Riverview Hospital Staff Manuals. Richard J. Wiseman

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Riverview Hospital Staff Manuals - Richard J. Wiseman

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the bad behavior.

      Children can only be placed in the QR for hitting and property destruction.

      b. Swearing will only be fined.

      c. Non-compliance will not, in theory, be a problem. All non compliant children will either lose savings or liquid assets due to their non-compliance. In all cases, the child has the choice and the staff should not push a child if he choses not to comply. There are built-in consequences to the non-compliance and no need for us to make an issue in most cases.

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      Any child who has no spendable dollars will be allowed access to make-up earnings during non-earning times. If there is an earning activity taking place, the child who has no dollars will be able to join that activity if there is no earning activity, then make-up will be available.

      Make-Up Activities:

      1. Homework – Per assignment correct with a score of 80% or better $2

      2. Ward Jobs

      a. Wash out showers, bath, toilets 1

      b. Mop Long Hall 1

      c. Sweep Long Hall 1

      d. Mop and Sweep Office 1

      e. Wash door and walls (2) in Room 1

      f. Wash doors in long hall 1

      g. Wash one long hall wall 1

      3. Calisthenics

a. 40 jumping jacks)
b. 20 sit-ups)
c. 8 push-upsWithin 15 min.)1
d. 60 toe touches)
e. 40 deep knee bends)

      During weekends, fine ratas remain the same as do Entry Into System, Ground Zero, and Quiet Room – Beyond Fines procedures.


      1. All staff who work mornings will be expected to teach during school time. This teaching will be done in conjunction with and under the supervision and guidance of our assigned teacher. During the weekends staff will act as teachers either by programming for Earning activities or by following teacher’s instructions.

      2. During each earning or spending routine one staff member will be designated by the Ward Charge as being in charge of giving out dollars and noting how much was earned or spent. For example, during school periods the teacher will be in charge of giving and noting all earnings and fines. During the 11:00 – 11:30 time slot, a staff member will be responsible for collecting and noting all fines and expenditures. This procedure is an attempt to ensure that children only get paid once for a job well done and are only able to spend dollars once. This person will be known as the control person.

      3. Fines can be given by any staff member any time a bad behavior occurs. If the staff member who gives the fine also settles with the child, then the staff member must get to the control person to note the fine. This is especially true if the fine comes out of savings dollars. If the fine is not settled then the staff member must get this information to the control person, so that it can be noted and appropriate action taken. Fines will be coded on the daily chart so we will know exactly what a child was fined for during that day.


1. Hitting staff or other children $20
2. Property destruction 20
3. Smoking and/or Possession of Matches 10
4. AWOL, Per Hour 10
5. Self-inflicted wound of any kind – M.D. Fee 20
6. Interacting with grounded kids 20
7. Stealing 20
8. Swearing, Per Word 1
9. Entering another’s room without paying 5
The numbers are the code for noting fines. Numbers in front of fines are to be used on sheet for coding fines.

      4. The finance and control person will be in charge of all ongoing bookkeeping. Each shift will be responsible for tabulation of its shift turnover in dollars. The night staff will be responsible for all entries into savings accounts and final daily tabulations. (See chart) Night staff will also keep record of how much each child earned for that day in graph form. Thus each child will have an ongoing graph of how he or she is doing.

      5. Every child will be assigned to an economic advisor. This advisor will be either a clinical person or in some cases a staff member. It will be the job of the economic advisor to meet with the child on an hourly basis at least once a week. At this meeting, the child’s performance for the week will be reviewed and any special savings dollars purchases can be made.

      6. Each full time staff member will be allotted 100 savings dollars per week. These savings dollars can be given at the discretion of the staff member in the form of bonuses. Like fine slips, there will also be bonus slips which the staff can issue as she sees behavior which she wants to encourage.

      7. Staff will be responsible to spell out expectations for good behavior. Expectation should be spelled out before an activity is embarked on. This is especially true where savings dollars are at stake.

      8. Our leverage in this system will be gained by being consistent in our implementation of definitions. Should there be need to change a definition or procedure, this will ONLY be done at a full staff meeting where all staff can agree on the change and the implementation of that change. Changes of this nature will go into effect on a specified day, and not necessarily directly after the staff meeting. All changes must receive the approval of the BLEU Director.

      9. Our job is to teach new behavior. In this light, we must all realize that positive reinforcement teaches more and better than punishment. We must remember that a child in his room alone cannot learn how not to get into trouble. He can only learn that when he can get into trouble, but understands that it does not pay off.

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      All liquid assets will be turned in at the end of each day and turned into savings assets at a 2-to-1 rate. For example, if a child has 6 liquid dollars, they are converted to 3 savings dollars. This is to encourage spending.

      Children who have enough savings to go home will be rebated for good visits home. The rebate will be 500 savings dollars below the original price, which means the child will have to work that week to visit home the next week. Other rebates will also be possible.

      Preferably all dollars should be handed to the child upon completion of the task and should certainly be handed out at the end of that period. In all cases a child should be told FOR WHAT GOOD BEHAVIOR HE OR SHE IS RECEIVING THE “MONEY”.

      If a child loses saving credit, he or she should be told of that loss upon returning to the ward. No threats should ever be made. This is a go-no go, either/or, system. There should be no question when action either positive or negative should take place.

      Any time during an activity period a child wants one-to-one

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