An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques. Anil Bangalore Shivappa

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An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques - Anil Bangalore Shivappa

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Aspect Mesial Aspect Palatal Aspect Distal Aspect Occlusal Aspect Carving the Root References 17 Permanent Mandibular First Molar Permanent Mandibular Right First Molar Buccal Aspect Lingual Aspect Mesial Aspect Distal Aspect Carving from the Mesial Aspect Occlusal Aspect Carving the Roots References 18 Permanent Mandibular Right Second Molar Permanent Mandibular Right Second Molar Buccal Aspect Mesial Aspect Distal Aspect Lingual Aspect Occlusal Aspect Root Carving References

      10  Part II: Wax‐Up Technique 19 Waxing of the Maxillary Right Central Incisor Waxing the Labial Surface Waxing the Palatal Surface References 20 Waxing of the Permanent Mandibular Right Central Incisor Waxing the Labial Surface Waxing the Lingual Surface References 21 Waxing of the Permanent Maxillary Left Canine Waxing the Labial Surface Waxing the Palatal Surface References 22 Waxing of the Permanent Maxillary Left First Premolar References 23 Waxing of the Permanent Maxillary Right First Molar References 24 Waxing of the Permanent Mandibular Right First Molar References

      11  Index

      12  End User License Agreement

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Dental formula for deciduous dentition.Figure 1.2 Dental formula for permanent dentition.Figure 1.3 Universal system for primary dentition.Figure 1.4 Universal system for permanent dentition.Figure 1.5 Zsigmondy Palmer notation for primary dentition.Figure 1.6 Zsigmondy Palmer notation for permanent dentition.Figure 1.7 FDI system for primary dentition.Figure 1.8 FDI system for permanent dentition.

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Rectangular wax block used for carving human dentition.Figure 2.2 Parts of the Lecron carver.Figure 2.3 Edges of the knife end of the Lecron carver.Figure 2.4 Carving the slopes of the triangular ridge using the non‐cutting ...Figure 2.5 (a–d) Carving the developmental depression on the root portion us...Figure 2.6 Metallic scale with markings in centimetres.Figure 2.7 Vernier caliper.Figure 2.8 PKT instruments set.Figure 2.9 Pen grasp.Figure 2.10 Modified pen grasp used for holding the instruments.

      3 Chapter 3Figures 3.1–3.4 Technique to smooth wax block surface before the carving ste...Figures 3.5–3.8 Sequence of steps to divide the wax blocks before the actual...

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 (a–h) Anatomical landmarks of human permanent dentition.Figure 4.2 (a–h) Anatomical landmarks of human permanent dentition.Figure 4.3 (a–h) Anatomical landmarks of human permanent dentition.Figure 4.4 (a–h) Anatomical landmarks of human permanent dentition.

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Position of the maxillary central incisor in relation to the mids...Figure

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