Spread the word. Stefan Isaiah
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Spread the word
Stefan Isaiah
Copyright: © 2013 Stefan Isaiah
Cover photo: © www.istockphoto.com/cosmin4000
published by: epubli GmbH, Berlin
ISBN 978-3-8442-5625-3
Thanks to
God, who created this wonderful world for us humans to live on this earth together in love, peace, support and understanding for each other.
Jesus Christ, for that He is the way, the truth and the life for all of us who search Him and ask
Him for His support.
All my sisters and brothers and readers of this book, who already support me and each other with just their belief and light filled presence here on earth. May we be blessed with strength and wisdom to keep on fighting for a better world full of love and support for each other.
All people working for God and serving God through their lives.
Short summary of the content
This book is based on a true event which happened in the last months of 2012 and the beginning of 2013. I was on skype and fell in love with a woman, which is nothing unusual nowadays. The exception was that I became unknowingly a victim of a Love scam (and even a God scam), which cost me more than 20,000 Euros just within 2 months. The story shows how mighty a Love scam can be, and how far the scammer is willing to go. On the other side it describes my feelings and experiences, my struggles and my rescue through my belief in God and Jesus. This book is not only of interest for Christians, but for all of us who are spending some part of their life and spare time online. It is a story that wants to touch you and will touch you, if you don't have a heart of stone.
About the story and its message
It took me weeks of inner searching, praying, thinking, feeling and a mixture of changing states of fear and joy to finally find the right words for the introduction to this book.
Today is 28th April 2013, Maundy Thursday.
My wish is to reach as much readers as possible, as the message of this book is universal and should integrate all people who are interested in God, life and its manifold miracles and lessons for us. So I will try not to ‘overload’ this book with Bible verses and comments on the story which I will tell you, but as the core message of this book results from my love to God and the struggles and my fights during the story, I want and have to honour His great deeds on me.
‘Spread the word’ as the title of this book came relative early in my mind, since I felt that I had to write my story down in this book start of January 2013.
I had the message in my mind, ‘If the Lord has shown you His Grace, tell the people about it …’ (rough summary). This is a core message of Christianity for me, to spread the word of God's deeds on us, because this strengthens and deepens our belief. In the Gospels, Jesus did miracles to strengthen the belief of the people, nowadays we also need to hear about God's miracles and deeds on us.
"I will tell of the kindnesses of the LORD, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the LORD has done for us …” [Bible, Isaiah 63:7 (NIV)]
The next 3 months till now were very intensive for me, and all my ideas and words concerning this introduction are the results of reading and reviewing the story. Some days were quite okay and I was able to read 10 pages till 15 pages at once, then some days with only 2-3 pages, and then some days on which I wasn’t able and hadn’t the power to read just one word.
But after a ‘normal’ day of reading the story, putting it aside and relaxing a little, I always had visions, ideas and precise sentences in my head of what I will have to write in the introduction of this book, and I immediately wrote them down. Till now these visions/ideas have summed up to 10-15 pages, and I hope I will be able to bring them in the right context for you to read and understand.
You could compare this repeating process of reading the story, getting visions and ideas, writing them down and reading the next pages of the story with a walk through a desert. Sometimes it seems dry, endless and all the same, but while resting and closing your eyes, you’ll receive the reward for keep on walking, as the sometimes hidden inner processes only reveal to you while having a break. If you are empty and searching for nothing special, then it could be that the very special and important things for you are coming to your mind.
So maybe this story is ‘designed’ just to get you out of your normal thought lines, and who knows what will come to your mind while and after reading some pages.
The first visions in January were about love and peace. I started to feel a ‘new spirit’ under the people while I was just walking through a crowded city. My perception started to change, and I could feel some kind of bright and light filled attention under the people, not in all of them but in some of them, and there were more and more with the time.
When new times are coming around, they are only to recognize and grasp very lightly at first, soft and tender, like a wing stroke of a butterfly. And the people, in some way, are feeling that new times are about to come and on the way, and they start perceiving it, feeling it, looking for it and knowing that it is important to be part of it, for to grow and keep in contact with the development of humanity and society.
For me this 'new spirit' is nothing other than the consciousness of unconditional love, a desire to live in harmony with each other and to support each other, to work together on different issues to make this world a better place to live in. Love and peace, sounds ‘cheesy’? Not at all for me. If you could and maybe already feel this new spirit (entering the world consciousness), then you may be filled with joyful excitement, feeling very light filled in your heart and feeling a warm love for the people around you, no matter if you know them or not.
The people can feel that the consciousness of unconditional love is 'coming down' from heaven to earth, their hearts and spirits are lifted by this unconditional love, and the desire to be unified in this love arises from alone.
But I’m not only a dreamer, I’m a ‘man of God’, and therefore a hard worker in that my whole life long. With a new spirit there also comes a lot of work and responsibility for those who live with this spirit and take part in some way.
Love and peace. Love means work (for example serving others, helping others), peace is the result of this work. But as the way is the goal, what great way is this to love in all forms. Not only your family, your close friends, your favourite bands, sports, hobbies etc.. The main task from my point of view is to start to develop unconditional love in you, the highest form of love which we humans are capable of, like a mother to her child. So if you walk around with an open mind and the willingness to be part of a new love filled and light filled consciousness (which exists not only since a short time but was always there in God, but now comes around in an intensive and experienceable/tangible way for humanity to solve the massive problems we are having worldwide), you may feel be carried and filled with joy, and that alone should be worth it, beside all the good effects it will have on humanity and society in general.
The Greatest Commandment
“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself'. There is no commandment greater than these.” [Bible, Mark 12:28-31 (NIV)]
We are entering nothing more and nothing less than the core messages of the New Testament.
And for us