Riverview Hospital Staff Manuals. Richard J. Wiseman

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Riverview Hospital Staff Manuals - Richard J. Wiseman

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up to three individual verbal Sd’s, i.e. “Make your bed” or “Are you going to make your bed?” during the 1/2 hour period. At the end of the period or upon completion of the task, the child will receive credit.

      11. Sweep Room Floor

      a. Definition: Any child who has no dust, dirt, scraps, droppings, or other stuff on his floor will be given credit. The floor of the room is defined as the line where the door closes. All dust, etc. must be picked up and not swept into the hall.

      b. Idea: To have the room swept with a minimum of hassle.

      c. Procedure: During the half-hour, each child will be provided with access to a broom and dustpan. Each child will be verbally prompted up to 3 times during the half hour to sweep his room. If at the end of the period the floor has been swept, the child will receive credit.

      12. Straighten Room

      a. Definition: Any child who has his room kept neatly: his belongings either in drawers or closets or stacked neatly in piles; all belongings except shoes and other floor-appropriate items, should be off the floor; clothes in closets should be hung up.

      b. Idea: To have child learn to keep his room in a used but orderly fashion.

      c. Procedure: During the half hour each child will be told up to a maximum of three times to straighten his room. Staff can point out during this time areas which need more work. Staff is not to get uptight about non-compliance.


      Complete: All children who have Bed Made, Floor Swept, and Room Straightened will receive credit.

      Non-Prompted: Any child who completes all three tasks with less than three prompts will receive credit.

      Quality Job: Any child whose room is very straight, whose bed has no wrinkles in it, and whose floor is extra clean will receive credit.

      Procedure: Staff will check rooms, beds, floors at the end of the half hour and give appropriate number of earned dollars.


      13. Ward Jobs-

      Definitions: Each child will be assigned one of the following ward jobs on a weekly rotating basis.

      1. Mopped Day Room: Day Room floor should have a thin coat of water such that there is no excess and the water left on the floor is clean. The floor itself should not have any grime, dirt or streaks left on it. There should be no excess water in the hall or other adjacent areas.

      2. Sweep Day Room: Day room floor should have no dust, dirt, scraps, droppings or other stuff on it. All improper things on the floor should be swept up and put in the garbage and not swept into the hall.

      3. Mop Center Hall: Center hall floor should have a thin coat of water such that there is no excess and the water left on the floor is clean. The floor itself should not have any grime, dirt, or streaks left on it. There should not be any excess water in the rooms or adjacent areas.

      4. Sweep Center Hall: Hall floor should have no dust, dirt, scraps, droppings or other stuff on it. All improper things on the floor should be swept up and put in the garbage and not swept into the rooms.

      5. Clean Day Room Bath: The tub, sink, and john should be washed out such that there is no hair, stains or other debris left in them. The mirror should be wiped clean and the tub, sink, and john washed out. The floor should be swept and mopped to the criterion described for floors above.

      6. Collect Laundry: All dirty laundry should be collected from outside the rooms and placed in the dirty laundry bags in the laundry room.

      7. Trash: All waste paper baskets should be emptied into a central collection bag or basket and the collected trash placed outside where it can be picked up.

      8. Laundry Room: All dirty clothes will be placed in bags, the room straightened up so that the clean clothes are either in piles or in drawers. All clothes must be off the floor and the floor swept to the criterion for Day Room floor.


      Staff will announce that it is ward job time. Children will be provided with the necessary equipment to do the job assigned to them. Any child who has completed his or her job by the time limit will be given credit at the end of the allotted time. Staff can give up to three reminders about the jobs.


      Quality: Any child who does an extra good job will receive the bonus. Extra good means cleaner or straighter than usual. This will be a child specific decision made by the person who checks jobs (hopefully the control person).

      Non-Prompted: Any child who does his job with one or less prompts or reminders will receive credit.


      The staff member who checks jobs will also check for Bonuses. This will be done at the end of the job period or as a child claims he has finished his or her job. If a child does not receive bonus dollars he should be told why so that the next day can change his behavior.


      General Procedures

      1. Staff will decide what is offered each cash-in period. Staff must offer as many activities as is possible in order to keep the children spending and earning. Thus, the economic attainment of the children must be taken into account in making activities available.

      2. All transactions will be made between the child concerned and the control person.

      3. Staff involved will take money, note expenditure on sheet and give child materials or direct child to staff who will be leading activity.

      4. Staff leading activities or giving out materials will state expectations for receiving savings for that activity before activity starts. Staff will not change rules midstream.

      5. Upon return to the ward, staff leading activity will note all savings on sheet and tell children why and how much savings they received.

      6. For on-ward activities, child will receive savings credit for prompt return of materials in good condition.

      7. There should be no threats of nonpayment, etc. while a child is on any activity. All that should be said or repeated are the expectations previously stated. If a child needs more than two reminders of rules during the activity, he will not receive savings credit. If a child breaks the rules he will not receive payment. If a child not only breaks the rules but also is fined, he will not receive savings credit.

      *14. CASH-IN PERIOD #1

      Definition: Outside (15 min.) means outside of the Silvermine Building.

      Things offered:

      1. going to swing set

      2. playing catch or frisbee or 15 min. outdoor activity, or digging.

      3. riding a bike

      4. short walk around building

      1. Going to swing set means: child’s walking up to area with staff person within 20 feet of staff. Playing appropriately with equipment: i.e. uses swing as intended, swings in right direction, does not endanger another person, does not throw swing over top bar, does, not endanger self, does not throw self off swing, does not run up slide the wrong way, watches where walking and does not come close to people Swinging. Stops immediately when told it is time to return to ward. Walks back within 20 feet of staff. Receives notification of payment upon return to ward.

      2. Outdoor activities: Games such as frisbee, catch, etc. The rules for these games are as set up by group living staff member before leaving ward. They are to be followed. If there is a group playing, each is to get equal chance – no one child should monopolize the game. It should be played such that it would not endanger anyone, i.e. if an object is being thrown, in some way the person throwing object should make sure the person to whom the object is being thrown is knowledgable of the hurled object. No throwing an object to someone who is not facing you.

      This game will be played immediately outside ICU, on lawn beside Cottage C or outside of downstairs

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