Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid Using SMART Power Flow Controllers. Kalyan K. Sen

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Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid Using SMART Power Flow Controllers - Kalyan K. Sen

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Components of Option 2 compensating voltages in the A, B, and C p...Table 6‐15 The compensating voltages in Option 3 for all phases.Table 6‐16 Comparison among the voltage‐regulating transformer (VRT), phase angle...

      7 Appendix BTable B‐1 Line current for a VR and a PAR (asym).

      8 Appendix CTable C‐1 Chilean grid simulation results.Table C‐2 Chilean contingency scenario results.

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1‐1 Part of a large interconnected transmission system supplying elec...Figure 1‐2 Power flow along a controlled path.Figure 1‐3 Representation of a transmission line between sending and receivi...Figure 1‐4 Power flow along a transmission line between sending and receivin...Figure 1‐5 (a) Electric grid: power flow along a lossless transmission line ...Figure 1‐6 Power flow in a lossless line with a series‐compensating reactanc...Figure 1‐7 Power flow in a lossless line with a series‐compensating voltage ...Figure 1‐8 (a) Power transmission system with a series‐compensating voltage ...Figure 1‐9 Transmission line Voltage Regulators: (a) Two‐winding Transformer...Figure 1‐10 Transmission line voltage Phase Angle Regulators: (a) asymmetric...Figure 1‐11 Transmission line Reactance Regulators: (a) Thyristor‐Controlled...Figure 1‐12 Ranges of voltages (Vs and Vs′) at the primary and seconda...Figure 1‐13 Response time of the first commercial STATCON for 100 Mvar capac...Figure 1‐14 Voltage profile without an SVC (left) and with an SVC (right) (f...Figure 1‐15 A single‐line diagram of an electric arc furnace.Figure 1‐16 Instantaneous plant input bus voltage (vplant) and plant current...Figure 1‐17 Use of a STATCOM, combined with a Fixed Capacitor (FC) as an arc...Figure 1‐18 Instantaneous reactive power drawn by the furnace and supplied b...Figure 1‐19 Instantaneous active power drawn by a compensator (STATCOM and F...Figure 1‐20 Flicker measurements without and with a compensation provided by...Figure 1‐21 Single‐line diagram of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR).Figure 1‐22 Sag correction by a DVR (field performance) (Sen 2015).Figure 1‐23 (a) Basic circuits for Active Power Line Conditioner and (b) Uni...Figure 1‐24 Cost versus features in various solutions (Case 1: “do nothing;”...Figure 1‐25 World’s first UPFC at the AEP Inez substation (left) versus a co...Figure 1‐26 Point‐to‐point transfer of power with local reactive power compe...Figure 1‐27 Ranges of Qr versus Pr at the receiving end of the transmission ...Figure 1‐28 Independent active and reactive power flow controller with local...Figure 1‐29 Independent power flow control by impedance regulation (field pe...Figure 1‐30 Simultaneous power flow control by reactance regulation (field p...Figure 1‐31 Sen Transformer (ST).Figure 1‐32 Autotransformer/PAR (asym).Figure 1‐33 Multiline power flow concepts.Figure 1‐34 Choices for transmission line control equipment.Figure 1‐35 Today’s grid with traditional generation and integrated renewabl...Figure 1‐36 Interconnected transmission system, integrated with a SMART Powe...Figure 1‐37 Voltage regulation with an SVC and independent power flow regula...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2‐1 Representation of a power system network, consisting of a voltage...Figure 2‐2 (a) One‐generator/one‐line power system network and (b) phasor di...Figure 2‐3 Variations of load voltage (Vr) and load power (Pr) as a function...Figure 2‐4 (a) One‐generator/one‐line power system network with a shunt volt...Figure 2‐5 Variations of load voltage (Vr) and load power (Pr) as a function...Figure 2‐6 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network and the related phaso...Figure 2‐7 Two‐generator/one‐line power system network and the related phaso...Figure 2‐8 Voltage profile along a line when

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Figure 2‐9 Two methods of controlling the line voltage: (a) with a shunt‐com...Figure 2‐10 Scheme for implementing a shunt‐compensating voltage.Figure 2‐11 Scheme for implementing a series‐compensating voltage.Figure 2‐12 Electrical machine‐based solutions for power flow controllers us...Figure 2‐13 VSC‐based solutions for power flow controllers using (a) Shunt–S...Figure 2‐14 Transformer/LTCs‐based solutions for power flow controllers usin...Figure 2‐15 Qs′ and Vs′ versus Ps′ at the modified sending...Figure 2‐16 Qr versus Pr at the receiving end of the line for voltage regula...Figure
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