Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid Using SMART Power Flow Controllers. Kalyan K. Sen

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Power Flow Control Solutions for a Modern Grid Using SMART Power Flow Controllers - Kalyan K. Sen

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at the sending an...Figure 4‐9 (a) PAR (asym) configuration in a bypass‐mode of operation; (b) p...Figure 4‐10 (a) PAR (asym) configuration for decreasing power flow; (b) phas...Figure 4‐11 (a) PAR (asym) configuration for increasing power flow; (b) phas...Figure 4‐12 Ranges of voltage magnitudes (Vs and Vs′) at the sending a...Figure 4‐13 (a) PAR (sym) configuration in a bypass‐mode of operation; (b) p...Figure 4‐14 (a) PAR (sym) configuration for decreasing power flow; (b) phaso...Figure 4‐15 (a) PAR (sym) configuration for increasing power flow; (b) phaso...Figure 4‐16 Ranges of voltage magnitudes (Vs and Vs′) at the sending a...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5‐1 Shunt‐compensating, mechanically‐switched capacitor, connected to...Figure 5‐2 Exchanged reactive power (Qsh), the resulting voltages (v1A and VFigure 5‐3 Shunt‐compensating, mechanically‐switched capacitor with a series...Figure 5‐4 Exchanged reactive power (Qsh), the resulting voltages (v1A and VFigure 5‐5 Shunt‐compensating, mechanically‐switched reactor, connected to a...Figure 5‐6 Exchanged reactive power (Qsh), the resulting voltages (v1A and VFigure 5‐7 Series‐compensating, mechanically‐switched reactors, connected in...Figure 5‐8 Exchanged reactive power (Qse), the resulting voltage (v12A), cur...Figure 5‐9 Instantaneous filtered magnitude of the voltage across the series...Figure 5‐10 Instantaneous filtered phase angle of the voltage across the ser...Figure 5‐11 Instantaneous magnitude (idq) of the current through the series‐...Figure 5‐12 Instantaneous phase angle (θidq) of the current through the...Figure 5‐13 Instantaneous magnitude (zse) of the impedance of the series‐com...Figure 5‐14 Instantaneous phase angle (θzse) of the voltage across the ...Figure 5‐15 Instantaneous relative phase angle (β) of the series‐compen...Figure 5‐16 Two superimposed voltages: (1) A phase of the calculated compens...Figure 5‐17 Series‐compensating, mechanically‐switched capacitor with a reac...Figure 5‐18 Exchanged reactive power (Qse), the resulting voltage (v12A), cu...Figure 5‐19 Series‐compensating voltage to emulate a reactor in series with ...Figure 5‐20 Validation of a series‐compensating voltage as an emulated react...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6‐1 (a) Two‐generator/one‐line uncompensated power system network; (b...Figure 6‐2 (a) Two‐generator/one‐line power system network with a series‐com...Figure 6‐3 Transformer/LTCs‐based solutions for power flow controllers using...Figure 6‐4 (a) Voltage‐Regulating Transformer (Shunt‐Series configuration); ...Figure 6‐5 (a) Voltage‐Regulating Transformer (Shunt‐Shunt configuration); (...Figure 6‐6 (a) Phase Angle Regulator (asymmetric); (b) phasor diagram.Figure 6‐7 (a, b) Effect of a series‐compensating voltage on power flow in a...Figure 6‐8 (a) Voltage‐Regulating Transformer for increasing line voltage; (...Figure 6‐9 (a) Voltage‐Regulating Transformer for decreasing line voltage; (...Figure 6‐10 (a) ST for voltage regulation; (b) phasor diagram.Figure 6‐11 (a) ST for voltage compensation with

