Bovine Reproduction. Группа авторов

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Bovine Reproduction - Группа авторов

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developed symptoms of myxomatosis 7–10 days after infection and had high viral titers in testes. After 20–30 days, testes were 50% of normal size and affected animals had interstitial orchitis and epididymitis [42]. Protein and genomic studies of a porcine paramyxovirus had a close relationship to human mumps virus [43, 44], known to multiply in human testis, causing orchitis in postpubertal men [45]. Furthermore, when 9‐month‐old boars were experimentally infected with porcine paramyxovirus, histopathological epididymal alterations and testicular atrophy associated with degeneration of seminiferous tubules occurred [38]. In another study, colostrum‐deprived pigs were inoculated with porcine circovirus type 2 alone, porcine parvovirus alone, or with both viruses. All pigs that received both viruses became ill; at necropsy (21–26 days after infection), many had hepatomegaly and enlarged kidneys, with granulomatous lesions apparent in many tissues, including testis [46].

      Obesity is associated with testicular degeneration and scrotal insulation has been used to produce testicular degeneration; however, scrotal insulation did not induce fibrotic lesions [4]. In one study, deficient, normal, and excessive dietary intakes did not affect prevalence of fibrotic lesions. However, with prolonged abnormal thermoregulation, especially when semen quantity and quality are very severely reduced, with loss of testis tone and size and with severe seminiferous tubular degeneration, scar tissue infiltration and testis fibrosis are plausible.

      Interestingly, fibrotic lesions in the testes were not associated with poor semen quality. Even bulls with very severe fibrosis produced semen with up to 94% morphologically normal sperm. Therefore presence of relatively large amounts of scar tissue within testis parenchyma did not prevent remaining unaffected parenchyma from producing normal sperm. Although large amounts of scar tissue would be expected to reduce sperm production, this has apparently not been reported.

      1 1 Waites, G. (1970). Temperature regulation and the testis. In: The Testis, Vol. I (eds. A.D. Johnson, W.R. Gomes and N.L. VanDemark), 241–279. New York: Academic Press.

      2 2 Setchell, B. (1978). The scrotum and thermoregulation. In: The Mammalian Testis, 50–69. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 90–103.

      3 3 Kastelic, J., Cook, R., and Coulter, G. (1997). Scrotal/testicular thermoregulation and the effects of increased testicular temperature in the bull. Vet. Clin. North Am. Food Anim. Pract. 13: 271–282.

      4 4 Arteaga, A., Barth, A., and Brito, L. (2005). Relationship between semen quality and pixel‐intensity of testicular ultrasound images after scrotal insulation in beef bulls. Theriogenology 64: 408–415.

      5 5 Barth, A. and Oko, R. (1989). Abnormal Morphology of Bovine Spermatozoa, 142–143. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press.

      6 6 Ndama, P., Entwhistle, K., and Lindsay, J. (1983). Effect of protected protein supplements on some testicular traits in Brahman cross bulls. Theriogenology 20: 639–650.

      7 7 Evans, H. (1932). Testicular degeneration due to inadequate vitamin A in cases where E is adequate. Am. J. Phys. 99: 477–486.

      8 8 Rhode, L., Coulter, G., Kastelic, J., and Bailey, D. (1995). Seminal quality and sperm production in beef bulls with chronic dietary vitamin A deficiency and subsequent realimentation. Theriogenology 43: 1269–1277.

      9 9 Gomes, W. (1977). Chemical agents affecting testicular function and male fertility. In: The Testis, vol. III (eds. A.D. Johnson, W.R. Gomes and N.L. VanDemark), 241–279. New York: Academic Press.

      10 10 McEntee, K. (1990). Reproductive Pathology of Domestic Mammals, 260–261. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

      11 11 Vanyi, A., Timar, I., Szeky, A., and Fusariotoxicoses, I.X. (1980). The effect of F‐2 fusariotoxin (zearalenone) on the spermatogenesis of rams and bulls. Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja 35: 777–780.

