To Catch a Virus. John Booss

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To Catch a Virus - John Booss

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Metchnikoff’s other studies of anthrax bacilli inoculated subcutaneously into frogs and rabbits as a take-off point, George Nuttall confirmed that phagocytosis was observed but also noted extracellular destruction of anthrax (reference 30, translated in reference 22). With blood and other body fluids in vitro from several different species of animals, either immunized or not, Nuttall demonstrated degeneration of free anthrax bacilli and other bacteria. Hence, phagocytosis was not the entire explanation for destruction of bacteria. “These investigations have shown that independently of leucocytes, blood and other tissue fluids may produce morphological degeneration of bacilli” (22). The studies of Metchnikoff on phagocytosis and Nuttall on humoral mechanisms demonstrated the two arms of host defense. However, they did not demonstrate immunization, specific host responses after particular challenges. That was most clearly achieved in studies of immunity to tetanus and diphtheria toxins by Emil Behring and Shibasaburo Kitasato.

      The above-described studies, which were of great importance to establishing mechanisms of host defense, were heavily dependent on microscopic observations of the infecting organism. There was little direct application to submicroscopic viruses until the studies of Jules Bordet (Fig. 5), another Nobel Prize winner (1919); he was recognized for his work on complement fixation, which became one of the key mechanisms with which to document antiviral immunity. During the period in which this work was done, Bordet worked in the laboratory of Elie Metchnikoff at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. There were two preliminary steps which Bordet addressed in an 1895 paper in Annales de l’Institut Pasteur (translated and condensed in reference 7). Building on the work of R. F. J. Pfeiffer, he confirmed that the granulation followed by lysis of Vibrio cholerae bacteria exposed to serum of immunized rabbits is strain specific (Pfeiffer phenomenon). Testing several strains of vibrios in vitro, he showed that the greatest destruction was of bacterial strains against which the rabbits had been vaccinated. Such immunological specificity is a cornerstone of serological diagnosis.



      Bordet demonstrated that there were separate immunizing and bacteriolytic components. While the bactericidal property is destroyed by heating, he built on the work of C. Fraenkel and G. Sobernheim, who showed that the immunizing component is resistant to heating. In a system in which counts of Vibrio cholerae were the markers, he demonstrated that neither heated immune serum from goats nor fresh serum from nonimmune guinea pigs alone would inhibit growth. However, the combination of heated immune goat serum and unheated guinea pig serum abolished bacterial growth. This phenomenon occurred whether or not cells were present in the guinea pig serum. From a diagnostic perspective, two features deserve emphasis: (i) the source of complement, then known as alexine, need not be the species tested for immunity, and (ii) complement, but not the immune function of serum, is destroyed by heating to 60°C. Therefore, the components can be added separately. The dissection of the bacteriolytic system into two components was a remarkable accomplishment on its own merits. The experimental challenge had been made further complicated by at least two other factors. Some nonimmunized animals possessed bacteriolytic capacity in their serum, as shown in Nuttall’s work. In addition, not all bacteria were equally susceptible to immune-mediated bacteriolysis. Hence, the clarity of Bordet’s experimental design is all the more remarkable.

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