The Antiquities of the Jews & The War of the Jews. Flavius Josephus

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The Antiquities of the Jews & The War of the Jews - Flavius Josephus

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5 How Scaurus Made A League Of Mutual Assistance With Aretas; And What Gabinius Did In Judea, After He Had Conquered Alexander, The Son Of Aristobulus

       CHAPTER 6 How Gabinius Caught Aristobulus After He Had Fled From Rome, And Sent Him Back To Rome Again; And How The Same Gabinius As He Returned Out Of Egypt Overcame Alexander And The Nabateans In Battle

       CHAPTER 7 How Crassus Came Into Judea, And Pillaged The Temple; And Then Marched Against The Parthians And Perished, With His Army. Also How Cassius Obtained Syria, And Put A Stop To The Parthians And Then Went Up To Judea

       CHAPTER 8 The Jews Become Confederates With Cæsar When He Fought Against Egypt. The Glorious Actions Of Antipater, And His Friendship With Cæsar. The Honors Which The Jews Received From The Romans And Athenians

       CHAPTER 9 How Antipater Committed The Care Of Galilee To Herod, And That Of Jerusalem To Phasaelus; As Also How Herod Upon The Jews' Envy At Antipater Was Accused Before Hyrcanus

       CHAPTER 10 The Honors That Were Paid The Jews; And The Leagues That Were Made By The Romans And Other Nations, With Them

       CHAPTER 11 How Marcus, Succeeded Sextus When He Had Been Slain By Bassus's Treachery; And How, After The Death Of Cæsar, Cassius Came Into Syria, And Distressed Judea; As Also How Malichus Slew Antipater And Was Himself Slain By Herod

       CHAPTER 12 Herod Ejects Antigonus, The Son Of Aristobulus Out Of Judea, And Gains The Friendship Of Antony, Who Was Now Come Into Syria, By Sending Him Much Money; On Which Account He Would Not Admit Of Those That Would Have Accused Herod: And What It Was That Antony Wrote To The Tyrians In Behalf

       CHAPTER 13 How Antony Made Herod And Phasaelus Tetrarchs, After They Had Been Accused To No Purpose; And How The Parthians When They Brought Antigonus Into Judea Took Hyrcanus And Phasaelus Captives. Herod's Flight; And What Afflictions Hyrcanus And Phasaelus Endured

       CHAPTER 14 How Herod Got Away From The King Of Arabia And Made Haste To Go Into Egypt And Thence Went Away In Haste Also To Rome; And How, By Promising A Great Deal Of Money To Antony He Obtained Of The Senate And Of Cæsar To Be Made King Of The Jews

       CHAPTER 15 How Herod Sailed Out Of Italy To Judea, And Fought With Antigonus And What Other Things Happened In Judea About That Time

       CHAPTER 16 How Herod, When He Had Married Mariamne Took Jerusalem With The Assistance Of Sosius By Force; And How The Government Of The Asamoneans Was Put An End To

       BOOK XV Containing The Interval Of Eighteen Years. — From The Death Of Antigonus To The Finishing Of The Temple By Herod

       CHAPTER 1 Concerning Pollio And Sameas. Herod Slays The Principal Of Antigonus's Friends, And Spoils The City Of Its Wealth. Antony Beheads Antigonus

       CHAPTER 2 How Hyrcanus Was Set At Liberty By The Parthians, And Returned To Herod; And What Alexandra Did When She Heard That Ananelus Was Made High Priest

       CHAPTER 3 How Herod Upon His Making Aristobulus High Priest Took Care That He Should Be Murdered In A Little Time; And What Apology He Made To Antony About Aristobulus; As Also Concerning Joseph And Mariamne

       CHAPTER 4 How Cleopatra, When She Had Gotten From Antony Some Parts Of Judea And Arabia Came Into Judea; And How Herod Gave Her Many Presents And Conducted Her On Her Way Back To Egypt

       CHAPTER 5 How Herod Made War With The King Of Arabia, And After They Had Fought Many Battles, At Length Conquered Him, And Was Chosen By The Arabs To Be Governor Of That Nation; As Also Concerning A Great Earthquake

       CHAPTER 6 How Herod Slew Hyrcanus And Then Hasted Away To Cæsar, And Obtained The Kingdom From Him Also; And How A Little Time Afterward, He Entertained Cæsar In A Most Honorable Manner

       CHAPTER 7 How Herod Slew Sohemus And Mariamne And Afterward Alexandra And Costobarus, And His Most Intimate Friends, And At Last The Sons Of Babbas Also

       CHAPTER 8 How Ten Men Of The Citizens (Of Jerusalem) Made A Conspiracy Against Herod, For The Foreign Practices He Had Introduced, Which Was A Transgression Of The Laws Of Their Country. Concerning The Building Of Sebaste And Cæsarea, And Other Edifices Of Herod

       CHAPTER 9 Concerning The Famine That Happened In Judea And Syria; And How Herod, After He Had Married Another Wife, Rebuilt Cæsarea, And Other Grecian Cities

       CHAPTER 10 How Herod Sent His Sons To Rome; How Also He Was Accused By Zenodorus And The Gadarens, But Was Cleared Of What They Accused Him Of And Withal Gained To Himself The Good-Will Of Cæsar. Concerning The Pharisees, The Essens And Manahem

       CHAPTER 11 How Herod Rebuilt The Temple And Raised It Higher And Made It More Magnificent Than It Was Before; As Also Concerning That Tower Which He Called Antonia

       BOOK XVI Containing The Interval Of Twelve Years. — From The Finishing Of The Temple By Herod To The Death Of Alexander And Aristobulus

       CHAPTER 1 A Law Of Herod's About, Thieves. Salome And Pheroras Calumniate Alexander And Aristobulus, Upon Their Return From Rome For Whom Yet Herod Provides Wives

       CHAPTER 2 How Herod Twice Sailed To Agrippa; And How Upon The Complaint In Ionia Against The Greeks Agrippa Confirmed The Laws To Them

       CHAPTER 3 How Great Disturbances Arose In Herods Family On His Preferring Antipater His Eldest Son Before The Rest, Till Alexander Took That Injury Very Heinously

       CHAPTER 4 How During Antipater's Abode At Rome, Herod Brought Alexander And Aristobulus Before Cæsar And Accused Them. Alexander's Defense Of Himself Before Cæsar And Reconciliation To His Father

       CHAPTER 5 How Herod Celebrated The Games That Were To Return Every Fifth Year Upon The Building Of Cæsarea; And How He Built And Adorned Many Other Places After A Magnificent Manner; And Did Many Other Actions Gloriously


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