To Catch a Virus. John Booss

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To Catch a Virus - John Booss

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of disease on transmission to a susceptible host

      4 Reisolation of the offending organism from the experimental host

      Birth of Virology, “Filterable Viruses”

      Notably absent from the list of infectious diseases were the scourges that we now know as viral diseases. Diseases with telltale skin lesions such as disfiguring smallpox, measles, and the dramatic yellowing of malignant bilious fever or yellow fever did not succumb to isolation attempts on artificial media, nor did rage (rabies), long known for its transmission through the bite of a rabid dog. Fear of these diseases sparked scientists of the day to investigate their etiology and control. Edward Jenner’s revolutionary inoculation of vesicular material from cowpox lesions blunted or prevented dreaded smallpox in recipients. Likewise, Pasteur developed attenuated rabies virus material that he used to inoculate young Joseph Meister, bitten by a vicious, rabid dog. Meister’s miraculous survival unleashed a popular demand for vaccination against this frightful disease (12).



      Walter Reed and the Yellow Fever Commission

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