Reconstructing Earth's Climate History. Kristen St. John

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Reconstructing Earth's Climate History - Kristen St. John

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13FIGURE 13.1. The geologic timescale is the common time reference for Earth h...FIGURE 13.2. A simplified depiction of Earth history highlighting fundamenta...FIGURE 13.3. Summary diagram of marine animal diversity, sea level change, p...FIGURE 13.4. Global compilation of deep‐sea oxygen and carbon isotope records...FIGURE 13.5. Stratigraphic context of Paleocene–Eocene vertebrate faunal cha...FIGURE 13.6. Stratigraphic ranges of mammalian genera from 294 localities ar...FIGURE 13.7. Evidence of dwarfing during the PETM (Zone Wa‐0) in several mam...FIGURE 13.8. Teilhardina. (From DiBgd, Creative Commons Attribution‐Share Al...FIGURE 13.9. Correlation of the carbon isotope records of the Paleocene–Eoce...FIGURE 13.10. Paleogeographic map showing a very different distribution of c...FIGURE 13.11. Six successive evolutionary associations of the large Cenozoic ...FIGURE 13.12. Modern horse (Equus) meets earliest horse. Sifrhippus sandae, ...FIGURE 13.13. Summary of horse evolution (family Equidae), including phylogen...FIGURE 13.14. Note the dark green shading for mollisol in sod grasslands (wi...FIGURE 13.15. Coevolution of horses and grasses. Note the mollic epipedon in ...FIGURE 13.16. Distribution of the primary sediment types on the seafloor. No...FIGURE 13.17. Global oceanic and terrestrial photoautotroph abundance as mea...FIGURE 13.18. Annual mean sea surface temperature.FIGURE 13.19. (a) Mean annual sea surface temperature. (b) Mean annual sea s...FIGURE 13.20. Compilation of deep‐sea benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope d...FIGURE 13.21. (Top) Reconstructions of paleo‐atmospheric CO2proxy reco...FIGURE 13.22. Skeletal reconstruction of the basilosauridDorudon atrox (Ging...FIGURE 13.23. Generic diversity of Cetacea from the Eocene to the Holocene. ...FIGURE 13.24. Key steps in human evolution. Hominin is a general term descri...FIGURE 13.25. A composite picture of global paleoclimatic change and hominin...FIGURE 13.26. Vegetation habitats based on temperature and precipitation....FIGURE 13.27. Comparison of: (a) eccentricity variations (Berger and Loutre ...FIGURE 13.28. Estimate of global human population for the last 10 000 yr bas...FIGURE 13.29. Earth at night.FIGURE 13.30. Contrasting climatic and biotic conditions for five different ...FIGURE 13.31. Colored lines: cumulative percent (%) of vertebrate species re...FIGURE 13.32. Representations of climate stability and change. Climate state...FIGURE 13.33. What path will we take? Stabilized Earth or pushed past a tipp...

      14 Chapter 14FIGURE 14.1 When soil and fine‐grained sediment dry out at the surface, they...FIGURE 14.2. Time series data from 1880 to 2020 of annual global average tem...FIGURE 14.3. Distribution of Northern Hemisphere summertime temperatures for...FIGURE 14.4. Vulnerability index map for 2017. Vulnerability measures a count...FIGURE 14.5. Readiness index map for 2017. Readiness measures a country's abi...FIGURE 14.6. Map of cities and sites of ancient Maya Civilization.FIGURE 14.7. Laser measurements using LiDAR reveal details of ancient settle...FIGURE 14.8. Average monthly temperature (red line) and precipitation (blue ...FIGURE 14.9. Seasonal variations in the mean position of the intertropical c...FIGURE 14.10. Bathymetry of Cariaco Basin showing location of Site 1002, whe...FIGURE 14.11. Photograph of laminated sediment in the Cariaco Basin, ODP Hol...FIGURE 14.12 Ti content of a 90 millimeter (mm) slab of core from Site 1002 ...FIGURE 14.13. Sediment core taken from the deepest part of Lake Chichancanab...FIGURE 14.14. Comparison of the sediment density records from the Lake Chich...FIGURE 14.15. Cross section of a Douglas fir tree trunk showing the seasonal...FIGURE 14.16. Grid points (red dots) in the North American Drought Atlas (NA...FIGURE 14.17. Tree ring reconstructed drought data from NADA Grid Point 104....FIGURE 14.18. Compiled data from the western 103 of the 286 grid points in t...FIGURE 14.19 Summary of research results on reconstructed water levels in Mo...FIGURE 14.20. Cliff Palace, at Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, USA....FIGURE 14.21. Records of precipitation reconstructed from tree ring data at ...FIGURE 14.22. Maps present information from the North American Drought Atlas...FIGURE 14.23. The percent area of drought conditions for Arizona during 2000...FIGURE 14.24. Screenshot from the US Geologic Survey’s (USGS) interactive on...FIGURE 14.25. History of population growth in Maricopa County, Arizona, sinc...


      1  Cover Page

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  The Authors

      5  Foreword from First Edition

      6  Acknowledgments

      7  Book Introduction to the Second Edition for Students and Instructors

      8  About the Companion Website

      9  Table of Contents

      10  Begin Reading

      11  Index

      12  Wiley End User License Agreement


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