Факт и вымысел в журналистике Марка Твена. Татьяна Юрьевна Мохова
Читать онлайн книгу.nonfiction printed prose whose verifiable content is shaped and transformed into a story or sketch by use of narrative and rhetorical techniques generally associated with fiction». Connery B. Thomas. Preface / A Sourcebook of American Literary Journalism: Representative Writers in an Emerging Genre. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992. P.XIV.
«Finding the article too severe for the magazines, Twain gave it to the Congo Reform Association, who printed it as a pamphlet in 1905». Leavell F. Belgian Congo // The Routledge Encyclopedia of Mark Twain / Ed. By J. R. LeMaster, J. D. Wilson. New York: Routledge, 2011. P. 68.
Балдицын П. В. Политический памфлет Марка Твена // Марк Твен и его роль в развитии американской реалистической литературы / Отв. ред. Я. Н. Засурский. М.: Наука, 1987. С. 90.
«The feuilleton enjoyed an ambiguous status at best». Brake L. Demoor M. Dictionary of Nineteenth-century Journalism in Great Britain and Ireland. London: Academia press and the British library, 2009.P. 217.
«The term increasingly came to be used loosely in Britain to describe a literary squib Feuilleton was frequently disparaged by the serious press for its superficiality». Ibid.
Старцев А. И. Марк Твен и Америка / Предисловие к I тому Собр. соч. Марка Твена в 8 томах. М.: Правда, 1980. С. 2.
Мендельсон М. О. Рассказы, очерки, публицистика (статья) / Собр. соч. Марка Твена: в 12 т. М.: Госуд. изд. худ. лит, 1959–1961. – Т.10. – 1960. С. 698.
Балдицын П. В. Творчество Марка Твена и национальный характер американской литературы. М.: Издательство «ВК», 2004. С.206.
«…the premier newspaper of the mining camps of Nevada and much of California». Nelson J. Mark Twain / Connery T. B. A Sourcebook of American Literary Journalism: Representative Writers in an Emerging Genre. New York: Greenwood Press, 1992. P. 42.
«The Territorial Enterprise was easily the liveliest, if not exactly the most reliable newspaper on the American continent». Powers R. Mark Twain. A life.New York, London, Toronto, Sydney.: Free press, 2005. P. 117.
«"Nonsense," replied Goodman. "We can furnish the people with news, but we can't supply them with sense. Only time can do that”». Paine A. B. Mark Twain: A biography, the personal and literary life of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. New York, 1912. P. 231
«Mining town journalism». Oscar L. The life and times of the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise: being reminiscences of five distinguished Comstock journalists. Ashland: Lewis Osborne, 1971. P. 3.
«The push toward greater accuracy» and «the push toward greater extravagance and fabrication». Fishkin S. F. From fact to fiction: Journalism and imaginative writing in America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press edition, 1985. P.56.
«… the largest circulation of any paper between Chicago and San Francisco». Ward G. Duncan D. Burns K. Mark Twain. An illustrated biography. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001. P. 38.
Fishkin S. F. From fact to fiction: Journalism and imaginative writing in America. Baltimore.: Johns Hopkins University Press edition, 1985. P.57.
Rabe R. A. Inverted pyramid // Encyclopedia of American journalism / Ed. Vaughn S. L. Routhledge.: New York, London, 2008. P. 224.
Ромм А. С. Марк Твен. М.: Наука, 1977. С. 29.
«Our stock remarks» – «Board of education» – «Blown Down» – «At home» – «The School» – «Sad accident» – «Thrilling romance» – «Fire almost» – «Private party».
«Owing to the fact that our stock reporter attended a wedding last evening, our report of transactions in that branch of robbery and speculation is not quite as complete and satisfactory as usual this morning». Local Column. Territorial Enterprise (December 30–31, 1862) / The Works of Mark Twain; Early Tales & Sketches, Vol. 1 1851–1864. Berkley: Univ. of California press, 1979. P. 176.
«Some few transactions have occurred in rings and lace veils, and at figures tall, graceful and charming». Ibid. Эта заметка Марка Твена во многом построена на игре слов. Английское выражение «at figures» означает как способность к математике, так и хорошо сложенную женщину.
«We mentioned yesterday that our Father which art in heaven. Quotations of lost reference, and now I lay me down to sleep». Ibid.
«Sam indulged his ennui by turning the column into a spoof of the genre». Powers R. Mark Twain. A life. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney.: Free press, 2005. P. 113.
«In accordance with a law passed at the late session of the legislature, a Board of Education is to be organized in each of the several counties. The Storey county Board will be composed of seven members, apportioned as follows: Four from Virginia, two from Gold Hill, and one from Flowery. The Chairman of the Board will be County School Superintendent. These officers will have power to issue bonds sufficient to defray the expenses of the schools, from the 1st of January until the 1st of November; to establish schools of all grades, engage and examine teachers, etc». Local Column. Territorial Enterprise (December 30–31, 1862) / The Works of Mark Twain; Early Tales & Sketches, Vol. 1 1851–1864. Berkley: Univ. of California press, 1979. P. 176.
«At sunset yesterday, the wind commenced blowing after a fashion to which a typhoon is mere nonsense, and in a short time the face of heaven was obscured by vast clouds of dust all spangled over with lumber, and shingles, and dogs and things». Ibid.