Reconstructing Earth's Climate History. Kristen St. John

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Reconstructing Earth's Climate History - Kristen St. John

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of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1.1. Cross sections (a view perpendicular to growth or accumulation) ...FIGURE 1.2. Terrestrial and marine depositional environments, and example se...FIGURE 1.3. Three paleoclimate archives. (a) A sedimentary outcrop from Bast...FIGURE 1.4. (a) Global geographic distribution of lake and ocean core sites....FIGURE 1.5. Example of (left) an ice core from Huascaran, Peru, and (right) ...FIGURE 1.6. Piece of an Antarctic ice core showing trapped air bubbles.FIGURE 1.7. Class 100 Clean Room at Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. ...FIGURE 1.8. Scientific research vessel, JOIDES Resolution.FIGURE 1.9. Scientific ocean drilling site locations of the International Oc...FIGURE 1.10. Example of coring and core terminology (from ODP Leg [i.e. Expe...FIGURE 1.11. Photo of the archive‐half of Core 2 from Hole 1215A, located in...

      2 Chapter 2FIGURE 2.1. Kelsie Dadd (Sedimentologist, Macquarie University, Australia) a...FIGURE 2.2. Physiographic map of the world's oceans, showing bathymetric fea...FIGURE 2.3. Photos of minerals, volcanic glass, and microfossils as seen thr...

      3 Chapter 3FIGURE 3.1. The geologic timescale is the common time reference for Earth hi...FIGURE 3.2. Hypothetical rock sequence displayed as a block diagram. Legend ...FIGURE 3.3. Location of Jokuldalur, Iceland, from Google Earth.FIGURE 3.4. A sketch of the strata at a rock outcrop in Jokuldalur, Iceland....FIGURE 3.5. The original stratigraphic column (partially shown in Figure 3.4...FIGURE 3.6. Earth's magnetic field during normal and reversed polarity state...FIGURE 3.7. Decay chain for 238U progressing through a series of intermediat...FIGURE 3.8. Growth in activity of 230Th, toward secular equilibrium with its...FIGURE 3.9. Photographs of the interiors of two speleothems (stalactites, in...FIGURE 3.10. Location of Botuvera´ Cave (27°13´S; 49°09´W) in southeastern B...FIGURE 3.11. A simplified diagram of 230Th/234U activity ratio (solid black ...

      4 Chapter 4FIGURE 4.1. The Earth's magnetic field (right) protects our planet from much...FIGURE 4.2. Dipole bar magnet with iron filings showing magnetic lines of fo...FIGURE 4.3. World map showing all Deep Sea Drilling Project sites (Legs 1–96...FIGURE 4.4. Two paleomagnetic records from deep‐sea sediments cored in the P...FIGURE 4.5. Earth's magnetic field simulated with a supercomputer model. The...FIGURE 4.6. Cryogenic magnetometer aboard the JOIDES Resolution drillship. T...FIGURE 4.7. Two transects (numbers 21 and 19) of magnetometer data collected...FIGURE 4.8. Generalized depiction of magnetic anomalies and magnetic “stripe...FIGURE 4.9. Magnetic profiles depicting positive and negative magnetic anoma...FIGURE 4.10. Time scale for geomagnetic reversals. Normal polarity intervalsFIGURE 4.11. Paleomagnetic record preserved in the upper 155 m of Hole 1208A...FIGURE 4.12. Map of magnetic “stripes” on the seafloor south of Iceland. The...FIGURE 4.13. Map of the South Atlantic showing the cruise path and sites dri...FIGURE 4.14. Left: Marine magnetic anomalies of the South Atlantic. Heavy li...FIGURE 4.15. Portion of the geomagnetic polarity timescale used during ODP L...FIGURE 4.16. Paleomagnetic data from ODP Hole 1208A.

