IT Cloud. Eugeny Shtoltc

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IT Cloud - Eugeny Shtoltc

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@ kubernetes-master: ~ / node-cluster $ exec -l $ SHELL

      essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / node-cluster $ gcloud init

      Let's choose a project:

      You are logged in as: [[email protected]].

      Pick cloud project to use:

      [1] agile-aleph-203917

      [2] node-cluster-243923

      [3] essch

      [4] Create a new project

      Please enter numeric choice or text value (must exactly match list


      Please enter a value between 1 and 4, or a value present in the list: 2

      Your current project has been set to: [node-cluster-243923].

      Let's choose a zone:

      [50] europe-north1-a

      Did not print [12] options.

      Too many options [62]. Enter "list" at prompt to print choices fully.

      Please enter numeric choice or text value (must exactly match list


      Please enter a value between 1 and 62, or a value present in the list: 50

      essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / node-cluster $ PROJECT_I = "node-cluster-243923"

      essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / node-cluster $ echo $ PROJECT_I


      essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / node-cluster $ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = $ HOME / node-cluster / kubernetes_key.json

      essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / node-cluster $ sudo docker-machine create –driver google –google-project $ PROJECT_ID vm01

      sudo export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = $ HOME / node-cluster / kubernetes_key.json docker-machine create –driver google –google-project $ PROJECT_ID vm01



      essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / node-cluster $ gcloud config list


      region = europe-north1

      zone = europe-north1-a


      account = [email protected]

      disable_usage_reporting = False

      project = node-cluster-243923

      Your active configuration is: [default]

      Let's add copying the file and executing the script:

      essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / node-cluster $ cat

      provider "google" {

      credentials = "$ {file (" kubernetes_key.json ")}"

      project = "node-cluster-243923"

      region = "europe-north1"


      resource "google_compute_address" "static-ip-address" {

      name = "static-ip-address"


      resource "google_compute_instance" "cluster" {

      name = "cluster"

      zone = "europe-north1-a"

      machine_type = "f1-micro"

      boot_disk {

      initialize_params {

      image = "debian-cloud / debian-9"



      metadata = {

      ssh-keys = "essh: $ {file (" ./ ")}"


      network_interface {

      network = "default"

      access_config {

      nat_ip = "$ {google_compute_address.static-ip-address.address}"




      resource "null_resource" "cluster" {

      triggers = {

      cluster_instance_ids = "$ {join (", ", google_compute_instance.cluster. *. id)}"


      connection {

      host = "$ {google_compute_address.static-ip-address.address}"

      type = "ssh"

      user = "essh"

      timeout = "2m"

      private_key = "$ {file (" ~ / node-cluster / node-cluster ")}"

      # agent = "false"


      provisioner "file" {

      source = "client.js"

      destination = "~ / client.js"


      provisioner "remote-exec" {

      inline = [

      "cd ~ && echo 1> test.txt"



      essh @ kubernetes-master: ~ / node-cluster $ sudo ./terraform apply

      google_compute_address.static-ip-address: Creating …

      google_compute_address.static-ip-address: Creation complete after 5s [id = node-cluster-243923 / europe-north1 / static-ip-address]

      google_compute_instance.cluster: Creating …

      google_compute_instance.cluster: Still creating … [10s elapsed]

      google_compute_instance.cluster: Creation complete after 12s [id = cluster]

      null_resource.cluster: Creating …

      null_resource.cluster: Provisioning with 'file' …

      null_resource.cluster: Provisioning with 'remote-exec' …

      null_resource.cluster (remote-exec): Connecting to remote host via SSH …

      null_resource.cluster (remote-exec): Host:

      null_resource.cluster (remote-exec): User: essh

      null_resource.cluster (remote-exec): Password: false

      null_resource.cluster (remote-exec): Private key: true

      null_resource.cluster (remote-exec): Certificate: false

      null_resource.cluster (remote-exec): SSH Agent: false

      null_resource.cluster (remote-exec): Checking Host Key: false

      null_resource.cluster (remote-exec): Connected!

      null_resource.cluster: Creation complete after 7s [id = 816586071607403364]

      Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

      esschtolts @ cluster: ~ $ ls / home / essh /

      client.js test.txt

      [sudo] password for essh:

      google_compute_address.static-ip-address: Refreshing state … [id = node-cluster-243923 / europe-north1 / static-ip-address]

      google_compute_instance.cluster: Refreshing state … [id = cluster]

      null_resource.cluster: Refreshing state … [id = 816586071607403364]

      Enter a value: yes

      null_resource.cluster: Destroying … [id = 816586071607403364]

      null_resource.cluster: Destruction complete after 0s

      google_compute_instance.cluster: Destroying … [id = cluster]

      google_compute_instance.cluster: Still destroying … [id = cluster, 10s elapsed]

      google_compute_instance.cluster: Still destroying …

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