Spread the word. Stefan Isaiah
Читать онлайн книгу.my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." [Bible, Luke 15:3-7 (NIV)]
If my words seem to sound artificial or complicated or all too clear: As the core message of this book is unconditional love, I'm just trying to ask in a simple way for the known forms of this love.
I hope I've found the right words to tell you what is going on in me, and how I finally found new hope today and understood the whole process of the last 6 months for me. If I would stand in front of some of you in an auditorium, to tell you the story in short words and what it's all about, I guess I would be able to reach you and find the right words, and feel your understanding and support while being together with you and having eye contact. As writing this, I can already feel that this is happening, you are there, I am there, we are there together and not separated, space and time are real for us but there is something more and I guess everyone knows and feels this in some way. If we are one in the Lord, what should separate us? If I pray for help from my sisters and brothers, why should they deny it to me? Why should I have fear if I never walk alone? Why should I doubt if God promised me to never let me down? Well, now I got it, thanks to you all. This is the most beautiful and humbled Maundy Thursday I've ever experienced in my whole life, and now I know and feel that I am really reborn in Jesus. The main process has started 6 months ago and finished today in its first main step.
And I can confess with all my love and before the whole world that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
I'm feeling so redeemed and bright and light filled, just as if I am lifted up to heaven into the arms of my Lord. What a fight, what a struggle, what a long long dark night before the dawn.
All what has been written about Jesus in the Bible is true, I not only believe it, I feel it, and I can feel the holy truth of Jesus and His words. I cannot describe my state of mind now, but I feel very calm, peaceful and filled with a very bright strength, light as a feather but very strong.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
[Bible, John 13:34-35 (NIV)]
About the story itself (What this story is about, framework and background)
The story of this book is real and happened to me from October 2012 till mid of February 2013. Since the late summer of 2012 I was online on yahoo messenger and skype to get in contact with people worldwide. After 12 years of being fixed on my job and my partnership/working group, I was looking for some other impulses in my life and I started to chat. Most of the times I got in contact with students at the age of mid till end twenties, we talked about their studies, their plans for life etc.. I was (and still am) 40 years old and was starting some kind of new phase in my life. I returned to the start of my business life, and this was the end of my studies 12 years ago. So this 'constellation' between me and the chat partners seemed to fit.
In July 2012 I got in contact with a young student (woman) from Washington State. She was in the summer break before her 4th semester and we chatted a lot and fell in romantic love with each other. This short relationship lasted 10 weeks, then her studies began and we lost contact, but put an end with no problems or hurt feelings. In review I would call it 'summer love', nothing serious, but with much emotions and it was okay for us.
Then I felt that my chat experience was coming to an end, but I missed the chats with my 'summer love' in some way. So as one week after we separated I was asked to accept a new contact on skype (My profile was 'public' which I didn't recognized at that time, and which can be considered as the first step that led to that story), I spontaneously said 'yes' and accepted that contact request. But then I had some kind of bad feeling (intuition) and blocked the new contact 2 days after accepting the new contact without talking to her. Would I've let it that way, this book wouldn't exist as it is here now. But God and fate had other plans with me,
so here the story goes ...
Comments of the author, about the author himself
Yes, I'm a man of God, searching for him since I was born and always being guided by him as I felt him close to me, inside me, as kind of my best friend who is always there for me. Since the age of 4 years, I asked my parents about God, who he was, and my first job wish was to become a priest later in my life. So as I was raised in Christian belief, I took part in Kids Church, loved to listen to the stories of Jesus and to sing modern church songs. Later I became a Youth group leader in my church and had a lot of good and joyful experiences with Youth camps and Youth weekends. So in my Christian belief I felt home, save and the people around me were good hearted and honest with me.
This background is important to understand my acting in the following story, as without this background it might seem strange how this story goes.
But whatever you believe in, may it be God and Jesus, may it be in yourself, some higher power, some other religion or nothing at all, the story is understandable for everyone, because it touches the fundamental search for love in our lives. And this is what we humans are sharing and have in common beyond all our differences in belief, culture or live style we are in.
The structure of the story
For me the story is build up like a climb on a mountain: A smooth start, a longer ramp of gaining height, a peak experience, a descent and then a kind of walking on a plateau for a while till coming back to the starting point, but as a new person, changed by the experiences during the hike.
Last words before the story starts
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
[Bible, John 1:1-5 (NIV)]
Words can be very powerful as we all know, and from time to time this becomes visible in a way we didn't expect it. If you really love someone and tell her/him that, and the one tells you trustworthy that she/he loves you the same way, then you are in heaven and everything seems to be possible, the sky is the limit.
Words can transport and create in the listener feelings, thoughts, dreams, wishes and so on. Words can heal and words can destroy, they can lift you up or pull you down. Whatever it is, whomever you talk to, be aware of the power of your words. Words in spoken or written form are the main communication channel of us humans. Sure, sounds simple and unnecessary to talk about, but I watch that nowadays words are tending to be used to manipulate others and gain control in some way over others, for whatever reasons and goals (not only in this story but all over the different media like TV, Internet, Social media etc.). This could be considered as 'fun', but hurting others with lies or gaining their trust, or manipulating them to do things they normally wouldn't do is an act of violence, and violence doesn't fit in any kind of relationship or way how people should communicate with each other.
In our very rapid and fast changing times and manifold communication media it happens
often and easily that we lose our focus, and 'just' communicate or 'just' act without reflecting our actions from time to time.
I hope this book will give you the chance to take a break from your daily life, enter a higher reality/level of life and reflect your life as it is now with all its good and not so good aspects.
Questions and answers
And as I can already feel or hear the questions of the sceptics (which I do welcome, because they open the chances for answers and new views on things), here are some of these questions and my answers to them, and maybe this helps to get this introduction finally back to the ground of our daily lives.
"Man, what is he talking about? I don't like to be told what I should do or