Russia. Crimea. History. Nikolay Starikov

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Russia. Crimea. History - Nikolay Starikov

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who were gathering there at that moment[23]. But somebody has ordered. In order to create a “casus” a number of aggressive football fans from the Western Ukraine were brought to Kiev. After idling for several days at countryside’s camps, they shown up at Maidan “just in time” and began fight with “Berkut” – they began to throw bottles, rocks and stones, metal sticks and fittings into the police rows. After having this done, they have just quickly disappear from the crowd, leaving the “romantics of the Eurointegration” eye-to-eye with the angered and furious policemen. Of course, these “romantics” have felt the hard way all power of the retaliation. Very interesting detail pertaining to this event, which became known only at summer 2014. Ukrainian mass media reported that the police lieutenant colonel Sergey Alexeevich Boiko, who commanded the crackdown on the “unhappy stormy petrels of the Maidan” and was initially in a lustration list as a person, responsible for beating of the pro-Euro-integration protesters, was eventually… promoted to a higher position already by the new power. He has taken a position of a head of the public security police of Kiev[24]. So, that is how the new power “punished” colonel Boiko, who, in fact, helped them to overthrow the President Yanukovich.

      The picture of the sanguinary crackdown of peaceful demonstrators was immediately broadcasted by all Ukrainian (and not only Ukrainian) TV-channels. Several journalists were wandering about the streets with the allegedly “broken heads”, without any attempts to stop bleeding, giving interviews with blood blemished faces – in several hours after this event. Any injured person would first try to stop bleeding and wipe blood from face – but not these “heroes” whose aim was just to pose for cameras. It was one of the “cunning tricks” of Gene Sharp – one should have a small plastic bag with an animal’s blood; in a certain moment, when a crowd was pushing and squeezing especially hard, this small bag needs to be punctured or smashed on top of a head with horrifying yelling “police-killing-help-me!” A “swanky” close-up is ensured!

      1 December 2013. After the police crackdown on the Maidan protesters, which was (“surprisingly”) comprehensively and promptly enlightened by ALL TV channels, the streets of Kiev became overflowed with indignant people. The specially trained militants, using the thousands of “normal” protesters as a “human shield”, began to act. The general situation in Kiev dramatically aggravated.

      • From the 1 December 2013, the main focus of the protest rallies shifted from the demands of the Euro-integration to resignation of the Government and the President: Arseniy Yatsenyuk called on the Western countries to impose sanctions against the top Ukrainian officials as a response to the crackdown on the Saturday’s (30 November) rally of the supporters of the Euro-integration. He also declared his intention to organize a voting in the Supreme Rada on the draft resolution about the dismissal of the Government. “We will not go away from here until the Azarov’s Government will resign” – he claimed[25].

      • During the whole day and night before the rally of the 1st of December, calls for the mobilization of the “Right sector” were dominating the Internet. The militants were instructed: “Take bottles of paint, any … Sprinkle them not with gas, but with paint – their helmets. They will not be able to see through, they will be forced to get them off… Take knives, pierce through tyres of every vehicle around, do everything that can cause problems with traffic on the streets (all would pardon us, the time is such…). Gas cylinders, preferably several, better to use indoors. Expel everybody from subways to the streets”[26].

      • Approximately at 13:00 was seized a building at Kreshchatik street 36; it was the residence of the Kiev City Municipality and the Kiev City Council. After a short while MPs from “Svoboda” party took the full control over the building – they organized there a place where the protesters could warm up. At the same time, being afraid of possible storming of the building by police forces, the occupying squads began to fortify the building from inside, using everything that may come in handy – for example, furniture. The building became gradually surrounded by a crowd of thousands – most of them moved into this place from the central rally at the Maidan. Many of them were just wandering inside the building staring at everything like being on an excursion[27].

