Bovine Reproduction. Группа авторов

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Bovine Reproduction - Группа авторов

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bulls, these modalities will be of more interest to researchers than to clinicians for the foreseeable future.

      Diagnostic ultrasound is a safe, non‐invasive method for acquiring additional diagnostic and prognostic information in cases of infertility in the bull. Clinical competence with bull genital ultrasonography can be readily achieved by routinely imaging the genital tract of normal healthy bulls. This will provide the frame of reference necessary to identify and interpret pathologic changes as they are encountered. The common lesions are seldom subtle and are readily detected by systems providing average or better image quality. We recommend ultrasonography as an adjunct to the BBSE for all cases of subfertility in artificial insemination (AI) sires and valuable natural service sires. Routine screening of young sires as part of a pre‐purchase evaluation should be done with caution as the most common ultrasound change encountered is a fibrotic lesion or foci in the testes. These lesions have been shown to have little or no effect on semen quality in young bulls. Advances in ultrasound diagnostic capability, especially as it relates to assessment of blood flow in the scrotum or tissue density measurement, may enhance our ability to discriminate between fertile and infertile bulls in the future.

      1 1 Chenowith, P., Hopkins, F., Spitzer, J., and Larsen, R. (2010). Guidelines for using the bull breeding soundness examination form. Clin. Theriogenol. 2: 43–50.

      2 2 Koziol, J. and Armstrong, C. (2018). Society for Theriogenology Manual for Breeding Soundness Examination of Bulls. Mathews, AL: Society for Theriogenology.

      3 3 Ginther, O. (1995). Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction. Fundamentals. Cross Plains, WI: Equiservices Publishing.

      4 4 Nyland, T., Mattoon, J., and Wisner, E. (1995). Physical principles, instrumentation and safety of diagnostic ultrasound. In: Veterinary Diagnostic Ultrasound (eds. T. Nyland and J. Mattoon), 17. Philadelphia: WB Saunders.

      5 5 Mullins, K. and Saacke, R. (2003). Illustrated Anatomy of the Bovine Male and Female Reproductive Tracts. From Gross to Microscopic. Germinal Dimensions: Blacksburg, VA.

      6 6 McEntee, K. (1990). Reproductive Pathology of Domestic Animals, 224–383. San Diego: Academic Press.

      7 7 Coulter, G. and Bailey, D. (1988). Effects of ultrasonography on the bovine testis and semen quality. Theriogenology 30: 743–749.

      8 8 Pechman, R. and Eilts, B. (1987). B‐mode ultrasonography of the bull testicle. Theriogenology 27: 431–441.

      9 9 Chandolia, R., Honaramooz, A., Omeke, B. et al. (1997). Assessment of development of the testes and accessory glands by ultrasonography in bull calves and associated endocrine changes. Theriogenology 48: 119–132.

      10 10 Brito, L., Barth, A., Wilde, R., and Kastelic, J. (2012). Testicular ultrasonogram pixel intensity during sexual development and its relationship with semen quality, sperm production, and quantitative testicular histology in beef bulls. Theriogenology 78: 69–76.

      11 11 Brito, L., Silva, A., Unanian, M., and Dode, M. (2004). Sexual development in early and late maturing Bos indicus and Bos indicus × Bos taurus crossbred bulls in Brazil. Theriogenology 62: 1198–1217.

      12 12 Arteaga, A., Barth, A., and Brito, L. (2005). Relationship between semen quality and pixel‐intensity of testicular ultrasonograms after scrotal insulation in beef bulls. Theriogenology 64: 408–415.

      13 13 Tomlinson, M., Jennings, A., Macrae, A., and Truyers, I. (2017). The value of trans‐scrotal ultrasonography at bull breeding soundness evaluation (BSE): the relationship between testicular parenchymal pixel intensity and semen quality. Theriogenology 89: 169–177.

