Structural Analysis and Synthesis. Stephen M. Rowland

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Structural Analysis and Synthesis - Stephen M. Rowland

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Schematic illustration of azimuth and quadrant methods of expressing compass directions.

      A plane that strikes due northwest–southeast and dips 50° southwest could be described as 315°, 50°SW (azimuth) or N45°W, 50°SW (quadrant). Similarly, a line that trends due west and plunges 30° may be described as 30°/270° in azimuth (sometimes written as 30° → 270° or 30°, 270°) or 30°/N90°W in quadrant. For azimuth notation, always use three digits (e.g. 008°, 065°, 255°), so that a bearing cannot be confused with a dip (one or two digits). In this book, the strike is given before the dip, and the plunge is given before the trend. We recommend that you use the azimuth convention in your work. It is much easier to make errors reading a bearing in quadrant notation (two letters and a number) than in azimuth notation (a single number). In addition, when entering orientation data into a computer program or spreadsheet file, it is much faster to enter azimuth notation because there are fewer characters to enter.

      Schematic illustration of an eye. The method for measuring planes and lines in the field is to use a pocket transit or a modified compass with a clinometer. Video 1 contains instructions on how to measure lines and planes in the field using both devices. An alternative method of measuring and representing strike and dip is the right‐hand rule. The right‐hand rule requires that you view and measure the strike direction so that the surface dips to your right. For example, the attitude of a plane expressed as 040°, 65°NW could be written as 220°, 65° using the right‐hand rule convention because the 65°NW dip direction would lie to the right of the 220° strike bearing. The system eliminates the need for dip direction. A third but less popular method is dip/dip direction. In this case, the dip angle and its direction (declination) are measured. The dip direction is perpendicular to the strike, so no dip direction is required for this method either. In areas of low dip angles, this can be a simpler and more accurate system because the strike of planes with low dip angles can be difficult to measure and may result in significant errors.

      There is a problem measuring declinations because they are meant to be from the geographic North Pole, but a compass or transit measures from the magnetic North Pole. These devices must be adjusted to correct for the difference in location between the poles. The closer the measurement is made to the poles, the more pronounced the correction may be, and the current rapid wandering of the magnetic North Pole is further complicating data collection. There are apps available for smartphones to measure orientations that do not require corrections, but they tend to be less accurate and subject to cell phone coverage. Because inclinations are relative to the earth surface at a specific location, they are only comparable locally. Relative to a fixed point in space, a 30° dip at one location would not be parallel to a 30° dip measured 1000 km away.

      The following terms are used to describe the orientations of lines and planes. All of these are measured in degrees, so values are typically followed by the degree symbol (°).

      Problem 1.1

      Translate the azimuth convention into the quadrant convention, or vice versa.

      1 N12°E

      2 298°

      3 N86°W

      4 N55°E

      5 126°

      6 N37°W

      7 233°

      8 270°

      9 083°

      10 N3°W

      Problem 1.2

      Circle those attitudes that are impossible (i.e. a bed with the indicated strike cannot possibly dip in the direction indicated).

      1 314°, 49°NW

      2 086°, 43°W

      3 N15°W, 87°NW

      4 345°, 62°NE

      5 062°, 32°S

      6 333°, 15°SE

      7 089°, 43°N

      8 065°, 36°SW

      9 N65°W, 54°SE

      Problem 1.3

      Fault surfaces can contain slip lineations (fault striae). Such slip lineations can be used to determine the orientation of a slip on a fault and, therefore, whether the motion on the fault was strike‐slip, dip‐slip, or oblique‐slip. A geology student who was just learning to use a pocket transit recorded the orientations of five slip lineations on one fault surface. The strike and dip of the fault surface is 320°, 47°NE. The student’s five recorded lineation orientations are recorded in the table below.

      Determine which lineation orientations are feasible and which ones must represent a mistake on the part of the student because the given orientation does not lie within the fault plane. Give a brief explanation for each of your five answers. For the valid lineation orientations, indicate which type of fault motion is indicated.

Lineation (plunge and trend) Feasible? (yes or no) Explanation
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