Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible. Andrey Tikhomirov

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Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible - Andrey Tikhomirov

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attributes the message of Judas to the brother of the apostle James. However, it is obvious that the author is an unknown Jewish Christian who, using the name of the apostle, created a message in defense of the faith. This epistle is entirely devoted to practical and moral issues, more than other texts it looks like the Sermon on the Mount, and in style it resembles the Old Testament book of Proverbs. The message is written in exquisite Greek. According to the content and form of the work, it can be assumed that it was created at the end of the first or at the beginning of the second century by an educated Christian Jew who wished to express his ideas about morality in writing. This epistle was included in the canon only at the beginning of the fifth century. Luther called the epistle of James a «straw epistle» and did not include it in the Protestant Bible).

      2. The First Conciliar Epistle of the Holy Apostle Peter

      Chapter 1

      1 Peter, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, the chosen ones, (Peter calls himself by the Greek name. «Aliens» who are «scattered», that is, Jews who found themselves in various corners of the vast Roman Empire. Pont (Euxine Pont from Greek. «hospitable sea») is an ancient region in the northern part of Asia Minor, inhabited by various tribes. In 301 BC under Mithridates III it was named the Kingdom of Pontus, in 64/65 BC it was incorporated into the Roman province of Bithynia and Pontus. Galatia – in ancient times a country in the central part of Asia Minor, named after the tribe of Galatians (Celtic tribes who came in the III century BC from the Southern Urals), since 25 BC as part of Rome. Cappadocia is an area in the center of Asia Minor, in the 2nd millennium BC. on the territory of Cappadocia was the center of the Hittite kingdom, in the middle of the III—I centuries BC. an independent kingdom, conquered by Rome, since 17 Roman province. Asia (Asia, from the Phoenician «sunrise», Europe – from the Phoenician «sunset») is the name of the Roman province, which included the western part of Asia Minor and the Greek cities of Asia Minor (Pergamum, Smyrna, Miletus, Ephesus). Asia was annexed to Rome in 133 BC by the will of the Pergamon king Attalus III, but there were constant uprisings against the Romans, which were brutally suppressed. Bithynia is a historical region in the north—west of Asia Minor, about 700 BC inhabited by Thracian tribes of Bithynians, was under the rule of Lydia, Achaemenids, from 297 to 74 BC. an independent kingdom, conquered by Rome. «The chosen ones» – they are de «chosen» by God, in fact, by the Christian priests who are forming to promote a new religion. Suggestion of exclusivity, «being chosen»).

      2 According to the foreknowledge of God the Father, with sanctification from the Spirit, to obedience and sprinkling with the Blood of Jesus Christ: grace to you and peace be multiplied. (Mention of God the father Yahweh; Spirit is a three—dimensional concept, including a hypnotic state, a person’s character, his abilities, etc.; Jesus Christ and his blood, blood has a sacred meaning).

      3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy has revived us by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to the hope of the living, (Praise Yahweh, who raised up his son. The question arises: why was it necessary to kill him then?!, so this is a show performance, because Yahweh’s finale should, from a religious point of view, be known).

      4 to the incorruptible, pure, unfading inheritance, stored in heaven for you, (People of antiquity believed that «gods» «live» in heaven, who only do what they check their «chosen people», they have nothing else to do!).

      5 by the power of God, through the faith of those who are kept to salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time. («By the power of God, through the faith of those who are kept to salvation,» a certain mystery will be revealed, as if).

      6 Rejoice in this, having now grieved a little, if necessary, from various temptations, (Let us grieve a little «from various temptations» and rejoice).

      7 So that your tested faith may be more precious than the gold that is being destroyed, though tested by fire, to praise and honor and glory in the appearance of Jesus Christ, (Analogies and Comparisons).

      8 Whom, having not seen, you love, and whom, having not seen until now, but believing in him, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and glorious, (The main thing for the apostles, priests is faith, that is, first suggestion, and then autosuggestion).

      9 finally achieving the salvation of souls by your faith. (Faith will save souls).

      10 This salvation included the researches and investigations of the prophets, who predicted the grace assigned to you, (Mention of the prophets).

      11 examining to which and at what time the Spirit of Christ who was in them indicated, when He foretold Christ’s sufferings and the glory that followed them. (The «Spirit» foreshadowed something, in a state of hypnotic trance, the prophets talked about anything, but their commentators (backstage priests-hypnotists) «prophesied» as it was beneficial to them).

      12 It was revealed to them that not to themselves, but to us, was served by what has now been preached to you by those who preached the gospel by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, into which the Angels desire to penetrate. (The messenger angels are the backstage priests-hypnotists).

      13 Therefore, (beloved), girding up the loins of your mind, while you are awake, put your full trust in the grace that is being given to you in the appearance of Jesus Christ. (It is suggested to rely «on the grace given to you in the appearance of Jesus Christ»).

      14 As obedient children, do not conform to the former lusts that were in your ignorance (It is necessary to fight with lusts).

      15 But, following the example of the Holy One who called you, be holy yourself in all your actions. (The «Saint who called you» – that is, the hypnotist-priest, it is necessary to be «holy in all actions», that is, obedient and compliant).

      16 For it is written, Be holy, because I am holy. (Suggestion of submission and «holiness»).

      17 And if you call the Father of the One who judges everyone according to their deeds without prejudice, then spend the time of your journey with fear (Personification of God, who «judges», instilling fear).

      18 knowing that you have not been redeemed with perishable silver or gold from the vain life that was given to you from the fathers (Analogy with «not perishable silver or gold», which is contrasted with the vain life «given to you from the fathers»).

      19 But the precious Blood of Christ, as the immaculate and pure Lamb, (the «precious» blood of Jesus Christ (the «immaculate and pure Lamb») is contrasted with the eternal life of the ancestors of the Jews).

      20 who was destined before the creation of the world, but appeared in the last times for you, (Allegedly, Jesus appeared in the world to reveal himself as an «immaculate and pure Lamb»).

      21 Those who believed through him in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that you might have faith and trust in God. (All sorts of verbal tricks designed to inspire faith in the atoning sacrifice that Yahweh allegedly made in the form of the slaughter of his son).

      22 By obeying the truth through the Spirit, having cleansed your souls to unfeigned brotherly love, constantly love each other from a pure heart, (Using the word «Spirit», which has many meanings, including a hypnotic state).

      23 [as] regenerated not from corruptible seed, but from incorruptible, from the word of God, living and abiding forever. (All sorts of verbal tricks designed to inspire faith in the atoning sacrifice that Yahweh allegedly made in the form of the slaughter of his son).

      24 For all flesh is like grass, and all human glory is like a flower on the grass: the grass has withered, and its color has fallen; (Analogies and comparisons).

      25 But the word of the LORD endures forever; and this is the word that has been preached to you. («The Word of the Lord» – suggestion by the word).

      Chapter 2

      1 So,

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