and β = 106.1°; (b) ...Figure 6‐12 Compensating points with the use of the ST within the entire ran...Figure 6‐13 Series impedance emulation control block diagram of the ST.Figure 6‐14 Series resistance emulation control block diagram of the ST.Figure 6‐15 Series reactance emulation control block diagram of the ST.Figure 6‐16 Closed‐loop automatic power flow control block diagram of the ST...Figure 6‐17 Open‐loop Compensating‐Voltage Unit control block diagram of the...Figure 6‐18 Selection of tap positions (Faruque and Dinavahi‐2007).Figure 6‐19 Compensating voltage (Vs′s) in pu during the entire range ...Figure 6‐20 Modified sending‐end voltage (Vs′) in pu during the entire...Figure 6‐21 Phase‐shift angle (ψ) in degrees during the entire range of...Figure 6‐22 (a) Active power (Pr), (b) reactive power (Qr), and (c) apparent...Figure 6‐23 Active power (Pr) versus reactive power (Qr) in pu at the receiv...Figure 6‐24 (a) Exchanged active power (Pse), (b) reactive power (Qse), and ...Figure 6‐25 Exchanged active power (P se ) versus reactive power (Qse) in pu...Figure 6‐26 Line current (I) in pu during the entire range of the relative p...Figure 6‐27 (a) Sen Transformer (ST) and (b) phasor diagram.Figure 6‐28 Magnitude of the simulated sending‐end voltage (Vs) in pu during...Figure 6‐29 Magnitude of the simulated compensating voltage (Vs′s) in ...Figure 6‐30 Magnitude of the simulated modified sending‐end voltage (Vs′...Figure 6‐31 (a) Active power (Pr) in MW, (b) reactive power (Qr) in Mvar, an...Figure 6‐32 Active power (Pr) in MW versus reactive power (Qr) in Mvar at th...Figure 6‐33 (a) Exchanged active power (Pse) in MW, (b) reactive power (Qse)...Figure 6‐34 Exchanged active power (Pse) in MW versus reactive power (Qse) i...Figure 6‐35 Line current (I) in Arms during the entire range of the relative...Figure 6‐36 Three‐generator/four‐line power system network, integrated with ...Figure 6‐37 Magnitude of the simulated sending‐end voltage (Vs) in pu during...Figure 6‐38 Magnitude of the simulated compensating voltage (Vs′s) in ...Figure 6‐39 Magnitude of the simulated modified sending‐end voltage (Vs′...Figure 6‐40 (a) Active power (Pr) in MW, (b) reactive power (Qr) in Mvar, an...Figure 6‐41 Active power (Pr) in MW versus reactive power (Qr) in Mvar at th...Figure 6‐42 (a) Exchanged active power (Pse) in MW, (b) reactive power (Qse)...Figure 6‐43 Exchanged active power (Pse) in MW versus reactive power (Qse) i...Figure 6‐44 Line current (I) in Arms during the entire range of the relative...Figure 6‐45 Factory test circuit of an ST.Figure 6‐46 The instantaneous A‐phase, sending‐end current (isA), line curre...Figure 6‐47 Magnitude of the simulated sending‐end voltage (Vs) in pu during...Figure 6‐48 Magnitude of the simulated compensating voltage (Vs′s) in ...Figure 6‐49 Magnitude of the simulated modified sending‐end voltage (Vs′...Figure 6‐50 (a) Active power (Pr) in MW, (b) reactive power (Qr) in Mvar, an...Figure 6‐51 Active power (Pr) in MW versus reactive power (Qr) in Mvar flows...Figure 6‐52 (a) Exchanged active power (Pse) in MW, (b) reactive power (Qse)...Figure 6‐53 Exchanged active power (Pse) in MW versus reactive power (Qse) i...Figure 6‐54 Line current ( I ) in Arms during the entire range of the relati...Figure 6‐55 Modified factory test circuit of an ST.Figure 6‐56 The instantaneous A‐phase, sending‐end current (isA), line curre...Figure 6‐57 Magnitude of the simulated sending‐end voltage (Vs) during the e...Figure 6‐58 Magnitude of the simulated compensating voltage (Vs′s) dur...Figure 6‐59 Magnitude of the simulated modified sending‐end voltage (Vs′...Figure 6‐60 (a) Active power (Pr), (b) reactive power (Qr), and (c) apparent...Figure 6‐61 Active power (Pr) versus reactive power (Qr) flows at the receiv...Figure 6‐62 (a) Exchanged active power (Pse), (b) reactive power (Qse), and ...Figure 6‐63 Exchanged active power (Pse) versus reactive power (Qse) by the ...Figure 6‐64 Line current ( I ) in Arms during the entire range of the relati...Figure 6‐65 (a) ST operating with a compensating voltage in the range of 0 ≤...Figure 6‐66 (a) ST operating with a compensating voltage in the range of 0 ≤...Figure 6‐67 (a) ST operating with a compensating voltage in the range of 0 ≤...Figure 6‐68 (a) ST operating with a compensating voltage in the range of 0 ≤...Figure 6‐69 (a) ST operating with a compensating voltage in the range of 0 ≤...Figure 6‐70 (a) ST operating with a compensating voltage in the range of
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