Bovine Reproduction. Группа авторов

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Bovine Reproduction - Группа авторов

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to access the international marketplace by allowing them to transport the frozen semen product anywhere in the world.

      To assure health quality of the frozen semen products, any semen produced for export must meet standards set by Certified Semen Services, Inc. (CSS). Recommendations for housing, collection, handling, and health testing are made and supervised by administrators within this organization. Recommendations for health standards for residents at the bull studs are taken from guidelines published by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). This group concerns itself with advising importing and exporting countries on protecting themselves from introducing disease into their countries from foreign sources. Many countries will take the guidelines of the OIE and formulate entry requirements for cattle as well as bovine germplasm, both semen and embryos. Guidelines are specific and must be followed, as entry is forbidden unless standards are met.

      The Veterinarian's Role in the Bull Stud

      The primary role of a veterinarian in an artificial insemination center (AIC) is to ensure biosecurity and animal welfare for the bovine population housed there. Standards for testing protocols are established and readily available on the website of the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB) (www.naab‐ These are standard recommendations for the industry that are accepted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) but certainly may be augmented by any further testing considered appropriate by the center's veterinarian.

      The ultimate responsibility of the veterinarian is to assure the welfare of the animals under his or her care. Since the stud is usually compensated by the units of semen provided, it is in the stud's best interest to ensure that the cattle in its charge are adequately cared for. This means that feed, water, forage, and facilities meet the best of standards for quality. Although some facilities may retain the services of a nutritionist, others may rely on their veterinarian for suggestions on ration formulation or forage sampling and testing. Supplementation of minerals should not be forgotten for long‐term resident herd members. Quality control of commercial feed rations should be observed and the resident veterinarian should periodically check feed and storage facilities to ensure proper care and quality.

      Source: From CSS Minimum Requirements for Disease Control of Semens Produced for AI, January, © 2014, National Association of Animal Breeders.

Testing environment
Pre‐entry to isolation Isolation Resident herd
Physical examination Conducted by accredited veterinarian Conducted by accredited veterinarian Conducted by accredited veterinarian
Tuberculosis Negative intradermal tuberculin test (within 60 days prior to entry) Negative intradermal tuberculin test at least 60 days after pre‐entry test Negative intradermal tuberculin test at 6‐month intervals
Brucellosis Official test of state where bull is located. Blood serum test (CF, BAPA, or Card) CF and one BAPA or Card test at least 30 days after pre‐entry testing CF and one BAPA or Card test at 6‐month intervals
BVDV One negative virus isolation test performed on either whole blood (animals less than 6 months of age) or serum Virus isolation and serologic testing at least 10 days after entry into the isolation facility. If seropositive, virus isolation of semen required Not required
Leptospirosis Blood test for five serotypes important in the USAa Blood test for five serotypes important in the USAa at least 30 days after pre‐entry test Blood test for five serotypes important in the USAa at 6‐month intervals
Campylobacteriosis Not required Series of negative culture tests of preputial material or screening by FA, with any positive FA tested by culture for final determination; 1, 3, or 6 consecutive weekly tests; number of necessary tests dependent on age Negative single culture test of preputial material or FA for screening test at 6‐month intervals
Trichomoniasis Not required Series of negative microscopic examinations of cultured preputial material; 1, 3, or 6 consecutive weekly tests; number of necessary tests dependent on age Negative single microscopic test of cultured preputial material at 6‐month intervals

      BAPA, Buffered acidified plate antigen; BVDV, bovine viral diarrhea virus; CF, complement fixation; FA, fluorescent antibody.

      a Leptospira pomona, L. hardjo, L. canicola, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa.

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