      5 Chapter 5FIGURE 5.1. Four species of planktic foraminifers from the tropical western ...FIGURE 5.2. Calcareous microfossils (calcareous nannofossils and planktic fo...FIGURE 5.3. Generalized abundance and taxonomic diversity (numbers of specie...FIGURE 5.4. Comparison of phytoplankton diversity (numbers of species and ge...FIGURE 5.5. Making a smear slide.FIGURE 5.6. A geoscientist using a transmitted light microscope.FIGURE 5.7. Smear slide of sample 807A‐8H‐5, 51 cm from Ontong Java Plateau ...FIGURE 5.8. Smear slide of sample 807A‐8H‐2 cm from Ontong Java Plateau in t...FIGURE 5.9. Select species of calcareous nannofossils identified and illustr...FIGURE 5.10. Location of ODP Site 1208 on Shatsky Rise in the northwest Paci...FIGURE 5.11. Two‐part diagram illustrating how biostratigraphy is applied to...FIGURE 5.12. Biozones for planktic forams (N zones) and calcareous nannofossi...FIGURE 5.13. Example of an age–depth plot from ODP Site 846 in the eastern e...FIGURE 5.14. Sites drilled during ODP Leg 165 and location of ODP Site 999 i...FIGURE 5.15. Upper row: Examples of terrestrially derived pollen and spores....FIGURE 5.16. Drawings illustrating how terrestrial pollen and spores are tra...FIGURE 5.17. Generalized bathymetric map of the U.S. continental margin betw...FIGURE 5.18. Relationship between two dinocyst biozonations (onshore Denmark...FIGURE 5.19. Summary of palynomorph results from one of the drillsites of th...

      6 Chapter 6FIGURE 6.1. .(a) Volcanic outgassing and lava.(b) Oil refinery, Alaska....FIGURE 6.2. A simplified diagram of the short‐term carbon cycle showing the ...FIGURE 6.3. Anthropogenic (human) and natural radiative forcing factors that...FIGURE 6.4. Compilation of results from temperature sensitivity studies publ...FIGURE 6.5. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations measured at Mauna Loa Observatory...FIGURE 6.6. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the last 20 000 yr. Gray sha...FIGURE 6.7. A simplified diagram of the long‐term carbon cycle.Not...FIGURE 6.8. (a) Paleo‐atmospheric CO2 proxy and model data for the Phanerozo...FIGURE 6.9. (a) Paleo‐atmospheric CO2 from proxies (black line) and the GEOC...FIGURE 6.10. IPCC climate model projections of atmospheric CO2 concentration...FIGURE 6.11. Atmospheric CO2 for the past 800 000 yr measured from gases in ...FIGURE 6.12. Average reservoir δ13C values compiled from Faure (1986), O'Lea...FIGURE 6.13. Atmospheric CO2 (ppm, in blue and red) and δ13C (per mil, ‰, in...FIGURE 6.14. Benthic foraminiferal marine carbon isotopes (δ13C) over the pa...

      7 Chapter 7FIGURE 7.1. Hydrologic cycle reservoirs. (a) Iceland Vatnajökull ice cap mel...FIGURE 7.2. 125 000 yr record of δ18O measured in ice cores from two sites o...FIGURE 7.3. 65 Myr composite record of benthic foraminiferal stable oxygen i...FIGURE 7.4. Two isotopes of oxygen. P indicates the number of protons; N ind...FIGURE 7.5. Schematic diagram showing water movement through time (i.e. Time...FIGURE 7.6. Empirical relationship between modern average annual air tempera...FIGURE 7.7. Generalized map of the δ18O values of modern precipitation in No...FIGURE 7.8. A sketch of North America during the late Pleistocene deglaciati...FIGURE 7.9. Comparison of paleotemperature proxies in ice cores from Greenla...FIGURE 7.10. An 800 000 yr record of CO2 (parts per million by volume; ppmv)...FIGURE 7.11. A representative mix of microfossil shells of benthic (bottom t...FIGURE 7.12. Schematic diagram from subtropical to polar latitudes showing w...FIGURE 7.13. Schematic diagrams illustrating the accumulation of benthic and...FIGURE 7.14. Bottom: 65 Myr composite record of deep‐sea benthic foraminifera...

      8 Chapter 8FIGURE 8.1. The Earth and Sun.FIGURE 8.2. Hypothetical data displaying cyclicity.FIGURE 8.3. Inferred ancient Antarctic air temperature variations (blue), ca...FIGURE 8.4. Magnetic susceptibility of terrestrial sediment at two locations...FIGURE

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