Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner. Группа авторов

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Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner - Группа авторов

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movement pattern on the vertical surface of the comb in the darkness of the colony often near the hive entrance (Figure 4.2). The honey bee first performs a straight waggle run followed by alternating right and left loops returning to the starting point, another waggle run, and so on (Seeley 1995). During the waggle run, the dancing bee shakes her abdomen back and forth while also vibrating her wings; the duration of the waggle run and dance tempo speaks for the distance to the flowers, and the direction of the waggle run on the vertical comb of the hive relative to gravity symbolizes the direction to the flowers with respect to relative position of the sun, or solar azimuth angle (Winston 1987; Seeley 1995; Tsujiuchi et al. 2007). Further, an increasing intensity of dancing behavior and length of dance performance within the hive communicates a higher quality food resource (Winston 1987). Other signals involving pheromones, tactile contact, dance sounds, comb vibrations, and temperature are also thought to be conveyed during the waggle dance. Even though much has been revealed about how this remarkable dance communication is achieved, mysteries still remain (Thom et al. 2007; Tsujiuchi et al. 2007).

Schematic illustration of physical communication in the honey bee using the Waggle Dance. The waggle dance occurs when a foraging bee returns to the hive and shares information on a food source; the bee performs a figure-8 dance on the vertical comb near the hive entrance. The center of the dance pattern signifies the direction, distance, and quality of the food source with reference to the sun.

      Source: © Lauren D. Sawchyn, DVM, CMI. Chapter: Physiology of the honey bee, authored by Rolfe M Radcliffe and illustrated by Lauren D. Sawchyn.

      Tremble Dance

      Shaking Dance

      The shaking dance or signal is yet another method of communication performed by foraging worker bees and helps foragers increase the number of bees in a colony engaged in foraging during a rise in nectar supply or a high demand for food or both (Seeley 1995). A returning honey bee forager will perform this dance often in conjunction with the waggle dance as a way to entice resting bees to begin foraging, often following prolonged successful foraging or a period of nectar dearth. A honey bee transmitting this signal will literally shake a number of different bees in the hive (approximately 1 to 20 bees per minute) by vibrating her whole body in a dorso‐ventral direction briefly for one to two seconds while holding the other bee tightly in her grasp (Seeley 1995). In contrast to the waggle dance enacted principally on the vertical hive comb near the colony entrance, the shaking signal is performed throughout the hive in an effort to persuade non‐foraging bees involved in other hive activities to switch tasks and begin foraging.

      Although the dancing behaviors of honey bees are most familiar, several other physical styles of communication are also used by this social insect to help convey messages both inside and outside of the colony (Winston 1987; Seeley 2010).

      Chemical Communication

      Complex social living necessitates a rich language, and the significant chemical language of social insects like the honey bee has been compared to the visual and auditory talents of the higher vertebrates (Bell and Carde’ 1984; Slessor et al. 2005). Thomas Seeley (1995) reached the ensuing insight during his long summers spent working on the remarkable social physiology of the honey bee colony: “… the system of control devices found in a honey bee colony is extremely sophisticated and endows a colony with exquisite powers of adaptive response, both to internal changes and to external contingencies.” Together with their notable dancing performances, chemical messages are fundamentally responsible for such extraordinary ability of the honey bee superorganism to adapt to changing conditions (Bortolotti and Costa 2014). However, it is the sociochemicals of the queen, adult worker bees, and brood that largely determine the complex social organization of the colony (Slessor et al. 2005; Jarriault and Mercer 2012).