An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques. Anil Bangalore Shivappa
Читать онлайн книгу.central incisor crown fr...Figure 5.5 (a–d) Measuring and marking the crown dimension on the mesial asp...Figure 5.6 (a–b) Description of the maxillary right central incisor from the...Figure 5.7 (a–g) Creating the palatal convergence.Figure 5.8 (a–h) Marking and carving the palatal fossa.Figure 5.9 (a–e) Description of the maxillary right incisor from the incisal...Figure 5.10 (a–b) Description of the maxillary right incisor from the distal...Figure 5.11 (a–r) Sequence of carving the root.
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Location of the lateral incisor in relation to the midsagittal pl...Figure 6.2 (a–d) Characteristic features of the permanent maxillary right la...Figure 6.3 (a–d) Measuring and marking the length of the crown and root on t...Figure 6.4 (a–f) Descriptive features of the permanent maxillary right later...Figure 6.5 (a–f) Measuring and marking the dimension and outline of the crow...Figure 6.6 (a and b) Description of the permanent maxillary right lateral in...Figure 6.7 (a–d) Creating the palatal convergence of the crown. (e–m) Markin...Figure 6.8 (a–b) Drawing and carving the outline of the crown (Labial aspect...Figure 6.9 (a–b) Description of the permanent maxillary right lateral inciso...Figure 6.10 (a–b) Description of the permanent maxillary right lateral incis...Figure 6.11 (a–d) Step sequence to carve the root. (e–n) Step sequence to ca...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Position of the mandibular central incisor in relation to the mid...Figure 7.2 (a–d) Descriptive features of the permanent mandibular right cent...Figure 7.3 (a–h) Marking crown dimensions and root length on the labial surf...Figure 7.4 (a–c) Description of the permanent mandibular right central incis...Figure 7.5 (a–d) Measuring and marking the dimension of the crown on the mes...Figure 7.6 (a–l) Drawing the crown outline and carving excess wax from the l...Figure 7.7 (a–b) Description of the mandibular right central incisor from th...Figure 7.8 (a–g) Creating lingual convergence and carving the lingual fossa....Figure 7.9 (a–b) Description of the mandibular right central incisor crown f...Figure 7.10 (a–p) Carving the root of the permanent mandibular right central...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Position of the mandibular lateral incisor in relation to the mid...Figure 8.2 (a–d) Descriptive features of the permanent mandibular right late...Figure 8.3 (a–f) Creating the distal tilt of the incisal edge of the crown....Figure 8.4 (a–e) Description of the permanent mandibular right lateral incis...Figure 8.5 (a–b) Description of the permanent mandibular right lateral incis...Figure 8.6 (a–d) Creating lingual convergence and distal placement of the ci...Figure 8.7 (a–b) Description of the mandibular right lateral incisor crown f...Figure 8.8 (a–e) Creating the distolingual twist of the crown.
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Position of the maxillary canine in relation to the midsagittal p...Figure 9.2 (a–f) Characteristic features of the crown and root of the maxill...Figure 9.3 (a–j) Measuring and marking the crown dimension and root length o...Figure 9.4 (a–h) Description of the right maxillary canine from the mesial a...Figure 9.5 (a–d) Measuring and marking the crown dimension on the distal asp...Figure 9.6 (a–f) Drawing the crown outline and carving excess wax from the l...Figure 9.7 (a–b) Description of the maxillary right canine from the palatal ...Figure 9.8 (a–d) Creating the palatal convergence. (e–h) Carving the mesial ...Figure 9.9 (a–f) Description of the permanent maxillary right canine from th...Figure 9.10 (a–f) Refining the crown outline from the incisal aspect.Figure 9.11 (a–o) Carving the root from the mesial and labial aspect.
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Position of the mandibular canine in relation to the midsagittal...Figure 10.2 (a–d) Characteristic features of the permanent mandibular right ...Figure 10.3 (a–b) Description of the permanent mandibular right canine from ...Figure 10.4 (a–d) Description of the permanent mandibular right canine from ...Figure 10.5 (a–c) Description of the mandibular right canine from the incisa...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Position of the permanent maxillary first premolar in relation t...Figure 11.2 (a–f) Descriptive features of the permanent maxillary right firs...Figure 11.3 (a–f) Measuring and marking the crown dimension and root length ...Figure 11.4 (a–c) Description of the maxillary right first premolar from the...Figure 11.5 (a–f) Description of the permanent maxillary right first premola...Figure 11.6 (a–d) Measuring and marking the dimension of the crown on the me...Figure 11.7 (a–e) Description of the maxillary right first premolar from the...Figure 11.8 (a–d) Creating the palatal convergence of the mesial and distal ...Figure 11.9 (a–u) Step sequence to carve the root from the buccal, palatal a...
