Spread the word. Stefan Isaiah
Читать онлайн книгу.also struggle and fight for divine love and light, let me quote the Beatitudes.
"...The Beatitudes
He said: 'Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.' ”
[Bible, Matthew 5:2-12 (NIV)]
That is the core message of this book: Love each other as God has shown us through Jesus, forgive each other and let’s start together again as one humanity, trying to be worth of the endless love God always had, has and will have for all of us.
Why did I finally found the strength to write these easy but powerful words in the introduction of this book? Because I've suffered deep fears during the last three months, fears for my life, fears for my peace of mind, fears for my belief in God. But again and again, often daily, God built me up, loved me in my fears, showed me ways out of situations and strengthened my belief in Him in such a way, that I’m finally able to tell the world about His deeds now, and thank Him with all my heart and my soul for His grace, forgiveness and endless love that He has shown me.
God bless us all.
“The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth ." [Bible, Psalm 145:18 (NIV)]
The development of the story
This book is kind of a test of my belief in God and His promises to me (and all of us), written in the Bible. If He never lets me down then He never lets me down and helps me, always. He keeps His promises, always. If His promises count for one, they count for all. It's about God in our daily lives, our problems, sorrows and struggles. Since this story is happening to me, started in October 2012, and I began to write his book in January 2013, I'm praying continuously to God, a steady process of asking, doubting, finding, getting answers, trying them out, seeing that they work, being thankful for them, moving on, struggling and getting fears again, praying again. And so this book develops step by step, gets enriched, and I get more and more in contact with humankind through my spirit. I can feel the rising support while meditating on humankind, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and what it means to me and us to be united in this way. I try to put my insights in easy and understandable words, so that you, the readers, can 'take' these words and don't feel irritated by the text and its content, one of my biggest sorrows when I'm writing the introduction.
This story has changed and is still changing my life, and I feel called to communicate with humanity through this book now, to get out of my shell, to improve and perform this new part of me (sharing my insights and experiences) in service to mankind as God wants it from me. This feeling has become stronger and stronger with the time, and He has convinced me in a plain but distinct way.
God has 'designed' this 'task' for me and prepared it perfectly. My life situation before the story has started: Enduring inner loneliness, inner emptiness, unable to feel like a human being (numbness), no one of my used environment and colleagues were around me at work (due to reorganisation), the increasing longing for love (emotional love). And as I was searching for love I found love, unexpected, intense, real for me, and I also found my belief in Jesus again.
What was happening inside me from the beginning of the story till now
Why do I still have the fear that God will let me fall?
Since the beginning of the story as I was reborn in Jesus again, and he redeemed me and forgave me all my sins, and gifted me a new life, since that day I was save in him, the same way as I was save in him in my old life before. Jesus never lets me down. He knows this, he always keeps his word and promises. So he could give me that heavy task to risk all for him, because he already knew at that point how to get me out and he knew my future. With God nothing is impossible. I had forgotten this, or couldn't feel it in my heart, or had lost my belief in that, because my old life had cost me all my strength and all my faith, and I was very tired and exhausted on all levels (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically).
But he knew that and gave me this new life, and thus gave me this new task to start my new life, to become and grow strong in him again, and to find my belief in him again and finally get used to my new life. What also was or still is new for me, is that I can ask others for help and support as for example through this book. My whole life I've always walked alone and had no one to talk to. Sure, temporary support through people but always 'unknowingly', I could never say: 'I'm working on this for the Lord', or 'The Lord wants this from me, could you support me please', or 'I'm down and exhausted. Please build me up with the warmth of your heart and your faith in the Lord, support me please'. I never had the trace of an idea to do this. Now, as I'm about to finish this book and working on the right words for my introduction, I'm starting to open myself more and more.
What else is it to write a book, a book about myself and the story I have just experienced, a story which has changed my life and on which I am still working to digest and to overcome. I will tell you about my love to a woman, my renewed love and relationship to Jesus, the process of starting a new phase in my life, and I'm sharing all this intimacy with the whole world. That is opening myself to the world, nothing else.
So what is missing to recognize that the missing key for me is to open myself to you? Well, it's still Maundy Thursday and 10 minutes ago I got this insight, and now I'm opening myself to you in a way of full trust, so that I can reach you with my words and you can feel and understand me and my process.
So I'm asking you for your support for me: "Please build me up emotionally" (I need the feeling that the family of Christianity supports me and understands me and forgives me). "Please build me up physically" (If you are just thinking of me and pray for me I will feel that, and get some power to be able to regenerate from the last 6 months of permanent stress, fear, less sleep, struggling for my belief in God and for my transformation process into my new life. "And please, of course, build up my heart and my spirit, I need your unconditionally love from human to human, from Christian to Christian, from sister to brother, from brother to brother, from fighter to fighter, from everyone who is touched by the story and can feel that I need her/his support. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. [Bible, Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV)]
And I ask you to spread the word and make this book a success. As a sign that God never lets you down and supports you, and not only through His love, light and strength that He will give you, but through the love of your sisters and brothers. And as a sign that our Christian belief and community is alive and works without many words and organisational structures. I'm just asking for this fresh and light filled spirit. My wish is to feel God's love not only from Him to me, but also between all of us.
You may ask: "You always walked alone with the Lord and now you ask for our support?" Well, if this question should appear, I would answer: "One for all and all for one", "The Parable of the Lost Sheep" or "Big is God's family. If a searcher and fighter of your family finally returns from 'the end of the world' back home, welcome him and let him tell what he has experienced."
The Parable of the Lost Sheep