      12 12 Robinson, J., Tanphaichitr, N., and Bellve, A. (1986). Gossypol‐induced damage to mitochondria of transformed Sertoli cells. Am. J. Pathol. 125: 484–492.

      13 13 Chenoweth, P., Chase, C. Jr., Risco, C., and Larson, R. (2000). Characterization of gossypol‐induced sperm abnormalities in bulls. Theriogenology 53: 1193–1203.

      14 14 Velasquez‐Pereira, J., Chenoweth, P., McDowell, L. et al. (1998). Reproductive effects of feeding gossypol and vitamin E to bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 76: 2894–2904.

      15 15 Panter, K., James, L., and Hartley, W. (1989). Transient testicular degeneration in rams fed locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus). Vet. Hum. Toxicol. 31: 42–46.

      16 16 Deschamps, J., Ott, R., McEntee, K. et al. (1987). Effects of zeranol on reproduction in beef bulls: scrotal circumference, serving ability, semen characteristics, and pathological changes in the reproductive organs. Am. J. Vet. Res. 48: 137–147.

      17 17 Newman, J., Tennessen, T., Tong, K. et al. (1990). Effects of zeranol implantation on growth, feed conversion, testicular development and behavioral traits of young bulls fed for slaughter. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 70: 1005–1016.

      18 18 Veeramachaneni, D., Ott, R., Heath, E. et al. (1986). Pathophysiology of small testes in beef bulls: relationship between scrotal circumference, histopathologic features of testes and epididymides, seminal characteristics and endocrine profiles. Am. J. Vet. Res. 47: 1988–1999.

      19 19 Settergren, I. and McEntee, K. (1992). Germ cell weakness as a cause of testicular hypoplasia in bulls. Acta Vet. Scand. 33: 273–282.

      20 20 Eriksson, K. (1950). Heritability of reproduction disturbances in bulls of Swedish red and white cattle. J. Nordisk. Veterinaermed. 2: 943–966.

      21 21 Humphrey, J. and Ladds, P. (1975). Pathology of the bovine testis and epididymis. Vet. Bull. 45: 787–797.

      22 22 Michaux, C., Van Sichem‐Reynaert, R., Beckers, J. et al. (1982). Endocrinological studies on double muscled cattle: LH, GH, testosterone and insulin plasma levels in the first year of life. In: Muscle Hypertrophy of Genetic Origin and its Use to Improve Beef Production (eds. J.W.B. King and F. Ménissier), 350–359. London: Martinus Nijhoff.

      23 23 Welles, E., Tyler, J., Wolfe, D., and Moore, A. (1995). Eperythrozoon infection in young bulls with scrotal and hindlimb edema, a herd outbreak. Theriogenology 43: 557–567.

      24 24 Swift, B., Reeves, J., and Thomas, G. (1979). Testicular degeneration and libido loss in beef bulls experimentally inoculated with Anaplasma marginale. Theriogenology 11: 277–290.

      25 25 Weldon, S., Blue, J., Wooley, R., and Lukert, P. (1979). Isolation of picornavirus from feces and semen from an infertile bull. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 174: 168–169.

      26 26 Eilts, B. and Pechman, R. (1988). B‐mode ultrasound observations of bull testes during breeding soundness examinations. Theriogenology 30: 1169–1176.

      27 27 Pechman, R. and Eilts, B. (1987). B‐mode ultrasonography of the bull testicle. Theriogenology 27: 431–441.

      28 28 Coulter, G. and Bailey, D. (1988). Effects of ultrasonography on the bovine testis and semen quality. Theriogenology 30: 743–749.

      29 29 Brito, L., Silva, A., Barbosa, R. et al. (2003). Effects of scrotal insulation on sperm production, semen quality, and testicular echotexture in Bos indicus and Bos indicus × Bos taurus bulls. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 79: 1–15.

      30 30 Sidibe, M., Franco, L., Fredriksson, G. et al. (1992). Effects on testosterone, LH and cortisol concentrations, and on testicular ultrasonographic appearance of induced testicular degeneration in bulls. Acta Vet. Scand. 33: 191–196.

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