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Position of the maxillary second premolar in relation to the mid...Figure 12.2 (a–e) Characteristic features of the permanent maxillary right s...Figure 12.3 (a–b) Description of the permanent maxillary right second premol...Figure 12.4 (a–e) Description of the permanent maxillary right second premol...Figure 12.5 (a–b) Description of the permanent maxillary right second premol...Figure 12.6 (a–n) Step sequence in carving the root of the permanent maxilla...
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Position of the mandibular first premolar in relation to the mid...Figure 13.2 (a–f) Descriptive features of the permanent mandibular right fir...Figure 13.3 (a–h) Measuring and marking the crown dimension and root length ...Figure 13.4 (a–g) Description of the permanent mandibular right first premol...Figure 13.5 (a–d) Measuring and marking the dimension of the crown on the me...Figure 13.6 (a–b) Description of the mandibular right first premolar from th...Figure 13.7 (a–b) Description of the mandibular right first premolar from th...Figure 13.8 (a–c) Description of the mandibular right first premolar from th...Figure 13.9 (a–o) Step sequence to carve occlusal features of the mandibular...Figure 13.10 (a–d) Carving the root from the lingual aspect. (e‐j) Carving t...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Position of the mandibular second premolar in relation to the mi...Figure 14.2 (a–e) Descriptive features of the permanent mandibular right sec...Figure 14.3 (a–d) Marking the crown and root length of the mandibular right ...Figure 14.4 (a–i) Marking the crown outline on the buccal aspect of wax and ...Figure 14.5 (a–f) Description of the permanent mandibular right second premo...Figure 14.6 (a–d) Measuring and marking the dimension of the crown on the me...Figure 14.7 (a–c): Description of the permanent mandibular right second prem...Figure 14.8 (a–d) Description of the permanent mandibular right second premo...Figure 14.9 (a–p) Step sequence to carve occlusal features of the permanent ...Figure 14.10 (a–m) Carving the root from the lingual and mesial aspect.
15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Position of the maxillary first molar in relation to the midsagi...Figure 15.2 (a–f) Descriptive features of the permanent maxillary right firs...Figure 15.3 (a–h) Measuring and marking the crown dimension and root length ...Figure 15.4 (a–e) Descriptive features of the permanent maxillary right firs...Figure 15.5 (a–d) Measuring and marking the dimension of the crown on the me...Figure 15.6 (a–d) Description of the permanent maxillary right first molar c...Figure 15.7 (a–f) Description of the permanent maxillary right first molar c...Figure 15.8 (a–x) Carving occlusal features (cusps, their ridges, fossae, an...Figure 15.9 (a–l) Carving marginal ridges, ridges on buccal and palatal surf...Figure 15.10 (a–k) Carving the roots from the buccal aspect.Figure 15.11 (a–k) Carving the roots from the mesial aspect.
16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Position of the permanent maxillary second molars in relation to...Figure 16.2 (a–d) Descriptive features of the permanent maxillary right seco...Figure 16.3 (a–f) Measuring and marking the crown dimension and root length ...Figure 16.4 (a–b) Descriptive features of the permanent maxillary right seco...Figure 16.5 (a–d) Measuring and marking the dimension of crown on the mesial...Figure 16.6 (a–b) Description of the permanent maxillary right second molar ...Figure 16.7 (a–c) Description of the permanent maxillary right second molar ...Figure 16.8 (a–d) Description of the permanent maxillary right second molar ...Figure 16.9 (a–k) Creating the distal convergence of buccal and palatal surf...
17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Position of the permanent mandibular first molar in relation to ...Figure 17.2 (a–f) Descriptive features of permanent mandibular right first m...Figure 17.3 (a–e) Description of the permanent mandibular right first molar ...Figure 17.4 (a–f) Measuring and marking the crown dimension and root length ...Figure 17.5 (a–g) Descriptive features of the permanent mandibular right fir...Figure 17.6 (a–d) Measuring and marking the dimension of the crown on the me...Figure 17.7 (a–g) Description of the permanent mandibular right first molar ...Figure 17.8 (a–r)