Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible. Andrey Tikhomirov

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Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible - Andrey Tikhomirov

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my beloved brethren: Did not God choose the poor of the world to be rich by faith and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him? (Praising the poor, whom «God has chosen to be rich by faith and heirs of the kingdom that He promised to those who love Him?»).

      6 But you have despised the poor. Are not the rich oppressing you, and are they not dragging you into the courts? (Despised – neglected, rich people are oppressors who attract the poor to the courts).

      7 Do they not dishonor the good name by which you are called? (Condemnation of rich people).

      8 If you fulfill the royal law, according to the Scripture: love your neighbor as yourself, you are doing well. (A reference to «Scripture», religious books written allegedly at the suggestion of God himself, that is, a priest-hypnotist, each religion has its own «Scriptures», in this case it means the Jewish «sacred books» – the Torah (the Pentateuch of Moses), the Tanakh, the Talmud, etc., preaching love for one’s neighbor).

      9 But if you act with hypocrisy, you commit a sin, and you turn out to be criminals before the law. (Hypocrisy is pleasantness on the face, and «behind the soul» is deception).

      10 Whoever observes the whole law and sins in one thing becomes guilty of everything. (Suggestion of guilt).

      11 For the same one who said, «Do not commit adultery,» also said, «Do not kill; therefore, if you do not commit adultery, but kill, then you are also a transgressor of the law.» (Suggestion of guilt).

      12 So speak and so act, as those who have to be judged according to the law of freedom. (Setting the legal and moral foundations of the emerging Christianity).

      13 For judgment is without mercy to him who has not shown mercy; mercy is exalted above judgment. (Setting the legal and moral foundations of the emerging Christianity).

      14 What is the use, my brethren, if someone says that he has faith, but has no works? can this faith save him? (Setting the legal and moral foundations of the emerging Christianity).

      15 If a brother or sister is naked and does not have daily food, (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      16 but some of you will say to them, «Go in peace, be warmed and fed,» but will not give them what they need for the body: what good is it? (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      17 In the same way, faith, if it has no works, is dead by itself. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      18 But someone will say, «You have faith, but I have works,» show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith from my works. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      19 You believe that God is one: you do well; and the demons believe and tremble. (The statement of monotheism-monotheism. The word «demon» (evil spirit) is associated with «infuriate», «rabid», possibly with the Latin «beast» – animal, beast, in the ancient Egyptian religion, the devil is the god of fun and dancing).

      20 But do you want to know, you unfounded person, that faith without works is dead? (Affirmation of the necessity not only of faith, but also of works).

      21 Was it not by works that our father Abraham was justified in laying his son Isaac on the altar? (References to the Old Testament history).

      22 Do you see that faith has contributed to his works, and by works faith has reached perfection? (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      23 And the word of the Scripture was fulfilled: «Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him as righteousness, and he was called the friend of God.» (That is, if Abraham did not believe in God, that is, the backstage priest-hypnotist, then, according to Talion’s rule, he would not have been «called a friend of God», would have become an enemy of the backstage priest. That’s exactly what it is!).

      24 Do you see that a man is justified by works, and not by faith alone? (Affirmation of the necessity not only of faith, but also of works).

      25 Like Rahab, did the harlot not justify herself by works, accepting spies and sending them away by another way? (References to the Old Testament history).

      26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead. (Affirmation of the necessity not only of faith, but also of works).

      Chapter 3

      1 My brethren! not many become teachers, knowing that we will be subjected to greater condemnation, (Initially, the emerging Christians were subjected to condemnation).

      2 for we all sin a lot. He who does not sin in the word is a perfect man, able to restrain the whole body. (A person is sinful, the constant suggestion of guilt is beneficial to any priests in order to constantly «shear» the sinned «sheep»).

      3 Behold, we put the bit in the mouth of the horses, so that they obey us, and we control their whole body. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      4 Behold, and the ships, no matter how big they are and no matter how strong the winds are, with a small rudder they go where the pilot wants; (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      5 so the tongue is a small member, but it does a lot. Look, a small fire ignites a lot of substance! (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      6 And the tongue is fire, the embellishment of unrighteousness; the tongue is in such a position between our members that it defiles the whole body and inflames the circle of life, being inflamed by Hell itself. (Gehenna (Hebrew: «Gay-Hinnom», that is, the valley of Hinnom or the valley) is a valley south of Jerusalem (Nav 15:8), in which idolatrous Jews burned their children in honor of the idol of Moloch (4 Kings 23:10). In the New Testament, the use of the word «gehenna» is an allegorical designation of hell).

      7 For every nature of beasts and birds, reptiles and sea animals is tamed and tamed by human nature (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      8 and none of the people can tame the tongue: it is an unstoppable evil; it is filled with deadly poison. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      9 With them we bless God and the Father, and with them we curse men created in the likeness of God. (People pronounce all the sounds of speech by exhaling air. The vocal cords located in the larynx can be brought closer and strained, then they will vibrate under the pressure of exhaled air; as a result of this vibration, a «voice» is obtained. If the exhaled air does not meet any barrier in the oral cavity, sounds called vowels are obtained. The tongue is an anatomical organ, it does not speak, but a person «speaks» with the help of exhaled air through the larynx).

      10 From the same mouth comes a blessing and a curse: it should not be so, my brethren. (Mouth-mouth also «speak», they are used for exhaled air, which translates articulate speech. The oral cavity is a kind of resonator, the size and shape of which can be changed with the help of the tongue and lips. By changing the position of the tongue and lips, a variety of vowel sounds is achieved. The sound acquires a different character if an obstacle is created to the exhaled air in the oral cavity, for example, when the lips are closed. Sounds, when uttering which exhaled air creates one or another barrier in the oral cavity, are called consonants. Consonants pronounced with a voice are called sonorous, without a voice – deaf).

      11 Does sweet and bitter [water] flow from the same orifice of the spring? (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      12 My brethren, the fig tree cannot bring olives or the vine figs. Also, one source cannot pour out salty and sweet water. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      13 Whether any of you is wise and reasonable, prove it in fact by good behavior with wise meekness. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      14 But if you have bitter envy and quarrel in your heart, then do not boast and do not lie to the truth. (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      15 This is not wisdom descending from above, but earthly, spiritual, demonic, (Analogies, comparisons, parables).

      16 for where there is envy

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