One Face in a Million Book 1: Mu Shangaaniana. William Bond

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One Face in a Million Book 1: Mu Shangaaniana - William Bond

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service had begun, and it was too late to make such a move. Some announcements were made, and then, there was singing before there was a time for personal prayers, a pastoral prayer, and the congregation’s unison reciting of the Lord’s Prayer. Then, the choir sang, and some scriptures were read before the pastor began his sermon.

      Although Christine had become accustomed to an Anglican service, the sermons could run a bit long, and in this regard, they were like some of the sermons that she had sat through back in Tavani.

      Sometimes, a sermon really captured her attention, but as she looked at Jim, she again imagined how wonderful it would be to be loved by him. She loved his dark hair and his powerful athletic build. He was so good-looking, and her thoughts soon took her to intimate situations with him that were far from church! As she thought about him, she wondered if she could think of a way of really getting his attention. As the sermon continued, a plan was forming in her mind. But would it work, and dare she try it?

      She soon realized that she had failed to get the point of the morning’s sermon, and now, the pastor was concluding his remarks. A few moments later, people opened their hymnals and sang all the verses of “The Church’s One Foundation.” After the benediction, people began to make their way out of the sanctuary.

      Christine could have walked back to the dorm with some of the girls, but she purposely spoke to an elderly lady until she saw that she needed to excuse herself in order to activate her little plan. She purposely left the church before Jim did, but she soon cast a quick glance backward so that she did not get too far ahead of him. When she sensed the time was right, she glanced up as if she was noticing some birds in flight, and at the same time, she feigned turning her ankle before she began to stumble to the ground. It had been an awkward bit of acting, but it had the desired effect, for it brought Jim quickly to her.

      “Are you hurt?” he asked, with sincere concern.

      “I’m not sure,” she replied, untruthfully. “I think I’ve turned my ankle. I’m afraid I wasn’t watching where I was going. This was very clumsy of me.”

      Christine felt her right ankle in a way that suggested it bothered her—yet she was trying to be stoic.

      When Jim offered to help her up, she accepted his help and tried to remember to favor her right foot as he assisted her back toward her dorm. Christine enjoyed the contact she had with Jim, and because she wanted to prolong their togetherness, she limped along at a pace that was slower than necessary. Because they had classes together and a few other things in common, they had no trouble finding things to talk about. In truth, Jim’s firm strength pleased Christine, and she really loved the scent of his cologne.

      As they neared the dorm, she smiled and asked, “Would you like to study for some exams together?”

      He looked at her lovely eyes that seemed to regard him with such admiration. “I’d love to,” he replied.

      Amazingly, with Jim’s help, Christine seemed much better by the time they approached the entrance of her dorm, and she acknowledged that she felt her ankle was going to be fine. Then, she made a proposal.

      “Would you like to get together sometime this afternoon?” she asked. “I could bring a blanket, and maybe we could take our books and study on the lawn down near the creek.”

      “That sounds like a great idea!” Jim beamed. “Could I stop by for you around two o’clock?”

      “That would be splendid!” Christine replied. “I shall look forward to seeing you at two.” With the promise of a date, they bade each other goodbye, and after Jim had headed off toward his dorm, Christine entered the door and raced upstairs to her room. She was excited that she and Jim now had a date, and she was beside herself with excitement. However, Helen was in the room, and although Christine would have loved to have shared her good news with Helen, she decided to see if she could sit on her secret.

      At two o’clock, Jim came to the dorm and found Christine standing near the entrance. “How’s your ankle?” he asked.

      “I’m going to be fine,” she replied, with a smile, and then looking up at him admiringly, she said, “Would you mind carrying my books?”

      “At your service,” he quipped, before he received them from her.

      Although she was no longer limping, she took the initiative of holding Jim’s arm.

      Without any pressure, she could feel that he had very muscular biceps. Some of her dorm mates were in the vicinity as they walked away from the dorm, but Christine felt proud that she was walking closely with Jim Pearson. If truth be told, she was happy that they were seeing her with one of the most popular guys at St. Mark’s.

      In time, they reached a pleasant grassy area near the creek, and with Jim’s approval, Christine spread a blanket on the ground and they seated themselves. They visited for a while, and then, they studied for two upcoming tests. They applied themselves to their task for quite some time, and then, Jim made a suggestion.

      “How about stretching our legs a little. We could take a short walk along the creek. Our books will be fine where they are.”

      The invitation was one that Christine had hoped to hear. “Let’s do that,” she said with a smile.

      Jim stood up and offered a helping hand to Christine, and she was glad that he continued to hold her hand as they proceeded along the banks of the small stream. Conversation came easily for both of them, and when they reached a somewhat secluded spot, Jim stopped and turned to look into Christine’s eyes.

      “You know,” he said, somewhat bashfully, “I think you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

      Christine beamed. “That’s a lovely compliment,” she said. “I’m very flattered.”

      “I wish I had gotten to know you sooner.”

      “Why didn’t you?” she asked.

      “I’ve noticed you for a long time,” he continued, “but I guess I thought you wouldn’t be interested in me. I didn’t know what we would talk about, but I see we don’t have to worry about that, do we.”

      “I guess we don’t. I have had my eye on you too.” She smiled, and as she gave him a gentle hug, she said, “I guess I’ve been waiting for you to make the first move.”

      Her small gesture was encouraging. He turned and looked into the eyes that regarded him with such interest. “Would it be all right with you if I gave you a kiss?”

      Christine nodded affirmatively, and as they embraced, their lips met for a brief kiss that was soon followed by another that was much longer and more intimate. It was a moment that pleased them both.

      “You have the most exquisite eyes.” He grinned. “You are much better looking than my roommate. I wish I could exchange him for you.”

      Although such a trade was impossible, Christine quipped, “Wouldn’t that be fun?”

      No doubt both of them would have loved to have let their urges take them to a deeper level of romance, but that would not happen on this occasion in this place. They returned to the spot where they had studied and acknowledged their regret that they hadn’t come into this relationship much sooner. It was sad to realize that their time for being together had been reduced to weeks, and before long, it would be reduced to days. After picking up their things, they walked arm in arm back to the girls’ dorm, and because the tests were still some time away, they resolved that they would meet again to study. They also acknowledged that they would find other opportunities to be together before they left St. Mark’s and made their last departures from Swaziland.

      When Christine returned to her room, she had no plans to tell Helen about her date with Jim, but some other girls had seen them walking on campus together, and they came to the room to see what they could learn about the time that Christine and Jim had spent together.

      “We just did some studying together for a couple of our upcoming exams,” Christine explained matter-of-factly.


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