      • Groups of “peaceful protesters”, armed with bats, chains, stones, traumatic weapons and bottles filled with flammable liquids, tried to break through to the Presidential Administration. In order to break through a police cordons they used a tractor of city utility services, which was stationed close to a fence surrounding the main big New Year Tree at the Maidan. Next, about 200 militants with masks of their faces attempted to break through the police cordons. They were throwing firecrackers towards the police, sprinkling some gases on them. The conscripted soldiers, who were holding the first line of the police defense, were beaten with chains. “Molotov’s cocktails” were also from time to time thrown at the police cordons. There are a lot of evidence of this in form of video recordings[28]. Fifteen policemen were wounded; one of them was hurt by a backhoe. Another one was pressed by the backhoe to a turnstile, he lost consciousness. Three more police officers were poisoned with unknown gas[29]. Closer to the evening, the “Berkut” special forces, which were most of the day located behind the police cordons, moved forward to the front line and pushed back the militants.

      • At 14:40 1 December 2013 some representatives of the parties “Svoboda” and “Batkivshchina” have broken the entrance doors of the Trade Union House (the address is Maidan Nezalezhnosti, 18/2), seized the building and stopped the commercials of a big video screen. The guards of the Trade Union House left the captured building. Oleg Tyagnibok stated that from now on, this building will be the headquarter of the National Resistance[30]. In order to prevent looting and vandalizing the building, the leaders of the Ukrainian Trade Unions would later make an agreement with the invaders about a “rental” of the building for just a symbolic fee. It would not help – during the climax of the unrest, 18 February 2014; – the House of the trade Unions would be burned. Later, on 2 May 2014 one more House of Trade Unions would be burned – that time in Odessa. There, the militants of nationalists organizations – i. e. those, whom in December 2013 were called by the Western and Ukrainian journalists as “peaceful protesters” – would cruelly murder about fifty civilians (it was a real massacre – first to wound, then – to kill for certain; or to burn alive in the already set on fire building). This is according to the official statement. Unofficially – it is believed, that in the Odessa Trade union House more than 100 people were assassinated.

      • The same day 1 December 2013 the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea declared, that the “current opposition actions in Kiev are jeopardizing the political and economic stability in Ukraine” and that “a handful of politicos are trying to seize the power in the country, pretending that they are defending the European vector of the social development”[31].

      2 December 2013. “The peaceful protesters” has blocked the entrance into the building of the Ukrainian Government, and made the routine operation of the Prime Minister’s apparatus impossible – they blocked the Hrushevsky street, and they did not let governmental officers to their working places. The Speaker of the Supreme Rada claimed that should be held a round table with the participation of representatives of the opposition and the Government. However, the opposition leaders declined to participate in the negotiations[32].

      • Crimea. The same day the Crimean Parliament addressed to the President Yanukovich an appeal to undertake some actions in order to restore public and social order in the country, as well as to introduce a state of emergency if the situation would require such extreme steps. 76 deputies out of 78 totally voted supported the Appeal[33].

      3 December 2013. Crimea. The Presidium of the Supreme Council of

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Instead of accurate and precise work on instigators in the crowd, there were deliberately deployed “carpet bombing”, when everybody could become an object of brutal force. Of course, it resulted in escalation of indignation. Ultimately, this rude and stupid crackdown of the protesters has become the starting point of the future real coup d’état.

<p>24</p> (in Russian).


Ukrainian Interior Ministry has denied that the Russian special forces “Vityaz” came to aid to local police forces. novityaz.html (in Russian).

<p>26</p> (as of 14 June 2014, in Russian).


M. Petrik, O. Omelianchuk. The Kiev’s City Hall has been made a revolution’s headquarter. (in Russian).


L. Donetskaya. The Extremists have beaten the “Berkut” soldiers with chains close to the Presidential Administration.


The “Euro-integrators” crushed policemen by a tractor and poisoned with gas. (in Russian).


In Kiev, the protesters seized the House of Trade Unions. (in Russian).

<p>31</p> (in Russian).


The Maidan chronology. (as of 14 June 2014, in Russian).


Crimean parliament urged Yanukovich to enter a state of emergency. (in Russian).