To Catch a Virus. John Booss

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To Catch a Virus - John Booss

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yellow fever. It was concluded that “The mosquito acts as the intermediate host for the parasite of yellow fever, and it is highly probable that the disease is only propagated through the bite of this insect” (italics in the original) (29).

      The clarity of the design of comparison groups and the results were decisive: 85.71% infected by mosquitoes versus 0% by fomites. In the definitive publication in JAMA, “The Etiology of Yellow Fever: an Additional Note,” Reed, Carroll, and Agramonte ended with several major conclusions. In addition to confirming that “C. fasciatus serves as the intermediate host,” they determined that 12 days or more was required after contamination for the mosquito to transmit the infection. Thus, they determined experimentally what Carter had observed epidemiologically. They found that yellow fever could be transmitted by blood subcutaneously inoculated when taken from a patient on the first 2 days of the illness. They concluded that yellow fever resulting from a mosquito bite “confers immunity” against attempted reinfection with infected blood (32).

      In memory of Lazear, the experimental station established by Reed, where the crucial studies were conducted demonstrating the transmission of yellow fever by mosquitoes and not by fomites, was christened Camp Lazear. Ironically, although Carroll recovered from acute yellow fever infection, he tragically died 7 years later of myocarditis attributed to that attack of yellow fever.

      An important piece of the puzzle still remained to fall in place. Walter Reed and his colleagues’ final conclusion of their JAMA report was that “. . . the specific cause of this disease remains to be discovered” (32). Having turned away from that goal in their transmission studies, Carroll returned to the project. Initially confronted with local objections to further experimentation, Carroll resumed his studies in September 1901 in Cuba on the nature of the infecting agent (7). In the crucial experiment, six individuals were exposed to the bites of infected mosquitoes (33). Four did not develop yellow fever, but two did. Blood was taken from patients I and II for further transmission study, but due to an accident to the vacuum pump, the blood from patient I could not be used. The blood from patient II was divided into three aliquots of partially defibrinated and diluted serum. The first aliquot, a positive control, was left untreated and successfully transmitted yellow fever to patient III. The second aliquot was heated to 55°C for 10 minutes and failed to transmit disease to patients IV, V, and VI. Based on previous work on heat stability with toxins, Reed and Carroll argued against a toxin. The third aliquot was “slowly filtered through a new Berkefeld laboratory-filter” and the filtrate was inoculated into patients VII, VIII, and IX. Patients VII and VIII developed “unmistakable” attacks of yellow fever; patient IX remained well. The scientific data were presented at the annual meeting of the Society of American Bacteriologists, 31 December 1901 and 1 January 1902. Thus, clinical virology can be said to have started in the first years of the 20th century.

      It was clear from the classic studies of the Yellow Fever Commission that transmission experiments had to be performed in human subjects. However, that presented significant ethical issues, not only for potentially lethal viral infections such as yellow fever but also for permanently disabling anterior poliomyelitis.

      Although Carroll reported in 1904 that others had also shown that the agent of yellow fever was filterable (7), attempts to identify a bacterial cause continued (2). It was not until a successful experimental animal host, the rhesus monkey, was demonstrated in 1928 (37) and then the successful use of intracerebral inoculation of white mice (38, 39) that large-scale studies of the yellow fever virus could be undertaken and the bacterial candidates dismissed.


      1 Ackerknecht, E. H. 1948. Anticontagionism between 1821 and 1867. Bull. Hist. Med. 22:562–593.

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