The Exodus. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible. Andrey Tikhomirov

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The Exodus. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible - Andrey Tikhomirov

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and took it out of his bosom, and behold, it became the same as his body again. (Magicians usually return the object to its normal state so that it is impossible to find out the reason for the «miracle»).

      8 If they do not believe you and do not listen to the voice of the first sign, they will believe the voice of the sign of the other; (That is, these «miracles» can be exposed, so others are needed).

      9 But if they do not believe these two signs, and do not listen to your voice, then take water from the river and pour it on dry land; and the water taken from the river will become blood on dry land. (Apparently, an underground process had begun leading to a future volcanic eruption and the priest knew about it).

      10 And Moses said to the LORD, O Lord! I am not a man of speech, [and] [such was] yesterday and the third day, and when You began to speak to Your servant: I speak hard and tongue-tied. (Here it becomes clear that Moses had been «processed» for several days, only after such psychophysiological «work» he became tongue-tied. Tongue—tied is a speech disorder consisting in the inability to correctly pronounce certain words or individual elementary sounds (letters); tongue-tied includes lisp, burr, inability to pronounce individual letters).

      11 The LORD said, «Who gave the mouth to man?» who makes you dumb, or deaf, or sighted, or blind? Am I not the Lord? (The impact on Moses continues, it is necessary to establish complete psychophysiological control over Moses’ brain, turning him into a virtual slave).

      12 Go therefore, and I will be with your mouth, and I will teach you what to say to you. (Which is confirmed, Moses actually became a necessary slave to influence his fellow tribesmen).

      13 [Moses] said, «Lord! send someone else you can send. (But Moses still resists).

      14 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses, and he said, Have you no brother Aaron, a Levite? I know that he can speak, and behold, he will come out to meet you, and when he sees you, he will rejoice in his heart; (Most likely, Aaron is an accomplice of the priest).

      15 You will speak to him and put words in his mouth, and I will be at your mouth and at his mouth and will teach you what to do; (Aaron is from Hebrew «high, mountain, mountain of light, teacher, enlightened,» the first high priest of the Jewish people, the elder brother of Moses. Because of Moses’ tongue-tied nature, Aaron had to speak for him before the people and the Egyptian Pharaoh. That is, the priest-god becomes the secret behind-the-scenes ruler, and Moses and his brother Aaron are the conductors of the will of the «higher powers», that is, the behind-the-scenes ruler).

      16 And he will speak in your stead to the people; therefore he will be your mouth, and you will be to him instead of God.; (Distribution of roles).

      17 And take this rod in your hand: with it you will do signs. (Here it turns out that this wand is «magic», that is, created for magic tricks).

      18 So Moses went and returned to Jethro his father-in-law, and said to him, «I will go and return to my brothers who are in Egypt, and see if they are still alive.» And Jethro said to Moses, Go in peace. (Moses obeys the instructions of the priest-god).

      19 And the LORD said to Moses in the land Of Midian: Go, return to Egypt, for all those who sought your soul have died. (The priest was aware of events in Egypt, which, however, is not difficult at all, since this territory (the Sinai Peninsula) is next to the African Egyptian land).

      20 And Moses took his wife and his sons, and put them on an ass, and went into the land of Egypt. And Moses took the rod of God in his hand. (Departure to Egypt).

      21 And the LORD said to Moses, When you go and return to Egypt, see that you do all the wonders that I have entrusted to you before Pharaoh, and I will harden his heart, and he will not let the people go. (The demonstration of miracles in front of the pharaoh, the priest knew the psychology of people, including kings, well, in fact, is a provocation).

      22 And tell Pharaoh: Thus saith the LORD: Israel is my son, my firstborn; (The exaltation of one people. Presumably, the Pharaoh lived in Thebes, the then capital of Egypt, but could also be in Memphis, located near the Nile Delta, the first ancient capital of unified Egypt. In 2015, Russian archaeologists discovered «white walls» in the Memphis area, reaching 11 meters wide and equipped with bastions, they were covered with a thick layer of white mortar. The gods, that is, the priests-hypnotists influenced the kings, leaders, who. in turn, they influenced the elders, since the oldest democracy was still preserved – the Council of Elders, and those, in turn, on ordinary members of the tribe. Military democracy was being created).

      23 I say to you, Let my son go, that he may serve me; but if you do not let him go, behold, I will kill your son, your firstborn. (Threats to the tsar, if this is not a provocation, then what?).

      24 On the way to the camp, it happened that the LORD met him and wanted to kill him. (The appearance of a rival priest).

      25 Then Zipporah took a stone knife, cut off the foreskin of her son, and threw it at his feet, saying: you’re the groom of my blood. (Stone products are also used, the appearance of blood symbolized a kind of kinship, in this case, the «groom of blood». That’s why they swear on blood – blood was deified, in addition, it is a custom of fraternity, posestrimstvo among women).

      26 And he departed from him. Then she said: The bridegroom of blood is circumcised. (Circumcision is a religious and magical rite of removal of the foreskin of the male genital organ. In primitive society, circumcision was an integral part of the ritual complex of age—related initiations – the initiation of young men into a group of adult men. Circumcision is recorded among the tribes of Australia, Oceania, a number of peoples of Africa (in the form of incisions on the penis itself, its dismemberment, removal of one of the testicles, certain incisions on the genitals), in Judaism and Islam, circumcision has become one of the main signs of religious affiliation, although both Arabs and Jews have known this custom for a long time before the final registration of these religions due to the hot climate and lack of water. The medical reason for circumcision is phimosis – narrowing of the foreskin. The disease is expressed in the inability to expose the glans penis. Treatment – dissection of the foreskin).

      27 And the LORD said to Aaron, Go to meet Moses in the wilderness. And he went and met him at the mountain of God, and kissed him. (The priest-lord was with Aaron and gives them both instructions).

      28 And Moses told Aaron all the words of the LORD who had sent him, and all the signs that he had commanded. (This proves that the priest needs to give various instructions and check their execution, so does an ordinary chief).

      29 And Moses went with Aaron, and they gathered all the elders of the children of Israel, (Now it is necessary to «convince» the elders).

      30 And Aaron told all the words that the LORD had spoken to Moses; and he did signs before the eyes of the people, («Miracles» are shown before the elders, so that they too would believe).

      31 And the people believed; and they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel and had seen their suffering, and they bowed down and worshipped. (Now the people also believe. Which was exactly what needed to be done!).

      Chapter 5

      1 After this Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh and said: Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel: Let my people go, that they may make me a feast in the wilderness. (Execution of the order. Moses and Aaron have access to Pharaoh).

      2 But Pharaoh said, «Who is the LORD that I should obey his voice and let Israel go?» I do not know the Lord and I will not let Israel go. (Of course, Pharaoh is against it).

      3 They said: The God of the Jews has called us; let us go into the wilderness for three days to sacrifice to the Lord our God, so that He does not strike us with a plague or a sword. (Disobedience of the Lord God brings retribution).

      4 And the king of Egypt said to them, Why do you, Moses and Aaron, distract the people from

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