The Antiquities of the Jews & The War of the Jews. Flavius Josephus

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The Antiquities of the Jews & The War of the Jews - Flavius Josephus

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And Other Nations Fought Against The Israelites And Beat Them, And Afflicted Their Country For Seven Years, How They Were Delivered By Gideon, Who Ruled Over The Multitude For Forty Years

       CHAPTER 7 That The Judges Who Succeeded Gideon Made War With The Adjoining Nations For A Long Time

       CHAPTER 8 Concerning The Fortitude Of Samson, And What Mischiefs He Brought Upon The Philistines

       CHAPTER 9 How Under Eli's Government Of The Israelites Booz Married Ruth, From Whom Came Obed The Grandfather Of David

       CHAPTER 10 Concerning The Birth Of Samuel; And How He Foretold The Calamity That Befell The Sons Of Eli

       CHAPTER 11 Herein Is Declared What Befell The Sons Of Eli, The Ark, And The People And How Eli Himself Died Miserably

       BOOK VI Containing The Interval Of Thirty-Two Years. — From The Death Of Eli To The Death Of Saul

       CHAPTER 1 The Destruction That Came Upon The Philistines, And Upon Their Land, By The Wrath Of Go On Account Of Their Having Carried The Ark Away Captive; And After What Manner They Sent It Back To The Hebrews

       CHAPTER 2 The Expedition Of The Philistines Against The Hebrews And The Hebrews' Victory Under The Conduct Of Samuel The Prophet, Who Was Their General

       CHAPTER 3 How Samuel When He Was So Infirm With Old Age That He Could Not Take Care Of The Public Affairs Intrusted Them To His Sons; And How Upon The Evil Administration Of The Government By Them The Multitude Were So Angry, That They Required To Have A King To Govern Them, Although Samuel Was Much Displeased Thereat

       CHAPTER 4 The Appointment Of A King Over The Israelites, Whose Name Was Saul; And This By The Command Of God

       CHAPTER 5 Saul's Expedition Against The Nation Of The Ammonites And Victory Over Them And The Spoils He Took From Them

       CHAPTER 6 How The Philistines Made Another Expedition Against The Hebrews And Were Beaten

       CHAPTER 7 Saul's War With The Amalekites, And Conquest Of Them

       CHAPTER 8 How, Upon Saul's Transgression Of The Prophet's Commands, Samuel Ordained Another Person To Be King Privately, Whose Name Was David, As God Commanded Him

       CHAPTER 9 How The Philistines Made Another Expedition Against The Hebrews Under The Reign Of Saul; And How They Were Overcome By David's Slaying Goliath In Single Combat

       CHAPTER 10 Saul Envies David For His Glorious Success, And Takes An Occasion Of Entrapping Him, From The Promise He Made Him Of Giving Him His Daughter In Marriage; But This Upon Condition Of His Bringing Him Six Hundred Heads Of The Philistines

       CHAPTER 11 How David, Upon Saul's Laying Snares For Him, Did Yet Escape The Dangers He Was In By The Affection And Care Of Jonathan And The Contrivances Of His Wife Michal: And How He Came To Samuel The Prophet

       CHAPTER 12 How David Fled To Ahimelech And Afterwards To The Kings Of The Philistines And Of The Moabites, And How Saul Slew Ahimelech And His Family

       CHAPTER 13 How David, When He Had Twice The Opportunity Of Killing Saul Did Not Kill Him. Also Concerning The Death Of Samuel And Nabal

       CHAPTER 14 How Saul Upon God's Not Answering Him Concerning The Fight With The Philistines Desired A Necromantic Woman To Raise Up The Soul Of Samuel To Him; And How He Died, With His Sons Upon The Overthrow Of The Hebrews In Battle

       BOOK VII Containing The Interval Of Forty Years. — From The Death Of Saul To The Death Of David

       CHAPTER 1 How David Reigned Over One Tribe At Hebron While The Son Of Saul Reigned Over The Rest Of The Multitude; And How, In The Civil War Which Then Arose Asahel And Abner Were Slain

       CHAPTER 2 That Upon The Slaughter Of Ishbosheth By The Treachery Of His Friends, David Received The Whole Kingdom

       CHAPTER 3 How David Laid Siege To Jerusalem; And When He Had Taken The City, He Cast The Canaanites Out Of It, And Brought In The Jews To Inhabit Therein

       CHAPTER 4 That When David Had Conquered The Philistines Who Made War Against Him At Jerusalem, He Removed The Ark To Jerusalem And Had A Mind To Build A Temple

       CHAPTER 5 How David Brought Under The Philistines, And The Moabites, And The Kings Of Sophene And Of Damascus, And Of The Syrians As Also The Idumeans, In War; And How He Made A League With The King Of Hamath; And Was Mindful Of The Friendship That Jonathan, The Son Of Saul, Had Borne Him

       CHAPTER 6 How The War Was Waged Against The Ammonites And Happily Concluded

       CHAPTER 7 How David Fell In Love With Bathsheba, And Slew Her Husband Uriah, For Which He Is Reproved By Nathan

       CHAPTER 8 How Absalom Murdered Amnon, Who Had Forced His Own Sister; And How He Was Banished And Afterwards Recalled By David

       CHAPTER 9 Concerning The Insurrection Of Absalom Against David And Concerning Ahithophel And Hushai; And Concerning Ziba And Shimei; And How Ahithophel Hanged Himself

       CHAPTER 10 How, When Absalom Was Beaten, He Was Caught In A Tree By His Hair And Was Slain

       CHAPTER 11 How David, When He Had Recovered His Kingdom, Was Reconciled To Shimei, And To Ziba; And Showed A Great Affection To Barzillai; And How, Upon The Rise Of A Sedition, He Made Amasa Captain Of His Host, In Order To Pursue Seba; Which Amasa Was Slain By Joab

       CHAPTER 12 How The Hebrews Were Delivered From A Famine When The Gibeonites Had Caused Punishment To Be Inflicted For Those Of Them That Had Been Slain: As Also, What Great

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