Факт и вымысел в журналистике Марка Твена. Татьяна Юрьевна Мохова
Читать онлайн книгу.New York: Cambridge University press, 2008. P. 90.
«Thomas Moore's new frame house on the east side of C street, above the Court House, was blown down, and the fire-wall front of a one story brick building higher up the street was also thrown to the ground. The latter house was occupied as a store by Mr. Heldman, and owned by Mr. Felton».
«Twain would never have ascended to the status of literary celebrity without the tone of regional writing that he drew upon, and he might never have developed the confidence to stretch his creative talents if he hadn’t found his early efforts in journalism so enthusiastically greeted by his small-town newspaper audiences». Underwood D. Journalism and the Novel. Truth and fiction, 1700–2000. New York.: Cambridge University press, 2008. P. 5.
«The storm was very severe for a while, and we shall not be surprised to hear of further destruction having been caused by it. The damage resulting to Mr. Heldman's grocery store, amounts to $2,200».
«On our first page, to-day, will be found the opening chapters of a thrilling tale, entitled "An Act to amend and supplemental to an Act to provide for Assessing and Collecting County and Territorial Revenue." This admirable story was written especially for the columns of this paper by several distinguished authors. We have secured a few more productions of the same kind, at great expense, and we design publishing them in their regular order. Our readers will agree with us that it will redound considerably to their advantage to read and preserve these documents».
Ромм А. С. Марк Твен. М.: Наука, 1977. С. 42.
«The names of those killed in the affray are as follows: Charles Bulwinkle, from New York; William Moats, Geo. Adams and Elizabeth Adams, and three others whose names our informant had forgotten. The survivors were overtaken on the afternoon by a train numbering 111 wagons, which brought them through to Humboldt». Local Column. Territorial Enterprise (October 1, 1862) / The Works of Mark Twain; Early Tales & Sketches, Vol. 1 1851–1864. Berkley: Univ. of California press, 1979. P. 390.
«Shortly after the sufferers by the fight recorded above had joined the large train, it was also fired into in the night by a party of Snake Indians, but the latter, finding themselves pretty warmly received, drew off without taking a scalp». Ibid.
Local Column. Territorial Enterprise (January 10, 1863) / The Works of Mark Twain; Early Tales & Sketches, Vol. 1 1851–1864. Berkley: Univ. of California press, 1979. P. 185.
«A gentleman informed us yesterday that he thought the intention was to remove the partition, but he could not be positive about it». Ibid.
«We learn from gentlemen who were present at the trial to-day, that there were about thirty witnesses on the stand, and one of them a woman». Local Column. Territorial Enterprise (January 11–21, 1863). The Works of Mark Twain; Early Tales & Sketches, Vol. 1 1851–1864. Berkley: Univ. of California press, 1979. P. 401.
«…The art of writing half-truthful articles to entertain his audience of miners and roughnecks». Underwood D. Journalism and the Novel. Truth and fiction, 1700–2000. New York: Cambridge University press, 2008. P. 85.
«I found one wagon that was going on to California, and made some judicious inquiries of the proprietor. When I learned…that he… would not be in the city the next day to make trouble, I got ahead of the other papers, for I took down his list of names and added his party to the killed and wounded. Having more scope here, I put this wagon through an Indian fight that to this day has no parallel in history». Ward G. Duncan D. Burns K. Mark Twain. An illustrated biography. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001. P. 38.
«On the Enterprise he disliked writing reports which demanded exact facts and figures; he hated “solid facts”». Bellamy G. Mark Twain as a Literary Artist.Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1950. P.90.
«In the bottom of the incline the ledge is about ten feet wide, has a casing of blue clay, and is well defined; a great quantity of quartz has been taken from it, which looks exactly like third or fourth-class Ophir, but it won't pay to crush yet awhile, although choice specimens of it have assayed as high as ninety-two dollars to the ton». Local Column. Territorial Enterprise (April 3, 1863) / The Works of Mark Twain; Early Tales & Sketches, Vol. 1 1851–1864. Berkley: Univ. of California press, 1979. P. 412.
«At the present writing we cannot say what the net proceeds of the ball will amount to, but they will doubtless reach quite a respectable figure – say $400». Twain M. Sanitary Ball / The Works of Mark Twain; Early Tales & Sketches, Vol. 1 1851–1864. Berkley: Univ. of California press, 1979. P. 185.
«We do not care about dictating much in the matter so long as no one will be likely to pay us for it». The new Court House (Local Column Territorial Enterprise, January 10, 1863) / The Works of Mark Twain; Early Tales & Sketches, Vol. 1 1851–1864. Berkley: Univ. of California press, 1979. P. 189.
«We have been suffering from the seven years' itch for many months. It is probably the most aggravating disease in the world. It is contagious. That man has commenced a career of suffering which is frightful to contemplate; there is no cure for the distemper». Local Column. Territorial Enterprise (January 8, 1863) / The Works of Mark Twain; Early Tales & Sketches, Vol. 1 1851–1864. Berkley: Univ. of California press, 1979. P. 182.
«Sam offered the fictitious reporter’s “notes” <…> A week later, after his hat was filched at an Odd Fellows ball in Gold Hill, he announced menacingly in the column that he suffered from the seven years’ itch». Powers R. Mark Twain. A life. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney: Free press, 2005. P. 113.
«Mr. Wm. L. Card, of Silver City, has invented a sort of infernal machine, which is to turn quartz mills by electricity. It consists of wheels and things, and – however, we could not describe it without getting tangled. Mr. Card assures us that he can apply his invention to all the mills in Silver City». Local Column. Territorial Enterprise (April 19 – 30, 1863) / Ibid. P. 413.
«Sulphur Deposit», «Silver bars – how assayed».
Virginia City Territorial Enterprise 1862–1868. Digital archive: [сайт].URL: (дата обращения 07.04.2016).
«A journalistic counterculture coalesced at the Enterprise and improvised a news literature-on-deadline that caught the emerging voice of a self-defined America». Powers R. Mark Twain. A life. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney: Free press, 2005. P. 113.