IT Cloud. Eugeny Shtoltc

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IT Cloud - Eugeny Shtoltc

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= "$ {aws_iam_role.eks_vuejs_phalcon.arn}"

      vpc_config {

      subnet_ids = ["$ {}", "$ {}"]



      output "endpoint" {

      value = "$ {aws_eks_cluster.eks_vuejs_phalcon.endpoint}"


      output "kubeconfig-certificate-authority-data" {

      value = "$ {}"


      provider "google" {

      credentials = "$ {file (" account.json ")}"

      project = "my-project-id"

      region = "us-central1"


      resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {

      name = "my-gke-cluster"

      location = "us-central1"

      remove_default_node_pool = true

      initial_node_count = 1

      master_auth {

      username = ""

      password = ""



      output "client_certificate" {

      value = "$ {google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.client_certificate}"


      output "client_key" {

      value = "$ {google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.client_key}"


      output "cluster_ca_certificate" {

      value = "$ {google_container_cluster.primary.master_auth.0.cluster_ca_certificate}"


      $ cat deployment.yml

      apiVersion: apps / v1

      kind: Deployment


      name: phalcon_vuejs

      namespace: development




      app: vuejs

      replicas: 1




      app: vuejs



      – name: vuejs_build

      image: vuejs / ci


      – name: app

      mountPath: / app / public


      – / bin / bash

      – -c

      – |

      cd / app / public

      git clone essch / vuejs_phalcon: 1.0.

      npm test

      npm build


      – name: healtcheck

      image: mileschou / phalcon: 7.2-cli


      – / bin / sh

      – -c

      – cd / usr / src / app && git clone essch / app_phalcon: 1.0 && touch / tmp / healthy && sleep 10 && php script.php




      – cat

      – / tmp / healthy

      initialDelaySeconds: 5

      periodSeconds: 5




      – cat

      – / tmp / healthy

      initialDelaySeconds: 15

      periodSeconds: 5


      – name: app

      emptyDir: {}

      So we created an AWS EC2 instance. We omitted specifying the keys because the AWS API is already authorized and this authorization will be used by Terraform.

      Also, for code use, Terraform supports variables, data, and modules.

      Let's create a separate network:

      resource "aws_vpc" "my_vpc" {

      cidr_block = ""

      instance_target = "default"


      resource "aws_subnet" "my_subnet" {

      vpc_id = "$ {}"

      cidr_block = ""


      $ cat gce /

      provider "google" {

      credentials = "$ {file (" account.json ")}"

      project = "my-project-id"

      region = "us-central1"


      resource "google_compute_instance" "default" {

      name = "test"

      machine_type = "n1-standard-1"

      zone = "us-central1-a"


      $ cd gce

      $ terraform init

      $ terraform apply

      $ cd ..

      For distributed work, let's put the state in AWS S3 the state of the infrastructure (you can also put other data), but for security in a different region:

      terraform {

      backend "s3" {

      bucket = "tfstate"

      key = "terraform.tfstate"

      region = "us-state-2"



      provider "kubernetes" {

      host = ""

      username = "ClusterMaster"

      password = "MindTheGap"


      resource "kubernetes_pod" "my_pod" {

      spec {

      container {

      image = "Nginx: 1.7.9"

      name = "Nginx"

      port {

      container_port = 80






      terraform init # downloading dependencies according to configs, checking them

      terraform validate # syntax check

      terraform plan # to see in detail how the infrastructure will be changed and why exactly so, for example,

      whether only the service meta information will be changed or the service itself will be re-created, which is often unacceptable for databases.

      terraform apply # applying changes

      The common part for all providers is the core.


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