Остров Харона. The Island of Charon. Премия им. А. де Сент-Экзюпери / A. de Saint-Exupery Award (Билингва: Rus / Eng). Александра Крючкова
Читать онлайн книгу.between Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th that collided the Forces of Evil and Good and became fatal for the main characters of «The Island», Alice and Mark, – instead of love, on the long-awaited first date a horror irony of fate met them.
Yes, I started writing «The Island of Charon» in the Greek village of Ouranoupolis, located on the border of Orthodox Athos, in the house of a beekeeper, where I lived in the summer (just since 2014, the year of my acquaintance with the pagan Camotes) in a small cell overlooking the tiny island of Ammouliani, the former possession of the Athos monastery of Vatopedi. Thus, two Islands appeared in the book, the one still «owned» by the magicians (Camotes) and the one, until recently, owned by the monks (Ammouliani). They create a Portal as a temptation for the souls, tearing between their Lower and Higher Selves not only during life, but also in the afterlife, for the souls, which sooner or later must make their final choice in favor of the Forces of Light or Darkness.
I started writing the book without knowing whether Mark would reach the Athos monks, who would meet Alice in the Other World, which way exactly the fate of my characters would be developed in the Other Reality, whether they would be able to avoid the traps of the Astral and leave the ghostly Island…
Have I been nursing a murder committed by the Forces of Darkness in the territory of the Forces of Light for all these seven years? It sounds scary. But no, of course, this is a mystical journey with elements of philosophy and the inside-out detective.
The reason for this is my habit of looking at Earth and earthly life from the Other Reality, that is, from the Looking Glass, from the Subtle World, located beyond our existence.
«Why?» you ask. I’m interested in looking at everything here from the Outside, from the Sky, not vice versa. It has been interesting since childhood (we all come from our childhood, and mine one is associated with many deaths), so my novels in the series «Playing Another Reality» are an attempt to understand earthly life, going beyond its framework and looking at it from the «Outside», and at the same time to explore the «Outside».
Thus, in ordinary detectives everyone is looking for a murderer and sooner or later finds him, and the reason of the murder is usually explained by the author in terms of logic of the human (!) mind, feelings, and emotions (desire for inheritance, revenge, envy, hatred, etc.).
However, in «The Island» the identity of the murderer does not matter much after all (although, of course, it will be revealed to the reader), and the real reason of the murder is unlikely to be correctly established even by the most experienced detective, it is known only to the Creator.
«Why?» you ask me again. Because this story is about something else… It is about the Eternal and the Transient, the Dual Soul and the Divine Spirit, the thirst for Love and its likeness. It is about the search for the Real among phantoms and illusions. About the right of choice and predestination. About the fact that life is a constant movement forward, and about Hope that cannot be lost, even if everything is already behind… because it only seems so!
Honored Writer of the Moscow Сity Organization
of the Union of Writers of Russia,
laureate of international literary awards
The magazine «Literary Moscow»/ «Moskva literaturnaya» No. 1, 2022.
«Для любителей нестандарта! Здесь всё не так, «как принято». Эта история расширяет сознание. У каждого – свой остров, но взгляд из Иной реальности на земную жизнь простых смертных – прекрасная возможность сделать паузу и поразмышлять о настоящем и вечном…»
«For lovers of non-standard! It is not „business as usual“ here. This story expands the mind. Everyone has the own island, but a look from an Other Reality at the earthly life of mere mortals is a great opportunity to pause and reflect on the present and the eternal…»
«Потрясающий мистический триллер для экранизации! Всё начинается с загадок таинственного острова, на котором шаманят колдуны, растёт Дерево Желаний и функционирует Портал в иные миры. Затем сюжет плавно перетекает в историю одного убийства, но в итоге личность убийцы становится уже и не столь важной, потому что жизнь после смерти продолжается, и ты сам выбираешь, каким именно образом!»
«An amazing thriller for a screen adaptation! It begins with the secrets of a mysterious island, where magicians practice Voodoo, the Wish Tree grows and the Portal to other worlds functions. Then the plot smoothly flows into the story of a murder, but the identity of the murderer becomes not so important in the end, because life after death goes on, and you choose which way yourself!»
«Остров-искушение, экзамен, через который предстоит пройти каждому. Книга заставляет посмотреть на собственную жизнь иначе, а „смерть вторая“ на кладбище воспоминаний переворачивает всё внутри. Впечатлил финал…»
«The island is a temptation, an exam that everyone has to go through. The book makes you look at your own life differently, and the „second death“ in the cemetery of memories turns everything inside. I am impressed by the ending!»
«Лаконично и философски-глубоко! Волна превращается в цунами и погружает тебя с головой в Океан небесного света через историю о любви и смерти, в которой побеждает Творец и его замыслы на каждого из нас…»
«It is laconic and philosophically profound! A small wave turns into tsunami and plunges you headlong into the Ocean of the Divine Light through a story about love and death, in which the Creator and his plans on each of us win…»
«Дерево Желаний – ловушка для души! Интересно, какие три желания загадал бы я на месте персонажей. Получилось бы у меня разгадать загадку Харона и свалить с этого проклятого острова?»
«The Wish Tree is a trap for one’s sole! I wonder… what three wishes I would make if I were there. Would I be able to solve the riddle of Charon and get off this damned island?»
Е. Талленика: «Магический плен»
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