Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Organizational Transformation. Группа авторов

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Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Organizational Transformation - Группа авторов

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the Study 22.4 Research Methodology 22.5 Impact and Efficiency of AI-Enabled EHRM Tools in Work From Home Scenario Under Lockdown 22.6 Conclusion Reading List

      28  Index

      29  Also of Interest

      30  End User License Agreement


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title page

      4  Copyright

      5  Foreword

      6  Preface

      7  Begin Reading

      8  Index

      9  Also of Interest

      10  End User License Agreement

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence. Source: Deloitte 2017.Figure 1.2 ANN for market segmentation.Figure 1.3 Martec’s Law.

      2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 The wastage of time in the duplication of work.Figure 3.2 Use of AI in HR. Oracle AI usage in different business functions, sho...Figure 3.3 Need of AI in HR. 3.4 Branches of AI in HR and its uses. Source: Mckinsey Global Institute ...Figure 3.5 Implication stages of AI in HR. Source: 3.6 Process model of AI in HR. 3.7 Use of AI in HR.

      3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Evolution of Artificial Intelligence.Figure 4.2 Phases of Artificial Intelligence.Figure 4.3 The role of AI in Human Resource.Figure 4.4 Effect of AI on Human Resource management.Figure 4.5 Forecasting of Human Resource Professional.

      4 Chapter 5Image 5.1 John McCarthy (4 Sept. 1927-24 Oct. 2011).Figure 5.1 Specifications of Artificial Intelligence.Figure 5.2 Use of Artificial Intelligence in animal surveillance.Image 5.2 RFID ear tag.Image 5.3 Honey bee with radio chips.Image 5.4 GPS tracker microchip.Image 5.5 Drone with thermal camera.Image 5.6 Motion sensor camera.Image 5.7 Telemetry system [6].Image 5.8 Bird ringing [10].Image 5.9 Audio moth [11].Image 5.10 Transponder [12].Image 5.11 Trail guard.

      5 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Increase in the demand for power since 1996 to 2018. Source: Annual R...Figure 8.2 Growth in installed capacity during planning period. Source: Central ...

      6 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Benefits and challenges of artificial challenges. Source: Artificial ...

      7 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Hypothetical research model for the study.Figure 10.2 Flow diagram of literature selection process. Source: compiled by re...Figure 10.3 Diversity iceberg.Figure 10.4 Benefits of diversity.Figure 10.5 Ensuring responsible AI.

      8 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 What is Artificial Intelligence. Source: NITI Aayog Discussion Paper...Figure 11.2 The branches of Artificial Intelligence. Source: Syam and Nguyen, 20...Figure 11.3 India’s GVA in 2035. Source: The Financial Express, 2018 [4].Figure 11.4 Relevance of AI in the healthcare industry. Source: NITI Aayog Repor...Figure 11.5 Benefits from robotic process automation. Source: Asian Banker Resea...Figure 11.6 AI in education. Source: Johnson, 2019 [7].Figure 11.7 AI benefits in agriculture sector. Source: Revanth, 2019 [8].Figure 11.8 Applications of AI to various sectors. Source: Syam and Nguyen, Ever...

      9 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Marketing automation. Source: [9].Figure 12.2 AI inbuilt Robot. Source: Alex Knight | Unsplash.Figure 12.3 Scoring in different sector. Source: McKinsey.Figure 12.4 Growing and declining sectors. Source: 12.5 Ranking of AI usage globally. Source: 12.6 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. Source: https://www.graz...Figure 12.7 AI marketing strategies. Source:

      10 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Relationship of performance and stress. Source: www.psychology.stack...Figure 13.2 Biofeedback detection system. Source: 13.3 Empatica sensor-based wrist device. Source:

      11 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Alternative finance over the years. Source: 14.2 Alternative finance’s market in India. Source: 14.3 Changes in business model and product innovation in India. Source: h...

      12 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Open government data principles. Source: 15.2 Seven characteristics for measuring the openness of data [Source: Je...Figure 15.3 Data transformation in Open Government Databases page. Source: http:...Figure 15.4 Illustration: Dispersion of dataset of hypothetical citizen X across...Figure 15.5 Data processing (Source: 15.6 Machine learning concept. Source: 15.7 Data management (Source:

      13 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 History of Artificial Intelligence. Source: Compiled by author.Figure 16.2 Subfields of AI. Source: Compiled by author.Figure 16.3 Impact of AI on Organisation. Source: Compiled by author.Figure 16.4 Development of techniques of AI. Source: Compiled by author.Figure 16.5 Types of insurance. Source: Compiled by author.Figure 16.6 The transition of the insurance industry. Source: Compiled by author...Figure 16.7 Insurance hardware devices. Source: 16.8 Investment process. Source: 16.9 Stock Selection Strategy. Source:

      14 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Number of smartphone users worldwide from 2016 to 2021 (in billions)...Figure 18.2 Cloud computing. Source: Researchers.Figure 18.3 AIEd dimensions. Source:

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