocerca and one adult female removed from nodule. Cou...Figure 15.8 An adult woman blind from Onchocera. Courtesy CBM.Figure 15.9a An adult Guinea worm being removed by rolling onto a matchstick. Co...Figure 15.9b An adult female Guinea worm emerging from a painful and enlarged ul...Figure 15.10 The nauplius larva of a cyclops copepod. Courtesy Wikipedia Commons...Figure 15.11 This enlargement shows hookworms, Ancylostoma attached to the intes...Figure 15.12a Color-enhanced Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) of the Old World...Figure 15.12b Scanning electron microscope view of the razor-sharp teeth of Neca...

      16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 The Scream by Edvard Munch 1893, Courtesy WikipediaFigure 16.2 A digitally- colorized transmission electron microscopic image of a ...Figure 16.3 A transmission electron microscopic image of the West Nile viruses. ...Figure 16.4 A transmission electron microscopic image of Bacillus anthracis show...Figure 16.5 A stained section of cow brain tissue with BSE showing the presence ...Figure 16.6 A colorized transmission electron microscopic image of the filamento...Figure 16.7 A digitally colorized transmission electron microscopic image of Zik...Figure 16.8 Silver-stained Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes. Courtesy CDC Public...Figure 16.9 Adult female western blackfooted tick Ixodes pacificus the vector of...Figure 16.10 “Bull’s eye” rash at the site of the tick bite in a Maryland woman ...

      17 AppendixFigure A1. The appearance of cells and a virus. Although all are shown to be the...


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  vi

      2  iii

      3  v

      4  vii

      5  viii

      6  ix

      7  1

      8  2

      9  3

      10  4

      11  5

      12  6

      13  7

      14  8

      15  9

      16  10

      17  11

      18  12

      19  13

      20  14

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