The Exodus. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible. Andrey Tikhomirov

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The Exodus. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible - Andrey Tikhomirov

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and they, having embarked on their ships, left their native island. Having spewed out a colossal amount of red-hot ash and pumice, the volcano emptied its interior and the huge volcanic cone, unable to withstand its own weight, along with the deserted cities and roads on its slopes, collapsed. The sea waters gushed into the giant abyss that had formed. A giant tsunami wave formed, which washed away almost all coastal towns and villages. The Aegean civilization ceased to exist. Mount Santorini has disappeared. A huge oval abyss – the caldera of the volcano was filled with the waters of the Aegean Sea, which is clearly visible on the satellite image. The largest Minoan eruption in ancient history on the island of Tyre, or Fira, occurred in 1628 BC (dendrochronological date). The next – the most powerful – occurred in 1380 BC (approximate date). The last one happened in 1950. The island of Tira, or Fira, is located at the junction of two plates – African and Eurasian, which contributes to the occurrence of volcanic relief and manifestations of volcanic activity in these areas, including on the island of Tira).

      24 And all the Egyptians began to dig near the river to find water to drink, because they could not drink water from the river. (The Egyptians began to look for sources of clean water).

      25 And seven days were fulfilled after the LORD had smitten the river. (7 days is a short period, perhaps the tactic of «sacred» numbers is used here»).

      Chapter 8

      1 And the LORD said to Moses, Go to Pharaoh and tell him: thus saith the Lord: let my people go, so that they may serve Me; (It is difficult to say for sure which Pharaoh is meant here, perhaps it is Amenhotep IV, who became Akhenaten (the time of his reign is unknown for sure, presumably the end of the XV – beginning of the XIV century BC, the difficulty lies in the fact that the chronology in Egypt went according to the years of the reign of the pharaohs, and it is extremely difficult to determine exactly how many years have passed from this or that event to the beginning of our modern Gregorian chronology. In addition, the ancient Egyptian «civil year» did not coincide with the solar one. It was divided into 3 seasons: «flood», «shoots», «dry», consisting of 4 months of 30 days, which was 360 days, to which 5 days of holidays were added. In addition, some lists of rulers were deliberately crossed out and forwarded, others completely disappeared from official lists, what happened to Akhenaten, many lists do not indicate the duration of the reign of certain kings, but only their chronological sequence is given, different kings could also reign simultaneously in different parts of Egypt), or someone the other one. Amenhotep IV was the youngest son of Amenhotep III. However, his elder brother Thutmose died during his father’s lifetime, as a result of which the succession passed to Amenhotep. Egyptologists disagree on whether Amenhotep IV was the co-ruler of his father, who was seriously ill in recent years, and if so, for how long. Initially, historians tended to conclude that Amenhotep IV had been his father’s co-ruler for quite a long time, presumably until the age of 12. Modern Egyptologists Eric Klein, Nicholas Reeves, Peter Dorman and others tend to conclude that if the period of joint rule took place, it could not have been longer than 2 years. Donald Redford, William Murnane, Alan Gardner and Lawrence Berman deny the possibility of joint rule of Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV. In 2014, the Egyptian Ministry for the Protection of Antiquities announced that the study of the inscriptions on the grave of Amenhotep III proves the joint rule of Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV for eight years. Regardless of the possibility of joint rule, Amenhotep IV was not depicted in the monuments created by his father. Akhenaten’s mother Teye (Erich Tseren, «Biblical Hills», Moscow, Pravda Publishing house, 1986, pp.404—405) was the daughter of the Mesopotamian king Mitanni (the state of Mitanni was located approximately at the junction of the current borders of Syria, Iraq and Turkey, where there are now battles with the IS troops). And Mitanni was in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC one of the most powerful states. Analysis of a number of proper names from Mitanni and surrounding areas, including the names of members of the royal dynasty, shows the presence of Indo-European elements in Mitanni, related to the Indo-European tribes of Northern India. This is even more clearly indicated by the mention in the treaties between the Hittite kingdom (the Hittite language is Indo—European) and Mitanni, among others, also Indian deities – Indra, Varuna and the twin brothers Ashwin, under one of their names – «Nasatya», as well as the presence of a number of Indian words in the Hittite translation of the treatise on horse breeding Mitanni Kikkuli).

      2 But if you do not agree to let go, then, behold, I will strike your whole region with frogs; (Toads, most likely, have already begun to appear and the priest scares them with their appearance).

      3 and the river will rise up with frogs, and they will go out and enter into your house, and into your bedroom, and on your bed, and into the houses of your servants and your people, and into your ovens, and into your sauerkraut (Frogs have come out of rivers and lakes because of the water in them deteriorated, which, in turn, is associated with the manifestation of volcanism).

      4 Frogs will come up on you, and on your people, and on all your servants. (Toads can appear anywhere).

      5 And the LORD said to Moses: Say to Aaron, Stretch out your hand with your rod over the rivers, over the streams, and over the lakes, and bring out the frogs on the land of Egypt. (The wand is a distraction here, in fact the toads have been on the way for a long time).

      6 Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came out and covered the land of Egypt. (That’s what all magicians do).

      7 The magi did the same with their enchantments, and brought frogs to the land of Egypt. (The Magi of Egypt can also do such «miracles»).

      8 Then Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and said, «Pray to the LORD that he will remove the frogs from me and from my people, and I will let the people go to sacrifice to the LORD.» (Sooner or later toads will leave this territory, looking for the necessary clean water).

      9 Moses said to Pharaoh, «Appoint for me a time when I will pray for you, for your servants, and for your people, so that the frogs will disappear from you, in your houses, and remain only in the river. (Supposedly prayer will solve the issue, in fact, here we are also talking about a distracting moment, the gods, having heard the appeal to themselves, will have mercy and remove the toads).

      10 He said, Tomorrow. [Moses] answered: [It will be] according to your word, so that you may know that there is no one like the Lord our God; (We need a demonstration that the god of Moses and Aaron is stronger than all other gods).

      11 and the frogs will depart from you, from your houses, and from your servants, and from your people; only in the river will they remain. (Magma flows will come to the surface sooner or later and the water will gradually clear).

      12 Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh, and Moses cried to the LORD about the frogs that he had brought upon Pharaoh. (Toads should disappear).

      13 And the LORD did according to the word of Moses: toads died out in houses, courtyards and fields; (Of course, after a while the toads who could not find clean water died).

      14 and they gathered them in heaps, and the earth stank. (Now the earth also began to emit different odors and gases due to the numerous corpses of toads).

      15 When Pharaoh saw that there was relief, he hardened his heart and did not listen to them, just as the LORD had said. (Pharaoh still does not believe in the god of Moses and Aaron).

      16 And the LORD said to Moses: Say to Aaron, Stretch out your rod and strike the dust of the earth, and it will become gnats throughout all the land of Egypt. (The wand is again a distraction, in fact, midges appear over the remains of toads).

      17 So they did: Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod and struck the dust of the earth, and gnats appeared on people and cattle. All the dust of the earth became gnats throughout the land of Egypt. (Male midges feed only on plant juices, females of most species are bloodsuckers, but at the same time they, like males, feed on plant juices, for the development of female eggs, blood sucking is necessary. Therefore, during the mating period, they accumulate in mass around people

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