      14 14 Dias, W., Faria, F., Fernandes, C. et al. (2017). Testicular echotexture is not a viable method to indirectly evaluate the spermatogenic parameters in Nelore bulls. Aust. J. Vet. Sci. 1: 45–51.

      15 15 Barth, A., Alisio, L., Aviles, A. et al. (2008). Fibrotic lesions in the testis of bulls and relationship to semen quality. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 106: 274–288.

      16 16 Gouletsou, P., Fthenakis, G., Cripps, P. et al. (2004). Experimentally induced orchitis associated with Arcanobacter pyogenes: clinical, ultrasonographic, seminological and pathological features. Theriogenology 62: 1307–1328.

      17 17 Sidibe, M., Franco, L., Fredriksson, G. et al. (1992). Effects on testosterone, LH and cortisol concentrations, and on ultrasonographic appearance of induced testicular degeneration in bulls. Acta Vet. Scand. 33: 191–196.

      18 18 Humphrey, J. and Ladds, P. (1975). A quantitative histological study of changes in the bovine testis and epididymis associated with age. Res. Vet. Sci. 19: 135–141.

      19 19 Andersson, M. and Alanko, M. (1991). Ultrasonography revealing the accumulation of rete testis fluid in bull testicles. Andrologia 23: 75–78.

      20 20 Williams, H., Revell, S., Scholes, S. et al. (2010). Clinical, ultrasonographic and pathological findings in a bull with segmental aplasia of the mesonephric duct. Reprod. Domest. Anim. 45: 212–216.

      21 21 Brito, L., Barth, A., Wilde, R., and Kastelic, J. (2012). Testicular vascular cone development and its association with scrotal temperature, semen quality, and sperm production in beef bulls. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 134: 135–140.

      22 22 Weber, J., Hilt, C., and Woods, G. (1988). Ultrasonographic appearance of bull accessory sex glands. Theriogenology 29: 1347–1355.

      23 23 Barth, A. (2007). Sperm accumulation in the ampullae and cauda epididymides of bulls. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 102: 238–246.

      24 24 Momont, H. and Meronek, J. (2017). Seminal vesiculitis. In: Blackwell’s Five‐Minute Veterinary Consult: Ruminant, 2e (eds. C. Chase, K. Lutz, E. McKenzie and A. Tibary), 749–751. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

      25 25 Huang, D. and Sidhu, P. (2012). Focal testicular lesions: colour Doppler ultrasound, contrast‐enhanced ultrasound and tissue elastography as adjuvants to diagnosis. Br. J. Radiol. 85 (Spec Issue 1): S41–S53.

      26 26 Gloria, A., Carluccio, A., Wegher, L. et al. (2018). Pulse wave Doppler ultrasound of testicular arteries and their relationship with semen characteristics in healthy bulls. J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 9: 14–20.

      27 27 Barth, A. (2007). Evaluation of potential breeding soundness of the bull. In: Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology, 2e (eds. R. Youngquist and W. Threlfall), 229–240. St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier.

      28 28 Hahn, J., Foote, R., and Cranch, E. (1969). Tonometer for measuring testicular consistency of bulls to predict semen quality. J. Anim. Sci. 29: 483–489.

       E. Heath King

       Department of Pathobiology and Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, USA

      The purchase and maintenance cost of the bull battery represents a significant expense to the cow calf producer. Improper management of this investment can have negative economic consequences through both a reduction in herd productivity and the loss of bulls due to injury or death. A reduction in the size of the calf crop or loss of the calf crop is easily noticed by the producer, but many subfertile bulls are capable of inefficiently producing offspring and this may go unnoticed in some herds. This inefficiency leads to delayed conception, which has been estimated to cost 23–27 kg of weaning weight for every 21 days a cow remains open during the breeding season [1]. In an attempt to compensate for poor bull management, producers will often increase the stocking density of bulls within their herd. The expense of purchasing and maintaining excess bulls can also limit the profitability of a herd.

      The management of breeding bulls will vary somewhat between herds, but the overall goal should be to provide a group of disease‐free,

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