Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid Using SMART Power Flow Controllers. Kalyan K. Sen

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Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid Using SMART Power Flow Controllers - Kalyan K. Sen

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converter (also called an inverter or VSC), which is normally bypassed with a thyristor‐based bypass‐switch. The DC capacitor is trickle‐charged through a stepdown transformer, a rectifier, and a DC–DC converter.

      During a voltage sag or swell due to a short‐circuit fault, lightning or capacitor bank switching on an adjacent distribution line, the bypass‐switch opens and a voltage that is generated by the VSC is placed in series with the load through a coupling transformer to restore the load’s nominal voltage while the conventional system protection equipment clears the fault.

Schematic illustration of sag correction by a DVR.

      The APLC extends the concept of an autotransformer, which is also a Shunt–Series configuration, meaning one unit is connected in shunt and the other unit is connected in series with the line. The APLC configuration, shown in Figure 1-23a, is identical to a stepdown autotransformer that supplies power to a load on the low‐voltage side. The major difference between an APLC and an autotransformer is that the Shunt and the Series Units in an autotransformer exchange active power as well as reactive power. However, in an APLC, only active power is exchanged between the Shunt and the Series Units, since reactive power cannot flow through the common DC link capacitor. The same Shunt–Series VSCs concept was used later in the 1990s in the design of the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) for regulation of line power in transmission‐level applications as shown in Figure 1-23b.

      The lessons learned from the installations of the first‐generation FACTS controllers, such as ±160 MVA‐rated UPFC at American Electric Power (AEP), ±100 MVA‐rated CSC at New York Power Authority (NYPA), and ±80 MVA‐rated UPFC at Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), are that FACTS controllers have limited applications due to their high life‐time costs, which include installation, operation, and maintenance (specialized equipment and trained labor). The main feature of very fast (millisecond‐range) response time, offered by the power electronics inverter‐based FACTS controllers is not needed in most utility applications. In search for the right PFC at an affordable price, the Shunt–Series configuration is used to create the Sen Transformer, which can provide a solution to meet the majority of power flow control needs for the utilities worldwide.

Schematic illustration of (a) Basic circuits for Active Power Line Conditioner and (b) Unified Power Flow Controller.

      The costs presented in this section are Rough Order Magnitude (ROM) that is based on authors’ past three decades of experience on various technologies. This section provides an illustration/methodology for economic appraisal of different technologies that offer similar outcomes.

      1.4.1 Defining a Cost‐Effective Solution

      The voltage/power flow compensation in the transmission/distribution network results in a higher asset utilization. The types of solutions may vary from using transformer and LTCs to power electronics inverters. Each of these solutions is based on engineering trade‐offs. In particular, as the response times of various solutions increase from slow (3–5 s) to medium speed (<1 s) to fast (<0.010 s), there is a corresponding increase in the solution’s life‐cycle costs (installation, operation, and maintenance), complexity, and impracticability of relocation. Other important features to consider are reliability, robustness, efficiency, component non‐obsolescence, and interoperability.

      It is recognized that the superior response capability of a power electronics inverter‐based solution may be beneficial in applications where voltage flicker is caused by an electric arc furnace load and dynamic voltage restoration is required for critical loads. The final selection of a solution, however, depends on knowing the functional requirements and analyzing the cost and benefit of each available solution that means the most features at the least total cost. In the case of a simple voltage regulation at a utility bus, an SC may be an adequate solution, whereas for an arc furnace load, the power electronics inverter may be the best solution.

      Consider the three cases (Case 1: “do nothing;” Case 2: “do something;” and Case 3: “go above‐and‐beyond”) of solutions for voltage regulation.

Schematic illustration of cost versus features in various solutions.

      Case 2 represents a “do something” approach where the solution cost (cost #1) increases as the number of features in the solution increases. For example, a shunt‐connected reactor or capacitor with a breaker may seem to be the simplest solution where the solution cost (cost #1) is greater than zero; however, the lost opportunity cost (cost #2) that accounts for the (1) penalty for not providing var support and (2) penalty for creating voltage flicker may be less than that in Case 1.

      Case 3 represents a “go above‐and‐beyond” approach where the solution cost (cost #1) increases further as the number of features in the solution increases.

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